Chapter 32 - Is This The End?

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As soon as Jacob crouches down to my side, he spots my wound immediately and helps to cover it with his own hands.

"Oh gosh, your bleeding bad", he says in panic. He must have thought that the stab wound was worse than he initially thought.

I feel like I want to say 'yeah no shit' but instead I only reply in a series of grunts, from the pain, rather then actual words.

"Here", he speaks up as he suddenly and quickly tears of a piece of his clothing and ties it around my waist and holds his hands on the wound, to try and stop the bleeding.

"What are you doing?", I ask, confused at why he is doing this for me. I thought, because our argument and last encounter, that he would never want to speak to me again, let alone save me and treat my wounds.

"Applying pressure so you don't loose blood", he responds but I wasn't referring to that.

"No not that, why are you helping me?", I question with curiosity.

He doesn't anwser me for serveral seconds as if he is trying to piece his worlds together. Instead he looks at me and sighs with a saddened look on his face.

"You were right about me. I wasn't there for you when you needed help and I should've been. And when I saw them trying to hurt you guys, it triggered something in me. Seeing the two closest friends I ever had, in danger", he paused for a second, sighing again. He seems frustrated with himself, that he couldn't get the words out. But after a few seconds he continued.

"I just couldn't stand by and let it happen. When I saw them following you in the woods I knew they were up to no good, so I came to stop them. I should have never left you in the first place, I'm so sorry", he confesses.

I don't know what to say at first, this is always what I wanted him to say. I was happy he still cared for me like I always had for him but was also scared of what Pan might do to him.

In the end, I simply replied with, "it's okay". I couldn't find the words to say anything else, I was too focused on my thoughts and everything had happened so fast.

"It's getting worse, we need to get you guys out of here", he says, quickly changing the subject.

He pulls me up from my position and supports me as we walk, with one hand over his shoulder, whilst I continue to grasp my waist with the other.

"Not so fast", a voice says from behind us. I don't even need to turn around to know who it belongs to. But when I do, I'm not surprised to see a very smug looking Pan.

"Hand her over", he says harshly.

"No", Jacob says sternly. I am shocked that he is disobeying Pan right now. And I guess Pan is too as he raises an eyebrow at him.

"I'm disappointed in you Jacob, I thought you were a promising lost boy but I see where your loyalties lye", he says but Jacob doesn't respond and remains stern as he gently keeps a hold of me.

"Take them to the cages and I'll deal with them later", Pan continues as more boys appear from behind us.

I recognise them from Alex's group, they're the strongest and most fierce lost boys who always do most of Pans bidding.

They begin to drag Jacob away from me as we try to hold on to each other but we are eventually ripped a part as Pan takes a hold of me. I also notice them taking an unconscious Eric away too.

"No, let them go", I plead weakly, as my vision is starting to blur slightly and my head is aching from the pain.

"Tell the boys to return to camp", Pan mentions to Felix as he walks out of the camp.

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