Chapter 39

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Ariana's POV

I was so happy, I had not been to a meal at Ashton's parents house for a few years now, I don't think I had ever been to a meal as Ashton's girlfriend.

I leant over and kissed his cheek before getting out of the car, he locked it and we went inside the house.

Everyone was still up so we decided to just sit on the sofa with them and have a catch up to see if we have missed anything whilst we have been gone.

"Lucy's moved out?!" I exclaimed, I had the biggest smile spread across my face and Ashton gave me a hug, "she's gone, she's finally left us!" I said quietly to ash, he smiled and kissed me gently.

We can finally be happy together.

Luke kissed beth and she blushed, "woah? Have we missed something?" Ash asked obviously as intrigued as I was.

"We are dating." Luke finally answered, we all cooed at them and they blushed from all of the attention.

"That's adorable, congratulations guys!" I smiled, I looked back to Ashton, he was already looking at me and smiling.

"What?" I whispered and laughed, "your so beautiful" he smiled, I felt my cheeks heat up and I bit my lip.

He tightened his grip and I put my head onto his shoulder, he kissed the side of my head and I giggled.

"Ariana smells!" Cal shouted.

My head jerked up and I glared at him, "I'm sorry what did you say?" I asked slowly getting to my feet.

"Ariana smells." He repeated, I nodded and smirked, I walked out of the room and went through the cupboards until I found my baseball bat.

I stood in the doorway and hit it a few times in my hand, he pressed his body to the window and I laughed, he shouted it again and climbed out of the window and ran down the driveway.

"Argh! You little shit" I grumbled and ran after him.

I stood underneath the tree and looked around waiting to spot him, "calum.. Come out, come out where ever you are" I said softly. I felt something hit my head causing me to look up.

"Why are you in the tree?" I sighed, he giggled and hit me with a branch. "Your going to hurt me." He whined, I chucked the bat aside and looked up at him with my hands on my hips. "I won't." I replied, he sat down in the tree so I decided to climb up.

I sat opposite him and gave him a hug. "Do you think dad will find another woman?" He asked sighing. I understood why he said that to me before now, he wanted to talk to me in private.

"Of course he will, he's a great guy and deserves someone" I smiled, he hugged me and kissed the side of my head.

"I'm happy for you and Georgia" I added and he smiled and laughed gently. "Thanks, could you help though, I don't know how I'm going to cope since I have a short temper." He giggled, "cal, its a baby, it won't be annoying, it will be the cutest thing ever." I smiled.

He hugged me once more before we both got down from the tree, I grabbed the baseball bat and went back to calum, he flinched at first causing me too giggle.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just not leaving it out here." I replied and he let out a sigh of relief. "You and Ashton are probably the cutest couple ever" he blurted out, I laughed and he smiled.

"How much do you love him?" He asked, "I'm 100% sure I'm in love with him calum, I love him so much" I smiled just thinking about him, he's made big mistakes in the past but ive never stopped loving Ashton fletcher Irwin.

I put the baseball bat away and I must have knocked something because things from the shelves in the cupboard fell on top of me.

"Shit!" I cursed kicking stuff around, "what have I told you about swearing baby girl?" Ashton giggled. "I'm sorry, it just fell on top of me and arghh!" I replied, he laughed and pulled me towards him, he planted his lips onto mine.

"I love you princess" he took my hand and kissed the back of it. "I love you too" I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, he did the same and I buried my face into his warm chest.

He was leaning on the wall and smirking at me, I was dusting myself off when I noticed, I smiled and he winked at me causing all sorts of feelings to erupt. "Feels" I whispered, luckily he didn't hear me and stepped closer and kissed me again.

"Do you want to come for a walk with me babe?" He offered his hand and I nodded and gladly took it, I took my house keys and we walked out of the front gates.

We were in silence but a comforting silence, we were both admiring the surroundings, "calum told me that me and you are the cutest couple ever" I broke the silence and Ashton replied with a soft giggle.

"I can't believe michael is 19 next week" Ashton added, I nodded and replied "I know, what shall we do for his birthday party?" I asked and Ashton gave a large sigh.

"I don't know, he's into video games and things like that" he replied, I laughed, "you should know more than that considering your in a band and you live with him" he hit me playfully and giggled.

"It can be video game themed, it could be fancy dress and we can come as video game characters?" I suggested, he stopped and pulled me towards him, he put his arm around my shoulder and we faced a beautiful sunset, we were by a lake and the water was glistening in the sunlight, it was amazing.

"Your so thoughtful, and your so beautiful, like this sunset, when you were on tour I walked here every day around this time and watched the sun setting and the effect it has on the lake, it reminded me of you because you used to like those things when we were younger and it is perfect.." I cut him off by pressing my lips onto his.

He smirked and we began walking back home, we got there but then he walked me straight past it and headed towards the town, he told me about all of the memories he could remember from our childhood, I smiled hearing each one and being able to picture them in my mind.

We got to Costa and he told me to go find a table, I followed his instruction and found a free table and sat in one side of the booth, he soon joined me and handed me my drink, he sat down on the opposite side.

"Thank you baby" I smiled and kissed his cheek.

We both took a sip of our drinks and he made a stupid face just as I had drank some, I almost spat it out but I managed to control my laughter and hold it in until I had drank it.

He took my hand and rubbed his thumb over my fingers and his eyes were locked onto mine.

Falling for my bestfriend; Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now