Chapter 46

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Ariana's POV

I woke up with Ashton beside me, he was already dressed and he was smiling at me, and he had my hand in his and was rubbing his thumb over it.

"Morning princess" he said quietly, "morning cutie" I replied, "how long have you been here?" I whispered, "that doesn't matter, I've been asleep with you all night and I got up early I dunno why but then I decided to come back and admire you" he replied.

My heart skipped a beat and I sat up and held his hand tighter, "I'm going to get ready for the mall" I sighed, he nodded and helped me off the bed, I went into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth.

I sat on my bed and Ashton bit his lip, "let me help you" he giggled, I smirked and he told me to stand still, he pulled my shorts and panties down and kissed my thigh, he told me to step in to some fresh ones, I did as I was told and he pulled them up.

He slipped my legs into some black skinny jeans, I giggled as he picked me up and shook me around until they were in the right place, "sit down babe" he whispered, I sat down on my bed he slipped some white ankle socks onto my feet and began to pull my jumper over my head.

He kneaded my breasts and kissed my neck, he then got up and got a black bra, he clipped it and helped me put the straps on, he got out a baby blue crop top and pulled it over my head, he then held open a grey hoody and I put my arms into it, I stood up and he looked me up and down, "that was fun" he giggled.

He brushed my hair and put a black bandana into my hair, he tied it and kissed my cheek, he slipped black converses onto my feet and smiled, he sat on the stool and patted his lap, I sat in it and began doing my makeup, his arms were secured around my waist and he would bounce his leg every few minutes to knock me.

He began kissing my neck distracting me easily, I put some pale pink lipstick on and kissed his lips. I put on some perfume and grabbed my phone, I took Ashton's hand and we went downstairs.

Luke and Beth were already down here and looked pretty happy to see us, "the real Ashton and Ariana are back" Luke shouted, we were both confused but we laughed it off and he put his arm around me, I admired his face and kissed his cheek.

"What do you mean by that then?" Ash asked whilst we sat down, I was leant against him and his arm was around me still.

"Your admiring each other so much more like you used to, you look at each other and show so much admirance for the other, you can see how much your in love with each other, Ashton doesn't shut up about Ari, Ari does the same" Luke explained.

I was studying Ashton's features and wasn't paying attention, "look she's not even paying attention, she's staring at you, and obviously admiring, she's probably thinking 'Omg Ashton is so perfect' or something" Luke tried to imitate my voice so I stuck my middle finger up at him and he pouted.

"Guys hurry up!!" I shouted, I was now standing at the bottom of the stairs and I began to spin in circles, I got bored of that and sat on the bottom step, Georgia walked down carefully with calum close behind, michael was stalking them and Danielle was in her bedroom getting ready.

"Come on!" Beth shouted, I smiled at her and Danielle ran down, "see you later!" I shouted, Ash ran outside and stopped me from moving, he connected our lips and I smiled into the kiss, he pulled away and we both smiled at each other for a few seconds.

"I.. I'll see you later babe" he didn't move his gaze from being locked with my eyes, it was making me nervous, and I became shy and I was blushing a lot, "I love you" I smiled, he connected our lips once more before letting go. I waved and got into the car.

"What's going on with you and Ash?" Beth asked, "we don't want to be apart much anymore, he makes me nervous again, my heart skips and I blush and become shy, I don't really know to be honest" I replied whilst concentrating on the road.

"Your falling in love all over again" Danielle said. I parked the car and looked at her, "really?" I smiled, she nodded and a permanent smile was plastered on my face.

We were in the maternity isle and a lady approached me, "honey, this is maternity, you don't look like your pregnant?" She asked politely, "oh I'm not, I'm shopping for maternity things for my friend" I smiled, she nodded and walked away.

I picked up a top which had hand prints on and I smirked at it, georgia giggled and I put it into the basket, I bought some other things similar to that and she gave me a quick hug.

We sat in the food court ate our meals, "calum is here" I muttered, "Ashton, luke and michael also" I added, I laughed gently and we got up and walked around with them following, "you look really pretty today" beth added, I thanked her "Ashton chose this" I giggled. "Awwww" she cooed, I rolled my eyes and giggled.

Michael was standing beside us but a little bit behind, "Clifford" Danielle muttered, he laughed gently and the others sped towards us but stood by Michael.

I smiled at them and turned back around, they were wearing sunglasses and beanies and fake mustaches.

From Ashton<3

Im taking you out for dinner tonight babe xxxx

To Ashton<3


"Lets go to New Look to get you a dress for tonight" I didnt realise Georgia was reading over my shoulder, I rolled my eyes and smiled back at Ashton. They followed us in and pretended to be looking through rails so they wouldnt get kicked out. I picked a red dress out of the rail and looked at it. 

I was standing closest to Michael so I asked for advice, "You will look great in that, also Ash will love it" He said, I nodded and smiled "Thankyou mikey" I giggled and paid for the dress, It was knee length and fitted. 

We walked out of the store and headed towards the car, we got in and noticed the boys did aswell, we went back to starbucks and sat inside a booth, we finished our drinks soon after and left. 

We got home and I grabbed the bags out of the car, "Ill take them upstairs for you Georgia" She nodded and thanked me, I placed the bags that were hers in her room on the bed and went back into my room, I was quite certain Ash would come in at some point so I put the dress on a hanger and put a jacket over it inside the wardrobe.

I sat on my bed and Ash came in, Here comes the goosebumps and shyness.. I stood up and approached him, I put my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist, he leaned down and locked our lips for a few seconds. 

I smiled when he pulled away, "Im getting so nervous around you Ash, I dont know why though" I sighed, he gasped, "same". "I asked Danielle about it and she said we are falling in love all over again" I replied and we sat on my bed. "I think it might be true because my feelings are so strong right now, I love you" I added, he smiled and locked our lips once again. 

"Im so glad you feel like that, I feel the exact same way " He replied and smiled, he took my hand in his and I leant in and kissed him, his free hand ran through my hair and then cupped my face. "Im going to shower and then I will see you after for dinner" He winked and bit his lip, "you look hot doing that babe" I whispered. I pulled his collar and connected our lips, his tongue ran across my lower lip and I let him enter.

I pulled away and he smiled, "I love you babe" He smirked, I put my arms around him and whispered "I love you too" He pushed himself off of the bed and went to shower. I did the same.

Falling for my bestfriend; Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now