Chapter 33 - The Enchanted Forest

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Suddenly, my eyes shot open and I instantly realise I am not lying in the woods anymore. I immediately get up from the lying position I was in and check my wound.

There is now a large bandage wrapped around my waist and the pain has decreased by a lot. I thought for sure I'd be dead, but miraculously I wasn't. Which only meant one thing. I got out of Neverland.....alive.

As soon as the realisation hit me, I look around at where I am and realise that I'm on the Jolly Roger. I am lying on a bed inside a room on the ship.

"I'm glad to see you're finally awake", a voice speaks up. I look over to see Hook smiling at me.

"How long have I been out?", I questioned him, rubbing my head.

"Just a few days", he replied.

"Where are we?", I asked. I could still tell we were in water but I wasn't sure where.

"The enchanted forest", he responded. I knew about this place from Thomas as he told me he grew up here. Unlike my home, it had magic.

"W-We actually got out?", I stammered, shocked in bewilderment. He smiled at me and nodded his head.

"Come on, I'll take you to see Tink", he stated, as he opened the door and gestured me to come out with him. I slowly get off the bed and walk with him off of the ship and onto the wooden docks.

We walk through, what seemed to be a village. It had dirt roads with wooden carts travelling along it as well as people, who were dressed in rags and old fashioned clothes.

The village was surrounded by woods and the houses were small and made out of stone, covered by hay, making the roof tops. This was definitely not London.

After serveral minutes of walking, we arrived at a building and as soon as we walked inside. I realised quickly that it was a tavern, judging by the alcohol surrounding us.

We approach a table full of pirates, that I recognise from the Jolly Roger, and I quickly realise that Tinkerbell is by their side drinking and celebrating. She immediately realises our presence and looks at me with joy and surprise.

"Look who it is", she shouts out to the others around her as they all cheer and raise their glasses at me.

"What was that for?", I giggle in surprise, looking over at Hook.

"Celebration of course. You're the reason we're here. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be free or off of that curseded island", he states.

He proceeds to pick up a glass from the wooden table and lifts it up in the air. "To Alice", he shouts as they all cheer again, lifting their own glasses up.

"Care to take a seat", Hook says as he sits down himself and I join beside him, facing Tink on the other side.

"How are you feeling", Tink smiles.

"Alright, I guess. I haven't had much time to process everything that's happened to be honest. And-", I start to explain but instantly stop as I remember something.

"Wait, how did you know about the plan", I asked Tink.

"Jack told me everything. Before he left with that bean, he found me and told me what had happened. I communicated with Hook right away and we activated the plan", she explained.

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