Chapter 7 - Training

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When the smoke cleared, I looked around and we were in another clearing surrounded by a dozen lost boys and weapons.

As soon as we arrive, to my surprise, Pan chucked me a sword. I barely caught it but I just about managed to.

"And this is for?...", I questioned in confusion and shook.

"Fight him", he said sternly.

"What-t? Who?", I asked in frustration. And without warning a boy came more into the light, holding a sword. But this wasn't just any boy.

"You?", I questioned in surprise as Alex was standing there, ready to fight me.

"I'm not doing this", I insisted as I turned to Pan.

"Yes you are", he demanded, smirking. And before I could object, all of a sudden, Alex started jabbing his sword at me, starting a fight. I had no choice but to fight back with my sword even though I had no experience with a sword.

I knew I would never win this fight, but I don't think Alex was scared to stab or kill me, especially after our previous encounter yesterday.

I don't think Pan would mind either as he just wanted to see what I could do with a sword and what I was capable of. But most importantly he wanted to watch the show. I wasn't the only one who knew I wouldn't win this fight or any for that matter.  I ignored all the lost boys commenting or cheering around me.

Too be far I wasn't doing to badly, Alex had no nicked me yet and there was a balance of power when he was fighting me, which was unexpected. I thought I'd be dead by now. It was like the bow and arrow, like I secretly knew what I was doing.

Suddenly, when in my thoughts, Alex came at me powerfully, probably from frustration of not being about to win yet, and nicked me on the cheek with his sword. As I touched my face, a dark crimson red could be seen on my hands.

"Awww did someone get a graze", Alex said in a sarcastic manner, which mad me angry. So I started to swing my sword in his direction with more aggression and more concentration.

Every time he came at me with his sword I managed to block it, well just about. I don't know how but it felt like I knew what I was doing, just like with archery.

But when I was starting to be some what more powerful at fighting him, he used his sword to knock mine out of my hands and kicked it away. I watched it drop to the floor and realised I had failed.

He turned to the other lost boys to be cocky and show of his victory. As he was distracted by his own victory and ignorance, I quickly grabbed my sword and knocked his out of his hands.

I put the end of my sword to his throat as he put up his hands in defeat. I looked at Pan as if to say what do I do now as I sighed in relief that I actually might have won.

To my complete shock he replied bluntly with, "Kill him".

"W-What?", I asked in shock and confusion.

"Do it", he said even more bluntly, shouting slightly.

I turned and looked at Alex in the eyes. Even though he was a dick, I didn't have the strength to kill him, I couldn't do it. And I think everyone there knew that, it was just another test.

"You can't do it, and you never will be able to. You wanna know why? Because you're too weak", Alex said as he smirked knowing that I couldn't kill him. I lowered my sword.

"Your right, I can't do it", I sighed in defeat, not concentrating on Alex, who took this opportunity to snatch the sword out of my hands.

He grabbed me, threw me against the tree and pressed my sword against my neck. "But I can", he declared and started to press the sword closer to my neck.

"Enough", Pan shouted slightly as he used his magic to make the sword disappeared from under my neck. I caught my breath.

"Everyone get back to training", he commanded and as soon as he did all the boys scattered quickly. All a part from Alex who looked at me in annoyance and walked off slowly. Leaving me alone with Pan.

"Why did you do that", I asked, confused at why he stopped Alex.

"I can't let you die....yet", he paused. "The fun has only just begun", he smirked.

"Why did you tell me to kill your own lost boy", I questioned again.

"I knew you couldn't kill him", he said in response.

"You don't know anything about me", I said in annoyance and frustration. He just made me fight with a boy who could have easily killed me.

"He could of killed me", I argued.

"But he didn't, so stop complaining and realise that you won a fight, even though you've never used one before, how is that so?", he asked, curiously.

"I don't know, it just felt like I knew how to do it for some reason. I know that makes no sense", I said.

"All I know is you preformed like one of my lost boys and maybe even better, you mind if I call you a lost girl now", he said slyly and smirked at me as he chuckled.

"I'll never be a lost girl", I replied bluntly.

A.N: I'm not very good at fight scenes so I hope it was alright 😅

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Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 21.08.19


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