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Joe's POV

I wrapped my arms around Jenny , burying my face into her neck . She smiled , rubbing my head.

"I love you , Joe ," She sighed ,kissing my head .

"Love you too Jen ," I grinned , kissing her.

I sat up , rubbing my eyes .

"Fuck me ," I sighed , laying back down as the heavy pit in my chest grew heavy . I had horrible sleep last night , I felt like a piece of shit . I also decided a grand decision of rejoining the gang . I can't back out now . They literally gave me a second choice ! How stupid could I have been ?

"Joe ? You awake ?" Jenny's voice said through the door .

"Mhm , yeah ," I mumbled , thumbling with my fingers out of anxiety . She opened the door , popping her head in , eventually stepping into the room .

"You look-you look pretty for just getting out of , um , b-bed ," I stuttered , my cheeks burning , my eyes darting to the floor . Why the hell was I acting like I was just meeting her ? This isn't college , I'm 27 years old damn it !

"Thanks ," She laughed awkwardly , sitting down next to me . "I saw the flowers on my nightstand . Those were beautiful ." She whispered , bringing her knees up to her chest . I felt my face burn , my heart pounding .

"Yeah , yeah , thought you might liked them ," I grinned sheepishly , placing my hand on the bed , accidentally putting it on hers . She flinched , her hand slightly shaking . I quickly took it off , afraid I made her uncomfortable . God , I felt so stupid . Why was I so stupid ?

"Sorry ," We both said in unison , looking up at each other . We laughed awkwardly , shifting our positions .

"Joe , I'm so sorry , making out with George was the dumbest and worst decision I will ever make , especially when it's hurting the man I love . I wasn't thinking at all , I don't know why I did-

I wrapped her in a hug , burying my face into her chest .

"It's okay , I'm sorry , I was horrible , I shouldn't have walked out and scared you , I was angry . I shouldn't have left you or Peanut , I swear I never will ." I said frantically , shaking my head. She was quiet , all she did was kiss me . She kissed my forehead , my nose , and then my lips , but held it for longer . She cupped my cheeks , gently pressing me down on the bed . We broke apart , looking into each other's eyes , daring the other to make the next move .

"You're such a cutie ," She blurted out , running a finger down the bridge of my nose . "I dont know why I thought George was good looking when I have you , I have one the best guys on earth , you're amazing ." She whispered , tracing her fingers over my lips .


"No , no Joe . I fucked up , I'll never hurt you again like that . I was...I think why I did that was because we were so far apart and-

"Jenny , you don't just make out with people because your far apart from your boyfriend ." I sighed , tilting my head .

"Joe , I know , I'm trying to find some sense of the situation-

"Even though there's no common sense at all ?" I argued , raising my eyebrows .

"Could you not interrupt me when I'm trying to apologize for my fuck-up ? Thanks ," She snapped , narrowing her eyes .

"Yeah , okay , that's definitely going to earn my forgiveness ," I said sarcastically , rolling my eyes .

"What do you mean , earn ? I'll have you know , Mr. Mazzello I don't need to earn shit , I'm trying to apologize and work this out !" She said with frustration , getting off of me . I sat up , furrowing my eyebrows . Why was I acting bitter ? What the hell was I doing ?

"Well , hey , when I said I wanted a break , you didn't try stopping me from walking out the door-

"Shut the hell up ! I was busy having a mental breakdown , and instead of you comforting me , Peter did ! You were somewhere getting drunk !" She yelled , pointing a finger at me .

"Hey , I wasn't getting drunk !" I shouted , standing up .

"Well , you sure had a cigarette last night ! You smelled like it when you were asleep !" She snapped , clenching her fists .

"Where you watching me when I was asleep ? What the hell ?"

Jenny's POV

I was so angry right now I could knock him out , considering that I was two inches shorter than him . But still !

"T-That's besides the point !" I stammered , not wanting to imply that I care about him . "I want to know where you were !"

"I can't-I can't tell you that , damn it !" He shouted , throwing a pillow .

"God , if our kid turns out anything like you , I'll feel bad for the girl he marries-

"What if he marries a boy ? He could be gay , Jennifer !" He snapped in a snarky tone , putting his hands on his hips .

"Sorry that heterosexuality is the default of society , Joseph ! You're acting like a toddler !" I exclaimed wearily , rubbing my forehead .

"That was the most homophobic thing you've ever said , and your own best friend is a gay man ! I'm telling Peter ! Peter !" He shouted , stumbling as he made his way to the door , but I quickly blocked him , arguing with him how I wasn't homophobic and to keep his mouth quiet .

That's when Peter stomped out of our room and slammed the door behind him to make his presence known . He stood there , his beard slightly unshaven and his hair ruffled , and only joggers on . We both stopped and looked at him , immediately untangling from each other's arms .

"You're both acting like toddlers ! Joe , it's not offensive to me , I'm sure you were just saying that to get Jenny angry , and Jenny , don't compare Joe's mistakes to what your son might do ! I woke up because of you two ! I've got work in 45 minutes ! I thought maybe I would wake up to you two apologizing and hugging , but I wake up to Joe shouting my name and Jenny kicking and arguing , trying to stop him ! Is that what adults do ? Huh ?" He shouted , throwing his arms out .

"No ," We mumbled sheepishly , looking down at the ground .

"Now , hug and say you're sorry !" He demanded , crossing his arms . We looked at each other , challenging the other to say it first .

"Sorry ," we muttered , reluctantly giving each other a hug .

"God , I'm going to get in the shower and pray that she won't shove a foot up my ass ," Peter said to himself , walking into our bathroom . I looked at Joe , who was still not wanting to look at me .

"Fine , be stubborn then ," I scoffed , stomping down the stairs .

"Fine , be stubborn then ," He mocked , slamming his bedroom door shut . I sputtered out a low , frustrated groan and threw myself on the couch , turning on the channel to find Jurassic Park being on .

"Don't even want to see his younger self , who knew such a cutie would turn out to be such an asshole ," I spat , angrily scratching Romeo's ears .

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