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Jenny's POV

"Joe , what are you , 16 ?" I laughed , feeling him drag me over to the booth . The real reason he had wanted to go out was because the annual fall festival is going on , and with all the chaos I had forgotten about it . Joe knows I love it , and he had wanted to take me out to a nice dinner and then take me here . There were games , food , and thousands of people here . Right now Joe was in front of a game where you had 3 tries to knock down a pyramid of tin cans . He was bragging and being cocky , saying if he can throw the first ceremonial pitch for the Dodgers , he can easily knock all these down in one try . It actually had started snowing lightly , the street lamps turning on as soon it got dark out , the pine trees having a light coat of white . I watched as Joe threw a fastball , immediately knocking out all the cans .

"Yay !" I exclaimed , clapping my hands as he had a smug smirk on his face .

"Which one do you want ? Please don't get the llama , it's kind of freaking creepy ," Joe said quickly , furrowing his eyebrows at it . I looked at all the options , but my eyes laid on this particular stuffed bunny . It had soft light gray fur with floppy ears , and it's black eyes were small that they almost disappeared into the fur .

 It had soft light gray fur with floppy ears , and it's black eyes were small that they almost disappeared into the fur

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"What about that one ? Yeah , right there ," I said , the guy who was working the booth handing Joe the bunny .

"This bunny is actually adorable ," Joe grinned , playing with one of the ears . "You have to name it !" Joe exclaimed , getting excited as he bopped his up and down .

"Fine , hold on...what about Beanie ?" I asked , tilting my head , brushing the fur out its eyes .

"Perfect ! Beanie the Bunny ! I love it !" He smiled , kissing my forehead .

"Now only if coming up with a name for Peanut was that easy ," I chuckled , feeling him pull me close to him . It had started to get more crowded , and he had a tight grip on me , occasionally squeezing me .

"Hey , pretty close aren't you ?" I teased , kissing his ear .

Joe's POV

It's only because I'm afraid you'll leave me .

"It's just getting crowded , don't want to lose my pregnant girlfriend , do I ?" I laughed , kissing her cheek .

"Oh my God , look , caramel apples , Joe , you've got to let me have one , you made me leave my purse at home because you thought I would try to pay for dinner-

"Okay , okay , you can , Jesus ," I laughed , watching her quickly grab my wallet and jog over to the stand . I stood there , my breath looking like smoke when I exhaled . I watched as Jenny stood in line , talking to some pregnant woman that she didn't even know . Has she ever been shy ? Or does being pregnant make you like , qualified to talk to any pregnant women ?


Oof , you realize you're supposed to be here at 12:00 , right ? It's 11:00 right now , just making sure you remember .

Yeah , I know , can I not have time with Jenny ?


Don't get so flustered , Joe , you've still got like an hour left :)

A very generous amount , thanks for that.

"Joe ! Joe ! I got you one !" Jenny smiled , thrusting one into my hand .

"Thanks babe ," I grinned , kissing her forehead ."Hey , it's getting a little late , don't you think ? You've got to be cold , and it's almost 11:00 ." I said wrapping my arms around her .

"How are you tired , old man ? We used be able to stay at parties until the next morning !" She laughed , grabbing my hand as we started walking back to the car .

"That was a long time ago ! Besides , you're the one that needs sleep ! You're the one that's pregnant ," I chuckled , patting her stomach .

"Whatever , but we need to start looking for baby names , or else we'll throw something together last minute and then the kid will have to live with the fact that he has a horrible name !" She exclaimed , shaking her head .

"Yeah , I know , I know , I've been looking through the book , but it's just that there's so many options , and he'll have to live with it for the rest of his life ." I said , opening the car door for her , myself getting into the driver's seat and starting the car . Car drives always made her sleepy , and I want her to rest since we've been working on Peanut's nursery basically all day . As I backed out of the parking lot , Jenny had started getting drowsy , her eyes struggling to stay open .

"Jen , why are you fighting sleep ? It's not like you have to stay awake for some big thing ," I smile slightly , feeling her grab my hand .

"Nuh uh , I want to stay awake so in case you think of something to talk to me about ." She grinned sleepily , closing her eyes . I felt my cheeks turn pink , a sheepish smile on my face. She quickly fell asleep , her hand still on mine . She has the prettiest face . Her face is just so beautiful and smooth , her "flaws" , or at least that's what she calls them , just seem flawless to me , she just can't understand how gorgeous she is . It's almost irritating !


I covered up Jenny in bed , making sure she was comfortable . She only woke up once and that was to change out of her clothes , saying she was hot . Then she ended up being cold and putting on a pair of joggers . After that she practically fell into bed .

I gently kissed her on the forehead , her shallow breath going into a rhythm .

"Fuck my life ," I mumbled , rubbing my eyes . I joined a gang after being given the option not to , but I was a dumbass and I did ! I quietly crept out of the room , shutting the door behind me . I promised Jenny I wouldn't smoke , and I had thrown my cigarettes away , and I was so tempted to find the butt of one , God it was just tempting !

"We've all got to do things we don't like to , don't we Joe ?" I muttered , grabbing my coat . I can't believe I was about to do this .

Oh well , what was I going to do ?

Say no ?

I laughed , shaking my head as I treaded out into the snow .

Hey kids , felt like this was rushed oopsie ._.

and to people that are giving in names I'll be accepting by like midnight so yea message me or comment my dudes . Alot of y'all are just messaging me and wattpad keeps glitching lmao .

Love you guyssss every single one of you have a great day and if you're not text me and I'll help you have a great day :)

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