Chapter 4 - Thomas

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I slowly open my eyes, realising that I was once again in Pans tent and lying on a cot. I begin to sit up and rub my head in confusion, trying to remember what had happened last.

My mind was completely muddled. My eyes were extremely heavy and my head hurt a lot, like I had been sleeping for hours but I still felt physically exhausted.

Through my blurred eyes and groggily state, I notice Pan looking over at me as he stands still on the other side of the tent.

"What happened?", I ask him with a groan.

Then I realised.

I remember being shot with an arrow but how was I not dead? I immediately pull up my clothing to see where my wound is, only to see that there is no wound.

"How is that possible?", I stutter, in confusion and shock.

"I healed you", he grins at my shock.

"Why did you shoot me in the first place?!", I yell, standing up from the cot.

"Technically, I didn't shoot you", he smirks.

"Then why did you order it?", I ask.

"I told the boys to hunt you and they did", he says as if he's stating the obvious.

"It wasn't necessary", I insist.

"But it was fun", he chuckles.

"Consider it a punishment", he adds.

"Punishment?", I question.

"You know, for all the rules you've broken Alice. I warned you there would be consequences, you shouldn't be surprised", he explains.

"You seriously had the audacity to disobey me, run away and hurt my lost boys", he continues.

Hurt his lost boys? I guess he is talking about when they were trying to capture me and I defended myself. But they literally shot me with a bloody arrow!

"Hurt your lost boys? They tried to kill me!", I shout back.

"We wouldn't want to kill you at this stage of the game, now would we? They only injured you in order to capture you and since you turned to violence, they were only returning it", he says in a cocky tone.

"Oh well that makes it all better then", I respond sarcastically as I roll my eyes.

"But if you didn't run away it wouldn't have happened", he states with a familiar smirk and I finally snap.

"You are not in charge of me, you don't own me and you can't control me. I should be allowed to do anything and go anywhere without anyones permission", I hiss.

He was really pissing me off and he knew it. He must of been trying to get a raise out of me and it was working.

"That's where your wrong", he then pauses and steps closer to me.

"You. Are. Mine. Meaning that you will listen to me and obey my rules", he finishes.

This pushed me over the edge, the last of my resilience was gone. But I stayed I kept it in as I remember the last time I tried to hurt him, it didn't really work out.

"Is everyone else on this island as insane as you are?", I ask, though it wasn't really a question.

He clearly was and the lost boys have all proven they follow their leaders example. And I don't think there is anyone else on this island it seems.

He laughs evilly in response, lifting an eyebrow, as if he finds me amusing to watch. I quickly rolled my eyes again, I was too tired to run now. If I want to escape this island I'm going to have to be smart about it.

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