Chapter 14

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Ariana's POV

I got up and had a shower, I washed my hair quickly and rinsed it and washed my body. 15 minutes later I turned the shower off and stepped out onto the bath matt. I wrapped my hair in a towel and put my dressing gown on. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Then I went into my bedroom and closed the door.

I sat at the dressing table and dried my hair quickly. I combed it out and stared at my hair which had faded and a lot more brown came back through. I could see that at the ends my hair got lighter for some reason it was a blondey/brown colour.

I went into the wardrobe and got my black tights, highwaisted shorts and my grey polo top out. I tucked my polo top into my shorts and added black heel boots. I smiled and did my makeup quickly. I sprayed some perfume on myself and grabbed my phone and my bag and my car keys. "See you later Josh!" I shouted, closing the door.

I unlocked my car and put my bag on the passenger seat. I started the car and drove to the recording studios. I sang along to the song on the radio. I took a left to the parking lot inside the studio parking lot. "Name" I heard when I pulled up to the gates. "Ariana Matthews." I said. He nodded and let me through. I parked quickly and grabbed my bag. I got out and locked the car. I walked towards the studio and walked through the revolving door. I ran upstairs and the lady stopped me. "Hello, name please" she said. "Ariana" I replied she nodded and pointed to simons room. I smiled and walked over.

I pushed the door open and he ran over to me with my song sheets that he had found and told me to record them. "Sure" is all I could say before I was pushed in there. I sang the songs how I had written them. Simon smiled. When I had finished I exited the recording room and he smiled. "We haven't seen this before, a girl from YouTube having so many fans so quickly!" He said hugging me. I played the instruments I wanted for the tracks I had recorded.

3 hours later I had finished recording. "Great, see you Saturday so we can get to your first place on time." He said. "Okay bye!" I said and walked out with my bag in my hand and my car keys in my other hand. I said goodbye to the desk lady and headed back downstairs. I went back through the revolving door and walked towards the car. I unlocked it and did the same as before. I turned the car on and reversed out of the space and drove towards the gate. He let me out so I pulled out and drove to Costa to get a drink to go.

I parked up and locked the car. I went into Costa and there was no queue! I ordered my drink which was a hot chocolate. I smiled and paid her and walked out to the car. I unlocked the car and got in having a sip of my drink and then placing it in the cup holder. I started the car again and headed back to mums house. I sang to the songs all the way back. I took a left and drove all the way down. I noticed some cars outside. I parked up and went in locking the car. I unlocked the door and pushed it open, I stepped inside drinking my drink still. "Hello" Luke said. "Hey, what you guys doing here?" I asked sitting down. "We are gonna be with you until you go on tour." Cal replied. "I leave on Sunday.." I said. "2 days then." Georgia replied. I giggled and took my phone out of my pocket.

From AshtonIrwin

Picture received me and Hannah

I looked at it and I giggled. "What is 'that'?" I asked referring to Hannah. "I know." Cal said. We laughed and I got another text.


Sorry not meant send to u.

Bullshit. He's trying to make me jealous. "Who's this ari?" Luke asked pointing at a photo of me and a boy. "Its jayden, my new boyfriend." I replied. "You go girl!" Cal said laughing at himself. "I'm gonna tell ash, he will leave you alone then" cal said.

Falling for my bestfriend; Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now