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Joe's POV

I opened my eyes , an immediate pounding coming to my head . What time was it ? The lights were turned out , I couldn't have been sleeping that long . All I could feel was a horrible headache and my stomach feel like shit . I looked over to see two Advil and a glass of water set on the nightstand , much to my relief .

That's when it all came flooding back to me .

Jenny .

George .

That video .

My heart immediately sank , my cheeks flushed . I quickly took the pills , swinging my legs over to the side of the bed . That's when I saw the door slightly open , a blonde curl giving Jenny away . She stepped in , raising her eyebrows when she saw I was awake .

"How was your nap ?" She asked timidly , walking towards me . I nodded my head slowly , looking at the floor .

"How was George's ?" I fired back , raising my eyebrows . She sat down on the bed beside me , fidgeting .

"Joe , I'm sorry , I wasn't thinking at all ," She whispered , placing a hand on mine . I quickly pulled away , folding my hands together .

"Damn right you weren't ." I said sharply , standing up , ignoring my headache . It will go away . I know she was worried , I could tell . She was reluctant to follow me , keeping a distance between us . I went down the steps , hearing her feet pad down behind me . All I could hear was her saying my name , but I didn't respond . To hell with her .

"Joseph !" She snapped , stomping her foot .

"What ? What ? What are you trying to do ? Explain yourself ?" I shouted , my voice deepening . Tears filled her eyes , trying not to cry . They rolled down her pink freckled cheeks , her chest heaving up and down .

"Go ahead ! You made out with George , you lied to me about where you're going ! I also was sent the texts , even after I've shown how I hate him ! This is all you do , you're so stupid !" I yelled , getting angry now .

"I'm not freaking stupid ! I don't know why I freaking made out with him , he kissed me and I didn't stop !" She screamed , crying , trying to stop . I balled my fists , breathing slowly .

"You lie to me about where you're going , you fucking make out with him , you still have shitty hickeys on your neck , try covering them up better next time !" I snapped , stomping into the kitchen . I sat down , placing my head in my hands . My eyes trailed over to the note I had given myself , its words burning in my mind .

"You can't get mad at me when you've done shit too ! You lied to me about smoking , being in a gang , hell , you got off to some random girl at a bar to protect me ! Now that I'm thinking about it , that's kind of a bunch of bullshit !" She shrieked , her face turning red . I snapped my head up , her eyes pointing sharp daggers at me . I gave them right back , gritting my teeth .

"I don't want to talk about that , and if I wanted to get off , I would've come home to your slutty ass !" I growled , gripping onto the table .

"Don't call me a fucking slut , Joseph Mazzello-

"What the fuck would you like to be called ? Hoe , whore , skank , prostitute-

"Shut up ! If I wanted to date a fucking dipshit I would've dated George !" She cried angrily , clenching her fists .

"I'm sure you want to anyway ! But no , you go stuck with me !" I shouted sarcastically , widening my eyes .

"You know what ? I've never wanted to tell you this , but when we first started dating , I thought about dumping you for George !" She shrieked , her face turning so red I thought a vein was going to pop out or something . Okay , so that hurt alot , very much .

"I didn't even want to date you in the first place ! I thought you were fucking ugly the first time I looked at you !" I shouted , standing up .

"Well , you weren't exactly a sight to see either ! Your stupid nose was too big for the rest of your face !" She laughed bitterly , shaking her head .

"Oh , shut the fuck up ! You were drunk and told me my nose was a very nice to nose to bite !" I snapped , tilting my head .

"That doesn't mean shit ! You're drunk self threatened to break up with me !"

"Maybe I will !" I yelled , my voice turning into a low growl . Her face fell , slowly turning pale .

"You don't mean that , do you ?" She asked quietly , looking up at me .

"Maybe-maybe I do ," I stammered , looking up at her . Tears softly fell down her face , her eyes turning red . She quickly came up to me , holding my hands in hers .

"Baby , baby , please ," She whimpered , looking at me . I kept my eyes on the floor , closing them so she wouldn't see them tear up .

"Please , please , I swear , I love you so much , he means nothing to me , I love you , you're the most perfect man I have ever met and will ever love , please do not leave me , I'm begging you Joseph , let's talk-

"No , no , I don't know what to think ," I whispered , breathing slowly . I didn't realize I had her fingers pressed up on my lips until I felt them lightly move , her soft hands fitting into mine perfectly .

"I don't-I don't want you to go somewhere else , I still want to be in the same house as you , but I think we just need to have some space ," I said reluctantly , hearing her whine .

"Please , Joe-

"No , Jennifer , we need some . Stuff has happened , alot of stuff ," I sighed , watching her nod slowly , still crying . I grabbed my keys , squeezing them in my hands .

"I'm going to go ," I said slowly , feeling empty inside as I started walking towards the door .

"No , wait where are you going ? Joe !" She cried , grabbing my hand and trying to hold me back , but she's never been really that strong in her right arm . I pulled away.

"I-I don't know where I'm going . I'm , I'm going somewhere . I'll be home, " I said quietly , looking up at her . She looked at me blankly , standing there . I opened the door , closing it behind me . I quickly got into my car , backing it out of the driveway . I turned on the radio , the song Maybe I'm Amazed ~ Paul McCartney came on . I kept it .

It reminds me of Jenny .

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