Wedding Pt. 1 - Daniel Seavey

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I walked down the aisle where I saw Daniel watching me. I smile and he returns my smile with one of his own. Stand at the crown and we make our vows. 

"Do you Daniel James Seavey, take Y/n to be your wife and soulmate for life till death?" Asked the man speaking Daniel takes my hand and smiles.

"Forever and always." Daniel said. I stared into his blue eyes a the man continued. 

"And do you Y/f/n (your full name) take Daniel to be you husband and soulmate for life till death?''

I stared at Daniel and my smile faded. Was I really doing this? Was I actually marrying Daniel James Seavey? I looked around and saw everyone looking at me. Calvin, Jack, Zach, Corbyn, and Jonah. Jack stared at me. And I looked back at Daniel.

"If.........If I say yes, does it mean I stay with Daniel forever?" I asked.

"Yes.'' said the man.

I looked at Jack then at Daniel and I smiled. "Then I do." Daniels blue eyes lit up and he smiled. 

"I announce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Daniel Took me in his hands and stared into my eyes.

"Save this moment, so it'd be a memory of a lifetime." He said and pulled me in for a kiss.

*                                    *                                 *

A few hours later we danced, ate, and drank. I sat with Daniel and saw Jack walk away on his phone. I got up and excused myself. 

"Jack?" I said. Jack turned around and hung up.

"Hey, y/n, um.....yeah, congratulations."  Jack said forcing a smile looking at my ring. 

"Look, I want to keep things good with you. I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry?" i said looking at Jack.

"For what?!" Jack laughed. "you can't control my feelings y/n." I shook my head . "I'm sorry. I pushed you to your limit. Let's stay as good ol' siblings." I nodded and hugged Jack. "Maybe you could find me a girl like you did with Jonah."

I laughed and he joined me. "Ok . Come on we have to start packing up the venue is closing to clean up. They are having a quinceneara  after this." Jack followed and we head to the house. Daniel carried me to the room nudging his nose in my face knocking me onto the bed and he toppled onto it next to me. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"You are my world y/n. You know that." He placed a hand on my face and I took a quick nap.

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