The Accident

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I ran. I didn't stop running. I ran even though I was going to collapse. I kept running. 

By who? By the one person who was obsessed with me since the 8th grade. Ted Mayle. He was mad that I rejected him at the Spring dance that he wanted to do anything that would make me his. Or even hurt me. But Not me. I didn't want him. I ran, ran away from him. 

"You bitch!" He said screaming behind me. He didn't stop. I knew he would get to me. He was running for more than 15 minutes. 

"Get the hell away from me!" I shouted. I turned the corner of the street where I saw a driveway. I ran there until I saw cars driving quickly. 

I ran down the street and near an alley. I tripped from a huge metal stick that was on the floor and screamed in pain. I quickly took off my jacket and covered up my leg. I tried to get up but I couldn't. There he was. Ted walked up to me and grabbed my shirt. 

"I don't give a damn about what you feel. You. Are. Mine." He said and grabbed my head. I shouted for help and knew what was coming. He was strong, stronger than me. There was no way I would get away. 

"Help me!!" I shouted. Ted Slapped a hand over my mouth and pulled my hair. I wanted to punch his balls. I wanted him to feel the same pain as I was feeling.

" No, don't think of calling for help. You are not going anywhere." He said and grabbed my face towards him. He stole a kiss from me without permission. His breath tasted like he just ate almonds it was disgusting. I bit his hand and he let me go. I pulled out my arm and punch his face. His head turned and he felt for blood. There it was. Blood. A red stream dripping near his right eye. 

"You bitch." He said and punched my face so hard my nose started bleeding. I started crying and defending myself. All of a sudden, I heard a voice not too far.

"Hey do you hear that?" said the voice. It was a male. 

"HELP!! PLEASE HEL-" Ted Punched my face again and smacked me hard against the ground and kicked my stomach. I cried and screamed. 

"It came from this alley." said the boy. I heard footsteps and whined. " Holy shit !" said the boy running towards me. I couldn't see anything because of the tears that were flooding my eyes. I cried and saw two more boys follow. The boy who seemed to have curly hair picked up his phone. 

"Hello 911? yeah there is a girl who is bleeding a lot and can't move, she seemed to hurt her leg- yes we are here. " he talked in the corner while one was beating up Ted. My eyes cleared up, the boy beating up Ted had beautiful blue eyes. Ted punched him and the boy punched him back. There I was so weak, I collapsed on the cold hard ground.

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