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Jennifer's POV
"Are you planning on killing me or something ? " I chuckled , shutting my eyes .

"No , I'm not !" Joe laughed defensively , starting the car . I could feel the jolt of the car move forward as we were talking . It felt strange without my eyesight , having to rely on other senses.

"You brought your swimsuit right ?" He asked , flipping a page of something.

"Yeah , are we going swimming or something ?" I asked, playing with his fingers , moving them up and down . He mumbled something I couldn't understand . I scooted over and laid my head on his shoulder , eyes still closed .

"What're we doing ? I'm starting to think you're going to kill me," I giggled, punching him on the thigh .

"I'm not going to kill you , were just going somewhere , that's all ," He chuckled, kissing my forehead . We made one final turn and stopped somewhere . He grabbed my hand to lead me out .

"Okay , keep your eyes closed until I say so ," He whispered excitedly. He led me through a different type of texture. Sand maybe ? We walked up on wooden steps and I could feel a change in the atmosphere. Were we in a building?

"Okay , open your eyes in 3...2....ONE !" He shouted , flicking on a light . I opened my eyes and saw everyone jump out .

"SURPRISE!" They all yelled , smiling . I had my mouth agape and my eyes widened .

"You guys !" I screamed in delight, putting a hand to my mouth .

"Happy Birthday Jenny !" Joe exclaimed, walking in front of me , putting out his hands . It was all so magical . There were constellations on the ceiling , silver about everywhere you went , there was my favorite songs playing , and everyone looked extraterrestrial , matching what I can assume outer space themed . It was so overwhelming to take in . At least over 200 people were here! Wait...that's why he went into my drawing room . He knows I keep a big party list for occasions.

"So , what do you think ?" Joe asked , gesturing towards the decorations.

"I absolutely love it!" I gasped in delight, jumping on him . He grabbed me by the legs and pulled me on his torso , kissing me passionately. He let me down and someone turned the music up and a wave of people flooded the house . This was the best . I absolutely adored big parties , I just liked to go out in general.  It's boring to stay at home with nothing to do .

"I'm going to go mingle a little , is that fine ?" I said excitedly, my smile probably getting more bigger than the the last .

"Yeah , that's why I invited all of these people ! Go have fun , have a few drinks , go stupid shit crazy for all I care !" He laughed , kissing me on the lips . I hugged him once more and let myself disappear through the crowd. I saw Peter dressed in a white shirt and black tie with glitter on it . He was wearing a pair of round pink glasses holding a drink talking to some girl . He made eye contact with me and ran over .

"Ahh ! I love your fucking outfit so much ! Also , happy 27th birthday!" He giggled , removing his glasses , revealing dark green eyeliner contrasting against his pale freckled skin .

"I love your eyeliner ! Where'd you get it !? And thank you , I like yours too !" I laughed, moving his head to the side so I could take a better look. 

"Surprisingly Target . Th ey have great deals there ," He laughed loudly . I think he's already started drinking .
As a waiter walked by he grabbed a small glass of some blue liquid.

"Here! Taste this ! It's really good !" He shouted over the loud music . People had started dancing and it was getting exciting . These are the kind of parties I live for . I shrugged and took the small glass of blue liquid and downed it . I scrunched my nose up and shook my head . That did taste good .

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