Chapter 8

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We pulled up at this fancy restaurant and got out of the minivan. Some girls noticed us and wanted to say hello. "Please dont scream, we don't want to be mobbed as this is a date meal thing" Luke said. They all nodded and the boys signed autographs. They asked for a photo of me and Ashton. I nodded and stood next to him and smiled. "Thank you so much Ariana! I love you so much!" One fan said. "How do you even know me?" I asked tucking some hair behind my ear. "From the boys tweets and keeks, we also know Lucy, georgia and kelsey,!" Another said. "That's sweet, thanks everyone" Lucy said. I was at the back with ashton going into the restaurant, Ashton held my hand and one of the fans noticed it. "Ashiana!!" She said. Everyone turned around and we let go and acted natural. "Food." Kelsey said. Ashton was smiling at me, really sweetly. I gave him a smile back and then looked away at the dark sky.

I got distracted from my thoughts when I got kicked. I let out a massive"ow!" And hit the table with my knee. "Who kicked me?" I said rubbing my knee. "Me, I said do you want to come to the ladies?" Lucy spoke up. "Umm I don't have to g.." She cut me off. "Great let's go." She said and pulled me up from my chair. "Let go of my arm my dress keeps rolling up." I shouted and she hit me. "Ow!" I said again. "Shut up will you?" She said with her hand on her hip. "What did you need me for?" I said imitating her gesture. "Luke's horny again, so we are gonna, ya know. Again. So Ashton might end up in your bed again.." She said. "Oh.. Okay.." I said and she dragged me back to the table. I was acting like a little kid and had a pouty face. She hit me again. "Stop hitting me you violent child!" I said and she giggled. The table was all quiet, nobody was speaking at all. Something was running up and down my leg and I pretended to drop my napkin under the table so I could see what it was. It was ashtons leg. I picked up my napkin and hit my head on the table. Everyone was looking at me. "It happens to everyone!" I said and sorted my hair out.

Michael was eating some sort of chicken and the others pretty much had the same. I had salad and a chicken sandwich thing. Luke was laughing at Michael. Luke tapped him "mikey, are you drunk?" Luke asked whilst he was trying to focus his eyes. "Pfft? Me ? Drunk?" He said. "Pfft hahahahahaha, yes." He followed. Luke burst out laughing again,"let's play truths!" Georgia shouted. "I'll go first, Ariana! Who do you like?" She said looking into my eyes, "someone." I replied. "Whoo?" She pressured. "SOMEONE!" I shouted and giggled. "Fine, ashton who do you like?" Cal shouted. I dropped my head onto the table and calum laughed at me. "Umm.. Nobody." I heard him say. I felt something touch my head and I put my head up and my hair pulled. "Calum get off!" I said hitting him. "Damn girl!" He said leaning back. "Ariana, come here." Lucy said, "whyyyyy?" I shouted. "Pleaaasee." She said. I groaned and got out of my chair. "What?" I said when we were in the bathroom.  "Be a lady! Be all cute like me." She said giggling. "But that's not me.." I said. "Just try it." She said and I sighed and walked out. I walked back to the table like she did and sat down.

From Ashyx

You look perfect as usual x

To Ashyx

Your so adorable! X

From Ashyx

Don't say that Ariana!

To Ashyx

Why are you embarrassed? Your to cute x

"Oh what's happening here then?" Luke asked as he saw us both smiling down at our phones. "What? Nothing." I said.

After the meal had ended we had payed and we were walking out and everyone had gone so we got straight into the minivan, "I'm gonna pound the shit out of you baby" Luke said to Lucy. Calum said "I'm gonna do you so hard" I wasn't to fussed about that but Michael then said to Kelsey "let's play titanic, you be iceberg and I'll go down" mine and Ashton's mouths were hanging open and we spun around to him. "Did you actually just say that?!" I asked and he nodded. I giggled and turned back around. We were at the front behind the driver. My hand and Ashton's hand intertwined and I covered it with my jacket. He smiled at me and I smiled back and bit my lip a little. "So they are clearly doing a remake of last night so can I stay with you again?" Ashton asked me and I nodded and his grip on my hand became tighter. They were all giggling and kissing behind us and I just put my head on ashs shoulder. He smiled and leant his head against mine.

Falling for my bestfriend; Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now