Chapter 20

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Ariana's POV

I sat in the emergency room desperately waiting for some answers. The doors flew open, I hoped it would be a nurse coming to tell me some good news but instead it was Ashton's parents. "We came as soon as we got the call.." Ashton's mum said. "Where are the others?" She asked again. "I forgot to tell them.. I was in a rush to get here I just ran straight out.. I'm sorry" I said getting worked up. "I'll call ash, no worries sweetheart" she said stepping outside.

Ashton's Mums POV

"Hello sweetie" I said as he answered the phone. "Hey mum" he said quickly. "We are at the hospital, cal and arianas family have been in an accident" I said and he gasped. He must of had the phone on loud speaker because I could hear calum. "Is Ariana there?" He asked anxiously. "Yeah, she's on her own, she panicked and ran straight out because she was in a rush and forgot to tell you" I said. "Tell her its alright we understand and we will be there soon" calum said. "Alright, see you" I said and hung up.

Ariana's POV

Ashton's mum came back in and sat across from me. I was shaking and panicking. "What if.. If.. If something bad happens.." I stuttered. "Don't worry yourself sweetie, you don't know what will happen yet hun" she said comforting me. Ash, cal and Luke ran in and the nurse kept asking them who they were. "Brother" cal said and sat down. "Close friend" Luke answered. "Boyfriend." Ash said blushing a little. "Aww" she smiled and nodded. Ashtons dad was smiling at Ashton who sat down next to me and held my hand. He kissed my hand and held it tightly and then he lifted his head and realised his dad was smiling at him. "Your a real gentleman Ashton" his Dad said. Ashton blushed he was insanely cute. I forgot his dad was watching and I kissed Ashton's cheek and he blushed a little more.

Cal smiled at us and mouthed to Ashton but I saw him "take care of her" I smiled at how sweet he was being. "Ariana, calum, can you come outside please?" A nurse asked. We got up and cal put his arm around me. The door closed and she sat us down at this table in private. "Your brother, Josh. Has suffered very very serious head injuries" she said and I put my hand over my mouth. "I'm so sorry to be telling you this after you having a hard time recently but he has passed during surgery, there was nothing else we could do, I am very sorry" she said and my head fell into my hands. "Wait, how is my mum and dad doing?" I asked and cal nodded. "Your dad is doing quite well, he has had surgery and is recovering." She said and I smiled a little. "However your mum is struggling a little, she is stable.. At the moment and we are doing everything we can, at this point we are not sure what could happen, that probably won't answer your question properly but as soon as I know anything, I'll tell you" she said and my face dropped again. We nodded and went back into the family room. "What's happened?" Ashton's dad asked. "Josh.. Has um.. Passed," cal answered and I started to break down into tears. "Dad is doing okay an mum is stable, they don't know what will happen" he finished. Ashton cuddled me and kissed my head. "Baby, I'm so sorry, Im always going to be here if you need to talk about it beautiful" ash said quietly, and I kissed him.

About an hour later we were still waiting I was even more anxious. Then simon walked through the door "ari,i hope your okay" he said. "Get out! Your the last person I wanna see! I don't want your sympathy get out you stupid dream crusher!" I shouted at him and Ashton's dad pushed him outside. He told the nurse and Simon was escorted out. I smiled. "Thank you" I said. The nurse walked in and asked to see Ashton's mum and dad. I watched them disappear into the distance. "Oh no oh no! She said she would tell us calum! Something's happened, I know it has" I began panicking. Cal sat me down. "Stop over thinking! Whatever happens we will be fine!" He said hugging me. Lauren entered the room. "I heard Josh was in hospital what's happened?" She asked. "Lauren, I'm so sorry, Josh.. He .. Died.." I stuttered. Her face dropped and she ran out crying. "Fuck" I muttered. I looked down at the ground desperately."Ariana! We will take care of you both no matter what happens don't worry" Luke said rubbing his hand on my arm. I smiled a little.

"Ariana the nurse would like to speak to you alone sweetie" Ashton's mum said. I nodded and took a deep breath. I got up and walked out. She welcomed me over to the same table as before. "I'm afraid I have some bad news sweetie, your mum was recovering very well and then I'm sorry I have to say this but it went downhill sweetie. Your mum has died from severe injuries." she said trying to comfort me. I broke down into tears and shook my head. "This.. this can't be happening" I said quietly. "I'm afraid it is sweetheart, I'm so sorry" she said in a soothing voice. "How is my dad?" I asked softly. "He is recovering, he's doing very very well, do you want to see him?" She asked. I nodded and she took my hand and we went up the stairs to see him lieing in the bed. His face lit up when I walked in. "Ariana, how nice to see you" he said. "Hello" I said wiping my tears. "Dad.. Did you see who hit the car?" I asked. "Yes, unfortunately.. It was your real father." He stated. My mouth hung open. "No, no way. He killed my mom and my brother?!" I asked. "Unfortunately sweetie" he said looking down. "Can I see him?" I asked the nurse. She nodded and took me through. I looked at him with cuts on him. "Ugh, Ariana, thought you were in the car crash" he said coldly. "I can not believe you just said that! You do realise you killed my mum?" I shouted at him. "And.. You killed josh! You prick!" I shouted and his mouth fell open. "I didn't mean to hurt Josh! I wanted it to be you" he snapped. "I fucking hate you, you heartless prick!" I said my voice fading into a whisper.

I left the room and burst out crying. "C..can I say goodbye to my mum and Josh?" I asked the nurse and she nodded and took my hand and lead me up the stairs. I looked at the lifeless body lieing in the bed. "Mum" I whispered. I kissed her forehead. "I wish you were still here, dad still wishes you were here and that prick who used to be my father wished it was me, I wish I had died instead, I want you back mum, I love you angel, rest in peace" I said letting a few tears fall. I kissed her forehead again and left the room. I went into Josh's room and his lifeless body was more torn than mums. "Goodbye Josh, you were the best little brother ever, I watched you grow up and your life wasn't long enough, I want you back joshy. I hope they look after you up there, I love you and mum so much, I'm going to miss you both, I'll try to stay strong, just for you and mum." I burst out crying and kissed his forehead and left.

The nurse took me back down to the family room. I saw simon was back in there and I ran straight out of the hospital. My head was in my hands and a tall familiar figure sat next to me. "Are you okay?" A voice said and I knew it was calum. "Mum and Josh have died cal.." I muttered and I broke down again. "Dads okay though" I said and he gasped. He put his arm around me and hugged me. "We have to stay strong ari, I'll take care of you I promise" he said. "Its not that I'm upset about! My real dad crashed into them! He thought I was in the car! He wanted me to die! He said it should of been me!" I said and I couldn't stop crying.

Falling for my bestfriend; Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now