Chapter 30 - The Test

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I continued to sprint through the woods to find Tinkerbells treehouse. I didn't know exactly where it was though, the island was huge and I barely knew my way around it. But I knew the area that it was in and I'd find it eventually.

I need to tell her so much and I have very little time to do so. I'll have to rely on her to find baelfire, find a way to trap Pan and communicate with Hook to discuss the plans.

After a while, I stopped at an area of the woods. It looked familiar and I instantly knew that her treehouse was near. It took me a few minutes to find it, but as soon as I did I immediately clicked up the ladder to find her.

"Tinkerbell", I cry out. But no answer.

"TINKERBELL!", I shout, but still no answer.

I frantically look around her treehouse but there is no sign of her here. She must be out somewhere on the island but I don't have much time, I need to speak to her now before they find me.

I decide to leave the treehouse, surely she can't be far from the area, I might be able to find her if I search around. I don't have time to wait at the treehouse.

A sudden rustling comes from the trees around me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I know someone is here. I pray that it is tinkerbell but I don't think I would be that lucky.

Instead, Felix appears out from the darkness with his wooden club over one shoulder, slowly stalking towards me. This can't happen. I didn't even find tinkerbell.

As I back away from him and get ready to run, I am grabbed by two other boys. Of course, how did I not see this coming. I struggle to get out of there grips but I know I won't be able to.

"Nice stunt you pulled back there, but did you really think it would be long before we found you again", he smirks. I sighed in response. He started to walk towards me.

"Give her to me and tell the other boys to continue the game", they nodded in response.

They push me over to Felix as he grabs my arm and drags me through the woods. I noticed that we weren't going in the direction of the camp.

"Where are we going?", I asked confused.

"Pan has got something to show you", he smirks at me, but I do not respond. That didn't answer my question, I think to myself. Pan and his boys do love to be cryptic.

Not before long, we arrive in a clearing where Pan is standing and waiting, waiting for me. He turns around when he hears us coming and smirks. I can tell something bad is planned.

"She was at Tinkerbells treehouse, just as you suspected", Felix tells Pan, keeping his strong grip on me. Well, shit. They must have seen me and I didn't even notice.

"She won't help you find a way of the island you know, she's loyal to me. But it doesn't really matter because you couldn't find her anyway", he chuckles. I don't know how to respond so I say nothing.

He knew exactly why I was there, of course he did. But I believe he thinks that is the first time I have visited. I don't think he knows about mine and Tinks previous conversations because I know she's not loyal to him. He certainly doesn't know about me and Hooks plans, at least I had one advantage.

"But you're not the only one trying to find a way off the island are you?", he said tilting his head to the side.

Before I could react, a couple of lost boys push Jack into the clearing. I guess it was a matter of time before he found out. Not even Amy can distract him enough from my plans.

I notice how Jack does not leave the ground. He's panting and looks in despair and shock. I struggle against Felix to go to him as Pan nods his head to let me go.

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