Chapter 53

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Luke's POV

Lucy sat beside me and put her head in her hands, "I'm so happy for you guys, I'm just gonna miss you a lot" she sighed, I sighed and gave her a hug.

"I love you, and I always will, I'll miss you a lot but we will Skype as much as we can I promise" I replied and she smiled, I pressed my lips to hers.

*2 weeks later*

Ashton's POV

Today is the day. Today is the day we have to leave our past behind. Today is the day we have to break up with our girlfriends.

It is midnight and I'm already over thinking, we are leaving at 12pm this afternoon, Ariana is in my arms but I don't think she is asleep, "babe" she whispered, "yeah princess" I whispered back, "I hope you enjoy the tour, I'm going to miss you so much, your going to love it" she smiled.

"I really don't want to break up with you" I sighed and she sighed as well, "I don't want to get in the way, it will be hard on both of us" she replied whilst rubbing her finger over my cheek. "Everyone else broke up earlier except Cal and Georgia obviously" I answered and she gasped, "when I get back in a few months I'm going to be with you every single day"she smiled back at me and kissed me.

"Ariana, you know I still love you of course and I don't mind if you want to find someone else to be with, but we are going to have to break up" I sighed the words stung my heart, "I love you too Ash and I don't want anyone else, I never have." She whispered and I felt tears in my eyes. "I don't want to leave you" I whispered and she kissed my lips.

"Your chasing your dreams babe, that's more important than me, we will still speak a lot, but we won't be dating.." She replied softly. I kissed her head and she fell asleep in my arms.

Ariana's POV

*a few hours later*

We were helping the boys get their bags together and get them into the cars to take them to the airport, there wasn't enough room in the car so we couldn't wave them off as they took off.

I wrapped my arms around Ashton and he picked me up and held me tightly, "I love you" I whispered and he repeated it afterwards, he placed a gentle kiss on my lips and they went to the car, "bye!" We all shouted whilst waving them off down the driveway.

"So.. We are all single now.." Danielle sighed. I looked at the ground and Georgia put her arm around me, "when the boys are back I'm pretty sure everything will be back to normal" she reassured me, I smiled and we went back inside.

Luke's POV

That was the hardest thing we have ever had to do, I wish we hadn't broken up with them, we could still video chat and everything so we didn't even need to except the fact we would rarely be with them.

Ashton began to smile again and he was sending positive vibes off into the car, it actually worked because we all became very happy and excited, he showed me a text message from Ariana.

Ash, I hope you have an amazing time on tour along with the others, I love you and always will<3 I don't care if we are dating or not my feelings won't change, Stay in touch:) xxxxxxxxxx

I smiled and handed Ashton's phone back to him.

A few hours later we were on a plane with the one direction. This was so crazy it felt like a dream.

We were heading to somewhere in Europe, I wasn't paying attention since my mind was focused on Lucy the whole time, I decided to fall asleep since it would be a long journey.

Danielle's POV

"They are calling!" Lucy screamed and a few other screams sounded through the house, I sat beside her and saw the four boys looking very excited, they were in a hotel by the looks of things, "how is Europe?" Lucy asked and they shrugged their shoulders, "we haven't been able to explore" calum pouted.

"Where's Georgia and Ariana?" Michael asked, "georgia!" We must have startled her because she almost dropped her phone at the bottom of the stairs, she came behind us and said hello to the boys, "what time is it there?" Ashton asked, "early" I replied.

"Ariana!" Georgia went out of the living room to find her, she was wearing a tight dress and her hair was perfectly straightened, she looked stunning. "Where are you going all dressed up?" Lucy teased, "let me see!" Calum shouted, we turned the laptop and Ariana waved at them.

"Meeting apparently" she rolled her eyes. She crouched down behind us with Georgia and she seemed a lot happier now, "how is the baby?" Luke asked quickly, "its doing okay" georgia smiled.

An hour had passed by quickly, Ariana was now sitting on the sofa with the laptop in her lap and me and Lucy were dancing around and she was watching us. Georgia was rubbing her hand over the bump, calum kept giggling everytime Ariana showed him Georgia.

"When are you due?" Ari spoke up. "A few months" she smiled, "you look beautiful Ari, I love you" Ash added, she blushed and smiled back. "thankyou, love you too".

"Its almost midnight so we are gonna go, love you guys!" Michael shouted we all waved as their faces disappeared from the screen.

"I'm going to my meeting with the record label" Ari added before running out of the house and getting into her car, I waved her off as she sped down the driveway.

SkypeMessage: Ash Irwin
TellArianathatIloveher:) x


Ashsayshelovesyouxx .

AW, tellhimIlovehimtooxx


Good, nightguysxx

Ariana's POV

I ran back inside the house and slammed the door, "well?" Georgia stopped me from running. "They said they don't think I'm ready." I sighed and she shook her head, "Let's go make a video!" She giggled, a smile replaced my frown as we ran into the studio joining lucy and Danielle.

Danielle started the recording as we took our places by the individual microphones, I began to strum my acoustic guitar as Lucy let out soft vocals to a song we were covering, we all joined in for the chorus and I sang the last verse and we stopped recording and uploaded it.

"Let's film that dance we were working on" Lucy shouted, I nodded and we ran back inside to change, I put the dress on a hanger and got out a crop top with black leggings, I put on some trainers that had a wedge inside.

We went into the studio again and cleared some space, I started the music up and we focused on warming ourselves up and rehearsing the steps first.

We remembered all of the steps and followed each other and keeping our focus on the camera, we all had solo parts where we would dance on our own, I did some breakdancing and finished with a back flip before moving to the sides so Lucy could do hers.

We uploaded that video shortly after and noticed we had over 1000 views on the cover video, we looked through the comments and there was only a couple of negatives, we got a notification for the new video and saw it was the 5sos account.

"Your such amazing dancers, miss you X" who wrote that? It sounds like Ash but it could be any of them.

Falling for my bestfriend; Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now