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"Joe ....you were forced .....to cheat on me? " I said slowly , sounding out each word . Was the medicine getting to him ? He looked at me and nodded , closing his eyes.

"Joe , what are-

"Please , let me finish." He said . I let him continue .

"I was at the party with the boys , an-and a photographer came up to me and sai....said that I-I had to cheat on y-you , and h-he wanted a photoshoot with just the two of y-you or....or...he would hurt you and tell the w-world about what I di....did ." He stuttered , his eyes widening rethinking the events . I knelt beside him , gripping onto his arm . He....he cheated on me so I wouldn't get hurt .

"I was getting numerous threats from this guy. He didn't end up getting a photoshoot with you , and he actually came over to our house when you were gone . He punched me and cut me on my cheeks and kicked me in the stomach . I couldn't live anymore . I couldn't handle all the threats and the worry of you getting hurt . I tried to end my life because if I was still alive more people would try to hurt you ." He said , gesturing to his neck . I looked at him and disbelief .

"I...I couldn't take it anymore . I felt like dying was the only way to solve it! " He cried out , staring at the ceiling. I put my hand on his chest , his breath becoming fast and heavy. I couldn't even cry anymore . I couldn't help but think if it worked . If he actually did it . I wouldn't even be here right now .

"The only thing that matters is that he didn't try to hurt you ." He said, holding my hands to his bruised cheek . I could feel his jaw clench when I brush up against his neck .

"No , the important thing is that you're okay , Joe . Promise me you'll never hurt yourself , ever again. " I said seriously, looking him in the eye.


"Promise ."

"Okay , I promise ," He said, kissing my hand . It tingled at the feeling. We sat there in silence for a few moments. He risked practically everything so I wouldn't get hurt . He risked his own life , his own goddamn life for myself. Only for me to basically curse him and be a bitch towards anything he did to me . He knew what sort of reaction he would get , and he did it, all for my small life . He risked his own reputation of who he was a as a person. Now he's here , at the hospital with attempted suicide. I looked up to see his eyes slowly closing , almost as he was fighting sleep . I ran my fingers through his hair, causing him to hum in contentment. He turned his head to face me and gave me a faint smile . I smiled back. He closed his eyes and brought my hand to his heart , almost as if cuddling with it .

"Can you feel my heartbeat ?" He asked quietly .I nodded , looking up at the sleepy man .

"How fast is it going ?" He asks , his eyes still closed . I felt more carefully .

"Pretty fast actually, " I said , rubbing my hand on his chest .

"That's because I love you. You just make my heart go crazy . It knows that you're special ." He whispered , taking a deep breath and sighing . He stopped talking . His breath became more leveled , so he was asleep .
I gave him a kiss on the cheek and whispered I love you into his ear . I called Gwiylm.

"Hey ! Where are you guys at right now ?" I asked , twirling a strand of hair .

"We're all in the waiting room . We're just sitting here talking amongst ourselves. " Gwyilm said .

"Ah well ! I'm coming out there right now . I'm going to bring my stuff and spend the night over here . I do have to tell you something about Joe's reasoning and why he cheated. " I said , shuttering of just thinking about it.

"Well hurry up and get out here ! "
We both hung up and I quietly crept out of the room , shutting the door behind me . I hated to leave him , but I had too.


"...And that's why he tried to kill himself, " I said sadly , looking down at my lap . I had just finished telling the rest of them what happened. They were even tearing up themselves.

"Wow, " Rami whispered , rubbing a hand on his forehead. It was hard to believe for him , just like me .

"Is he alright right now ?" Ben asked eagerly, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"As far as we know , yes . He'll have to take some medicine for his throat , since he bruised the inside pretty bad." I said , running my fingers through my hair.

"You guys can leave if you want , " I smiled weakly . They all

"No...no we're fine!" Lucy exclaimed with her eyes wide and alert, holding onto Rami's arm with her head resting on his shoulder .

"Yeah , yeah . We're good ." Ben said cheerfully, nodding his head to the side . Rami looked at us with kind eyes .

"I'm driving you home, Lucy." Rami said with a small smile . Lucy and him waved goodbye as they walked out .

"I better go with them . Take care okay Jenny ? I brought your bag of stuff in . I didn't look at anything in it ! " Gwilym laughed, gesturing towards my duffel bag . The last one to leave was Ben .

"Stay strong , okay Jen ?" He whispered into my ear , giving me a hug .

" Thanks for everything Ben. " I said , pulling him into another hug . He smiled and waved goodbye .
I grabbed my duffel bag and went into the room Joe was in. There was nurse giving him pills to swallow. He turned around and smiled at me .

"Hi , Ms. Ford . I was just giving Mr. Mazzello medicine. This will make him tired , just a warning ," She laughed , grabbing her clipboard and leaving the room . I sat down in one of the chairs and scrolled through Instagram . I saw fan accounts crying their hearts out to Joe . They were all very sweet , really .
I found that the internet had gotten hold of my face when I went off at the reporter and was now using it as a meme . They were all quite funny actually . I crept over there and laid my head down on his chest . He didn't have much wires hooked to him now , so I could easily make room for myself. I pulled up a blanket and laid it over us . I didn't want him to feel alone. Now that I think about it , this is probably not allowed . Oh , who gives a fuck really ? I took a quick selfie of us and posted it on my Instagram account . Joe had stuck his tongue out and winked .It started to get thousands of likes in under 10 minutes. Crazy how fast it was going. I felt fingers on my head as I looked up . It was Joe . He gave me a grin and kissed my cheek . It felt soft and warm .

"Hello , Joe . Doing okay?" I asked , looking at him upside down.

"Oh , yeah pretty much , are you doing okay?" He asked , cocking his head sideways .

"Yeah, I'm fine , Joe , I smiled .
Did you see the picture I posted of us ? It's got a thousand likes already!" I laughed , handing him my phone for him to look at .

"You look pretty . You're smile's adorable. " He said , observing the picture.

"Thanks , Joe ," I chuckled , kissing his forehead. He smiled at me .

"Hey Jenny ?"

"Yes , Joe ?"

"I feel sleepy ."

"Go to sleep then , Joe ." I giggled .

"That sounds like a good idea." He sighed dreamily as he closed his eyes .

"Hey ! I love you ! I thought you should know that in case you didn't!" He exclaimed, almost as if he forgot something .

"Goodnight, Joe ." I whispered. I felt his arms snake around my waist and his face nuzzle into my neck . It felt good to be this close again . I could feel his soft breath against me , tickling my neck . I could feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier as I succumbed to sleep .

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