Chapter 34 - James

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After my interaction with James, I finally managed to find my way to the docks and went aboard the Jolly Roger. It wasn't long before Hook, Tink and the rest of the crew came back as well.

I tried to avoid them the rest of the evening but it was difficult considering I was staying on Hooks ship. I thought about running away but what good would that do. I just needed to find a way to reason with them but they weren't having any of it.

It was almost noon and I started to walk towards the place where I bumped into James yesterday. It didn't take me long to get there and as soon as I did I saw him eagerly waiting for me. As soon as he saw me, he started smiling and immediately walked up to me.

"You came!", he shouts in excitement.

"I did say I would, didn't I?", I laughed.

"Come on then", he said, taking my hand and gently pulling me along with him.

As he promised, we spend at least an hour going around the village as we talked and got to know each other. It was quite a small village and there wasn't much to see but at least I kind of knew my way around it now.

Soon after, he takes me to the outskirts of the village, where the woods are, and we sit down on the top of some rocks that are on the ground. We sit facing the village and I can see the ocean not to far from me.

"Thank you for that", I spoke up.

"It's no problem, it was nice doing something different for a change", he says.

"What are you usually doing then?", I question.

"Working for my father. We collect and sell food to make a living. That's why I was carrying the cart of fruits yesterday when you bumped into me", he explains.

"I see", I stated, not really sure of what else to say.

"So, tell me a bit about yourself Liv?", he asks me out of the blue, changing the subject.

"There's not much to know about me really", I explained. I wasn't going to tell him about my past and about Neverland, I was trying to forget it.

"I'm sure that's not true", he replies.

"Nothing interesting anyway", I continue.

"What about your family?", he questions, seeing I want to move on.

"I never knew my parents, they left me when I was a baby I suppose. I don't even know if I have any siblings or not. It's just been me and my friends my whole life but eventually they either seem to betray me or I lose them in one way or another way", I explained.

"I'm so sorry", he gives me a sympathetic look.

"It's okay, I don't wanna bore you with my sob story", I laugh it off.

"What about you then?", I continued.

"I guess I'm the same as you, there's not much to know. I've lived in this village my whole life. It's just me and my father but we don't get along that well. Ever since my mom was killed by an ogre and my older brother disappeared he's never been the same but he wasn't great in the first place", he explains.

"I'm so sorry", I say saddened. But I started to process what he had just said properly and I realised something.

"You said you're brother disappeared?", I queried.

"Yeah", he said softly with deep breaths. It was clear that the subject upset him.

"It was just a normal day; we worked then went to bed and the next morning I woke up and he was gone without a trance. I don't know if he ran away or something bad happened. He never said goodbye or left a note or anything. I never found out what happened to him", he continued.

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