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^^fun picture of me and my friends that I thought y'all should see

Jenny's POV

"God , I love your dog ," I smiled , playing with Paul's dog , his tail wagging as he jumped on me . Right now I was sitting in his apartment , which was very nice by the way , it was gorgeously designed .

"He's a brat , he really is ," Paul laughed , watching me play with Bowie . I felt my heart beat faster as he scooted closer to me , scratching behind Bowie's ears . My cheeks pricked with heat , my mind racing with thoughts I didn't want . I turned to face him , his eyes meeting mine . All I could think was , please don't kiss me , please don't kiss me , because I don't know if I'll pull away . For the love of God please don't kiss me .

"You look pretty today Jenny ," He grinned , placing a hand on top of mine . I felt my cheeks burn even more as I didn't pull my hand away , opening and closing my mouth .

"Thanks , Paul , I should be going home , Joe's probably waiting for me ," I said slowly , nodding my head .

"I think you deserve more than Joe , Jenny , he seems to have a temper . Are you ever scared or anything ?" He asked , tilting his head .

"No , no , Joe's just protective , we're just going through a rough patch right now , it'll work out ," I quickly answered , fumbling with my purse . That's when I felt it .

His lips were on mine .

He had his hands gently on my waist , softly kissing my lips . I started kissing him back , my hands on his shoulders . I ran my fingers through his hair , feeling each soft blonde lock . Fuck , fuck , fuck , no , why wasn't I stopping ? He started laying down on top of me , deepening the kiss . I didn't stop him , for some reason I wasn't stopping him . He started reminding me of Joe , I don't know why , but his movements seemed more rough and needy , I was liking it . He started fumbling with the buttons on my overalls , trying to shrug them off . He kissed my neck , managing to pull off my overalls halfway , my bottom half still covered . Realizing what I was doing , I quickly pulled away , breathing heavily . I sat up , rubbing my forehead .

"Shit , I've got to go ," I said quickly , standing up and fixing my denim overalls .

"Jenny , I'm sorry-

"No , no , I just-no ," I said slowly , walking out and quickly pushing the button on the elevator . I pressed the first floor and softly banged my head against the wall , biting my lip .

I kissed another man .

I kissed another man .

I kissed another man .

Why did I kiss him back ? What was I thinking ? Well , Jennifer , you weren't ! Joe can't find out , he'll go ballistic , then he'll leave me , what if he kicks me out of our house and I have to find somewhere else to live ? I'll be alone and pregnant , I'll lose Lucy , Ben , Gwil , and Rami , Ben will break up with Peter because of me and then Peter will never talk to me again and I'll lose my best friend , and then he'll tell people at work , specifically our boss , and then she'll finally have a reason to fire me , and then I won't be able to afford for my child , and then Joe will take me to court and take full custody of our son and I'll only see him on weekends and Joe will meet someone else-

Wait .

Breathe .

I took 3 deep breaths , closing my eyes , opening them to walk out of the elevator . I quickly got into my car , backing out of the parking lot . I need to call Peter , I need to tell him that I've been with him for an hour and we went out to lunch . He'll vouch for me .

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