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I sprint as fast as I possibly can through the thick, dark forest as I attempt to dodge the tree oaks in front of me, that are blocking my way.

I stumble my way through as I let fear and worry control my movements. Branches, as thick as a brick, cause me to slow down as I fumble over them.

Even though there are numerous trees surrounding me, I know that there is nowhere to hide. My only hope is to continue to scurry my way through, like a deer trying to get away from its predator.

I try to breathe in and out as much as my lungs allow me to but the only thing that comes in is the earthy taste of pine coming from the trees that tower above me.

Dirt and mud crawl their way in between my bare feet as I run, hearing every twig snap and every leaf crush under the weight of my body.

I'm absolutely terrified to look behind me but I can't help myself as my head frantically tosses and turns from side to side, just waiting for a figure to appear.

I can feel them watching me, taunting me, laughing at my attempts to escape the inevitability of being caught. I was being hunted.

The thought doesn't stop me though. My determination to get away drives me to carry on and force my body to do things that my brain is screaming at me not to do.

I couldn't do it anymore, I had to stop. I rest my hand on the brittle bark of a nearby tree as I strive to get my breath back, so I can continue to bolt.

I know I don't have much time so, I reluctantly push myself of the tree I was resting on only to bump into someone. But it wasn't just someone, it was him.

"Hello Alice", he smirks.


I wake up gasping and panting for air, as I get up into a sitting position. As I do, I realize that it wasn't just a dream, but the same dream I had been having for ages now.

I didn't know if there was a meaning or message behind it but it was stating irritate me. Why couldn't I have a nice and pleasant dream that could take me away from reality and make me happy.

As I peer out of the orphanage window, I can see rays of sunshine seeping their way through the glass, blinding me in the process. 

"WAKE UP!", a voice screeches as the door slams open.

I look over to see Miss Harris, the owner of the orphanage, and the cruelest woman I've ever met. Out of fear, everyone in the room instantly wakes up and gets out of bed.

We all quickly scurry out of the room and make our way to the dining room to get our breakfast, if you can even call it that.

Placed in front of me is the plainest and most disgusting sloppy mess called porridge. I would like it if it wasn't so dry and tasteless.

I lazily swirl my silver spoon in the 'food', not wanting to eat it but knowing I don't really have a choice otherwise I'll starve.

"Hey moody", a voice laughs.

I look up to see my friend Jacob, who is shortly followed by Eric as they both sit down with me. They are the only thing that keeps me going here.

We've all been friends for as long as I remember. I love them both to bits and trust them with everything. Without them, I would be lost and life here would be far worse.

I met Jacob first out of the two of them and when I was younger I used to have like him so much. It's so cringy to think about it now but we're such good friends and I wouldn't want to ruin that, so we never talked about it.

As for Eric, we both met him together after we became friends. He was a shy kid at first but he came around eventually. Ever since then we have stayed with each other and been inseparable.

"You alright Alice? You don't look like you had much sleep", Eric asks with concern.

"You're not having that dream again are you?", Jacob adds and I nod my head in response.

"I don't understand it, how can I have a reoccurring dream about a boy I don't even know", I question with confusion

"I don't know but it's kind of creepy", Eric says.

"You're telling me", I scoff.

"YOU WILL DO AS YOU'RE TOLD!", a voice bellows from across the room.

I look over to see Miss Harris slamming her fist on the hard wooden table as she shouts at a boy, who is trembling in fear. She takes and throws his food away and drags him out of the room.

I have been stuck living in this London orphanage forever and It's horrible here. They don't care about you at all. If you don't behave, you don't eat. If you try to sneak out, you get punished; that's how it goes around here.

I'd always wish to escape but I had no idea where I would go. I had no family and no real home but guess I only had a couple more years left until I was old enough to leave this hell hole.

I had always tried to find out who my parents are, where I came from and why I was left here. My whole life I felt like I was missing something.

But no matter how hard I tried to find out, the orphanage were very good at hiding that information from us. They said it was to protect us but really, I feel like it was just to torture us.

"Alice, you need to eat up quickly before she shouts at you, like last time", Jacob warns. I know he is right so I quickly pick up my spoon and eat the rest.

A.N: I decided to add a prologue to add more information and make the introduction more interesting xx

Let me know your opinions on the story and any ideas that you have. There will be regular updates, so stay around if you like the story so far. Vote if you really enjoy the story it will be very much appreciated.

Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 09.08.20


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