Chapter 44

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Ariana's POV

I combed my hair through thoroughly and tied it up in a high ponytail, Ashton came out of his bedroom at the same time and he took my hand in his as we walked downstairs.

Everyone was sitting outside around a fire they had created, I smiled and me and Ashton took a seat, they all pretty much looked drunk, Michael and Danielle stumbled inside, followed by Georgia and Cal.

We sat opposite Beth and Luke who burst into laughter, "we aren't really drunk" Luke shouted, "I think you are" ash replied, he giggled and kissed Beth.


Round one and two were amazing<3 thankyou princess xxxxxx

I kissed Ashtons pink lips as Luke put the fire out, we all went inside and sat on the sofa for a while, I smiled at Beth who was admiring Luke, she kept messing with his lip ring and he would keep biting his lip and giggling.

They went upstairs but I don't think they were going to do it as well considering they had only been together for a week.

I ruffled Ashton's hair and he giggled, he held my hand as we watched some random film Luke had put on, "Ashton, I'm truly, madly, deeply in love with you, I guess I always have been, I've always felt like this about you, it just seems to have developed a lot more, I say it all the time but I am in love with you Ashton fletcher Irwin" he smiled at me and placed his lips on mine.

"I have had a crush on you since we met, you never left my mind, Im in love with you too, I was falling for you, and now, I have fallen for you." He replied, my cheeks blushed and I felt them warm up, I smiled and kissed him again.

"I'm going to go to bed baby, night" I kissed his pink lips and he followed me upstairs, I gave him another hug before going into my bedroom and closing the door.

I crawled into my bed and tucked myself in, I closed my eyes and waited for a dream to begin.

'"Cal! She isn't waking up!" I could see and hear Luke panicking, "she isn't breathing" he shouted and cal rushed in, I tried so hard to open my eyes or talk to them, it didn't work though.

I was laying on a hospital bed and had multiple doctors rushing around me, injecting me with things and trying to resuscitate me, I was trying to move my arms or my legs or at least wake up, nothing happened, I began to panic.

I saw everyone gathering in the room and sitting around me, "you will have to say your goodbyes, she isn't reacting to anything I'm so sorry" the doctor left the room and everyone had a few minutes alone with me to say goodbye.

It killed me when Ashton came in, I saw his tearstained cheeks, I wanted to wipe them with my finger but I couldnt move, I felt his warm hand take mine, "I don't.. I don't want to say goodbye Ari, I love you, I don't want you to go, I need you, your my angel, it wasn't your time, your too young to leave this earth, I won't move on from you, I need you to be with me" he faded into a whisper and a tear fell onto my hand.

His head was pressed to the metal bar on the bed and his hand was gripped tightly around mine, I managed to move my hand, my eyes were open and I could see him perfectly, I ran my other hand through his hair and his head shot up causing me to jump. "A..ari?" He whispered, I smiled and he put his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"Don't ever leave me again" he whispered and kissed my hand, he stood in the doorway, "she's alive" he shouted, the room filled up and it took me a few minutes to adjust, the doctor rushed in.

"It must have been late reactions" he smiled and apologised to everyone, he sat on the edge of the bed and ran some tests like what day is it. I replied the answers as best as I could, "your fine, well done" he smiled and left the room.

"What happened?" I panicked and sat myself up, "yo.. You weren't breathing.. We brought you here, they were about to pronounce that your dead!" Luke whispered, he was shaking and he put his arms around me.

"So guys, today has been dramatic, we almost lost my sister and Ashton's girlfriend, say hi ari!" Cal put the phone to face me and I just waved, "we have all been crying so we look like shit" he added, "don't swear!" Ashton shouted and I laughed.

Ashton pressed his lips to mine gently, I smiled and hugged him. "You could have died" Danielle whispered trying to hold any tears back, I smiled weakly and directed my attention to the window. Lucy and Kelsey were both there giving me fake sarcastic smiles'.

"Ari! What's wrong babe? Baby?!" I was being violently shaken by Ashton, I looked at him and wrapped my arms around him and held him close, "you were screaming" he whispered, I let warm tears escape my eyes, "I don't wanna die" I kept repeating, "what?" He asked.

"I had a dream, where I stopped breathing, and Luke was panicking, then I ended up in the hospital, I was being resuscitated and I was watching it, I couldn't move my arms, legs or open my eyes. Then you all had to say your goodbyes, and you were giving this small speech alone and your head was on the bar trying to hold back any tears, and then I woke up and you scared me because you shot your head up, then you got everyone in and then all that happened and then Lucy and Kelsey were outside, smiling sarcastically and then they disappeared." I was in tears and he kissed my cheek.

"That does sound kind of real" he whispered, I sighed and hugged him, "what time is it?" I whispered, "3am" he replied, I groaned "why are you here with me, go back to sleep" I smiled, he shook his head and took me downstairs, he told me to lay down on the sofa, he hovered over the top of me and snogged me for a while.

*A few hours later* 

"You had a similar dream to this when it happened before" Cal said whilst sitting down, Ashton glared at him and I was confused "Whats happened before?" I asked and pleaded for information from both of them. 

"Basically, You were like 6 or 7, you woke up screaming about this dream you had which came true a few days later.. The doctor said you wouldnt make it, and then you woke up surprising us all, but you had some sort of amnesia and you couldnt remember what had happened a few days earlier, he said theres a chance it may happen again when your older, He said if we noticed any signs to take you straight to a doctor because it could increase your chances of surviving it" Cal replied, I never knew this had happened. 

"Go get ready, me and Ash will take you to see the doctor." Cal said whilst rushing me up the stairs. 

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