Fishing - Daniel Seavey

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We all went to the park for a performance that was booked for the boys. They sang songs for people who sat and listened. 

I saw a girl sitting on the bench. I sat next to her and went on my phone.

"They are really good singers." Said the girl next to me. I nodded and looked at her. She was cute. She seemed Zach's age. 

"How old are you?" I say to her and she replies as a 17 year old. 

The boys call out for me and we head towards the car. I ask for her number and she gives it to me. I thought to myself if this was going to work for Zach. The boys head into the car and drive to the mall. 

I walk with Daniel and he puts his hand around my shoulder. I put my left arm around his waist and we walked. Jonah was on his phone the entire time probably texting that girl at the beach. He smiled and licked his lips as he typed away. I smiled and looked at the ground. 

"Jack ! I found this rad house we can all move into so we can have big parties." said Corbyn. What is up with these guys and parties. Oh wait they like to stay lively, awesome.

"Corbyn dude we should get that house. Do we have the money though?" asked Jack. Corbyn smiled at Jack immediately. 

"Dude... I have been saving money for this house and I have enough. We got this." Corbyn clicks something on his phone and shouts."Its OURS!" 

"Bro, did you just buy a house with pocket money?" asked Zach. Zach looked over Corbyn's shoulder and to his phone.

"Yup." said Corbyn. "We better start packing and get moving." 

*                                               *                                                 *

We left the mall with a whole bunch of bags of clothes and felt like I was at home. I had spent so much time with the boys that I feel like I belong here and nowhere else.

I pull out an envelope that was in the luggage that Calvin put in it. I wanted to open it. But I didn't at the same time. 

I saw it said ''y/n and Last name". I ripped it open and put the envelope on the bed and held the paper in my hand. I started to read it;

Dear Y/n,

            This is the court sending you a quick notice about your friend Ted Mayle. He was accused of sexual harassment and rape. He will be brought to court the following date and you must be present to speak. Your witnesses must be present as well. Including any spouse or boyfriends or girlfriend. I hope that you will take this letter as a notice and are present for the date of May 3rd. I hope you have a great rest of your day and hope the best for you.

Best Regards,

Judge Michael

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