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This picture is everything uwu^^^

Jennifer's POV

I quickly called Lucy and waited for her to pick up .

"Jennifer, hey !"

"Lucy ! I'm coming over , don't ask why ."

"I'm not there , Jen ! Rami is though. Could I please ask wha-

"Just , I'm coming over ."

I quickly hung up and sped my way over there .I sent Mindy a message saying I had come down with a fever and would not be back in until tomorrow. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest in fury as it all came back to me . Having to live without him , and it was all Joe's fault . He didn't even tell me he was part of a fucking gang ! And he just used me for my dad's murder . That's all that mattered to him . He probably doesn't even love me . My cheeks burned and tears streamed down my face , blurring my vision of the road . I pulled into the driveway and knocked on the door . Rami quickly opened it , just with a pair of pajamas pants and a sweater on . He looked at me in confusion and I just started to break down . Rami quickly wrapped his arms around me and I buried my face into his shoulder , gasping for breath . He led me onto the sofa and closed the door behind him .

"Jenny, are you okay ? What's wrong?" He said quickly, bringing me a glass of water . He must've seen the suitcase and freaked the fuck out .

"Joe...Joe and I got into a fight ." I sniffed , looking at the floor .

"What about?"

"I...I don't know if I should say ," I said quietly , taking a few deep breaths to calm myself down . It didn't help . Rami came over and sat beside me , rubbing a hand on my back gently .

"Jenny, you don't have to tell me if you want , you can go take your things into the guest room and rest, okay?" He whispered , pulling me into a hug . I wrapped my arms around him tightly and we just held onto each other for a couple minutes . He let go and led me to the guest bedroom . I threw my suitcase to the side and climbed under the covers , staring off to the side wall . He turned the light off and quietly closed the door behind him . I laid there , tears blinding my eyesight as I closed my eyes in attempt to hold them back . I took slow , deep breaths and turned to stare at the ceiling , observing the little crinkles in the wall.

He killed my Dad.

He killed my Dad.

He killed my Dad.

I kep repeating those four , simple words as if I was expecting something to change. I just wanted to be hugged. Someone to hug me and hold onto me , telli ng me everything's going to be alright . I felt my phone ring against the side of my pants . I slowly grabbed it and answered it , not looking at who was calling .

"Jenny ?"

Joe .

"I don't want to talk to you right now, Joe ." I lied. I wanted to go talk to him , really , but that wouldn't work out .

"Please , I've almost lost you once. I don't want to lose you again ." He pleaded .

"All these years, all these fucking years you couldve told me ! You could've even told me at the funeral !" I almost shouted , trying to keep my voice down.

"I was scared that I would lose you , or I would lose my life if I told you ! I only told you the basics , there is a lot more I could go into that might make you just even a little less mad at me !" He exclaimed , breathing heavily . I hung up on him before he could say anything else.

God , the years of therapy I did because anxiety of losing my other family . It was all his fault. I cried even harder remembering the special secrets I had shared with him during college , telling him about my dreams of being a famous model one day instead of a lawyer or a doctor like my dad wanted me to be . He still loves me right? Maybe this is all a joke , a stupid , stupid joke . He'll call me up any minute now , laughing , calling the prank off and tell me he's coming to pick me up. The lie comforted me , even though I knew it wasn't true. But I still let my mind wander as it wanted .

I quickly shook my head and sat up . I pulled on a pair of leggings and a black crop top . I pulled my hair into a ponytail ,and double-knotted my shoes . I wrote a quick note saying what I was doing and bolted out the door , running wild . I was a big track runner back in high school , and I haven't for a long time . I forgot how energetic it was. I widened my leg span, gliding over any objects in my path . I focused on my breathing and how the afternoon sun warmed my body as I sprinted . I simmered down to a slow jog , feeling my ponytail hitting my back as I ran . I took deep breaths each time I landed on my right foot. I stopped to fix my shoe when I could feel someone's presence near me . I looked up to see an unfamiliar man standing in front of me . I jumped back and stood up . He laughed ,shuffling his feet .

"Hi , I'm sorry ! I didn't mean to scare you !" The tall man said . Now that I got a better look at him , he had black curly hair and piercing green eyes .

"No , no it's fine . I'm just out of sorts today like I usually am ," I laughed, beginning to walk away . He caught up with me and began to walk with me . Okay . This is .....creepy.

"So , what's your name ?"

"Jennifer . "

"Cool name . I'm George. "

Wait . Wasn't Joe talking about some George earlier ? Yes , he was . My heart thudded a little faster and my head kept saying, "LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE LET'S GO RIGHT NOW !"

"Hey , I s-should be going to a friend's house . I'm staying w-with someone ." I stuttered ,slowly going backwards . He began to back me into a small alley between two houses . I didn't realize how tall he was. I punched him in the gut a couple times , but that didn't do shit for me . He had backed me into a wall , and had his hands on either side of me , blocking my escape .

"Listen , I-I don't want any trouble, you can have my wallet , I can give you my earrings , they're worth a lot of money !" I tried to reason, staring at him . He laughed with a sinister look in his eyes .

"Do you know how long I have waited to be able to get this close to you ?" He whispered into my ear . I tried to move , but he clenched onto my wrist. I yelped in pain and tried to kick his shins , but he lifted me up . Shit . I then saw Joe's car pull up into Rami and Lucy's driveway . Oh hell , I'm saved .

"Joe !" I yelled , waving my arms in the air . He hit me in the ribs , but I still shouted .

"Joe !" I shouted a little louder , hoping he would hear me . The neck this time was hit . I felt the wind being taken out of me , but I wasn't going to give up .

"JOSEPH FRANCIS MAZZELLO THE THIRD !" I shrieked ,trying to wriggle out of George's grip . Joe's head popped up , looking around for the voice that said it . He laid his eyes on me for a second and paused . I kept kicking George in the stomach, hoping for him to collapse , but he didn't.

"George put her fucking down ."

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