Chapter 23 - Betrayal

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There I was, left on the ground holding the dead girls body in my arms. What do I do now. I can't just go back to the camp and pretend it didn't just happen. I choose Masons life over that innocent girls.

I do like Mason but who knows what he's done to other people as a lost boy. Pan's taught them to be ruthless killers and I am sure he is not innocent.

But when I looked into Wendy's eyes, I could see she had done no wrong. She had two brothers waiting for her and now they will never see her again. Not to mention Baelfire.

The guilt was eating me alive. My breathing became more heavy and more tears came from my eyes but I was too in shock of what had happened to cry properly as my throat was hitched.

I needed to find Mason, I needed to tell him to stay away from me. If he didn't, he could end up just like Thomas and I wouldn't let that happen.

I got up, staring back at Wendy's body.  "I'm so sorry", I said and headed back to the camp.

I didn't want anyone to see me as I didn't want to go back there, I just wanted to talk to Mason far away from where Pan or his minions could listen in.

I stood behind the oaks at the baseline of the camp, looking for Mason. I couldn't find him anywhere and I had almost been spotted by several lost boys.

"Alice?", a confused voice called out from behind me.
I turned around and to my surprise, it was Mason and he was holding fire wood in his arms. "What are you doing?", he chuckled.

"Shhh, I need to talk to you. But not here", I said in a quiet voice.

"You look distressed, what's wrong?", he asked.

"I'll explain, just please come with me", I pleaded.

"But I need to bring the fire wo-", he began to speak.

"Please, it's important", I interrupted. He nodded his head and dropped the fire wood by the tree. I walked in the opposite direction at an alarming pace, trying to get as far away as possible. Mason struggled to keep up with me.

"Slow down", Mason said chuckling, but I did not respond. We had finally come to a clearing near the edge of the woods, it was far enough away from the camp to talk.

"What's this about?", Mason chuckled as he hit my hand in a playful way.

"This isn't a joke Mason, listen to me", I said as his face turned even more confused. "I'm sorry, we can't carry on this...whatever it is", I say with sadness.

"What? Why?", he asked confused.

"We just can't", I say, I didn't know what to tell him.

"This is because of Thomas isn't it? God I knew it", he says in annoyance.

"What?", I ask in confusion.

"You love each other don't you?", he asks.

"No that's not it. I like you, I really do it's just-", I end my sentence with a sigh instead of actual words.

"Look I get it, you love Thomas but you don't need to make accus-", he began to explain, but I cut him off out of frustration.

"Thomas is dead", I shouted out, I couldn't keep it in anymore, he deserved the truth.

"What?", he said sadden in disbelief.

"Pan killed him and then he lied about it and I'm worried he's going to do the same to you", I explain.

"That makes no sense why would he kill him?", Mason questioned.

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