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Jenny's POV

"Joe , it's fine , just walk away ," I whispered , holding his hand while walking up to the hospital . Questions were being thrown at us about me being pregnant , it was getting rather annoying . You can't even tell I'm pregnant ! However they found out , I don't know , but it's increasingly getting on my nerves .

"They just won't leave you alone , damn it ! Can't they just screw off ?" He said quietly with obvious frustration . I heard the flashes of cameras behind as I glanced behind to see a couple of people with cameras . These people really don't have anything better to do .

"Jennifer ! Jennifer Ford ! Is it true your pregnant ?" One shouted , the sound of a flashing camera being used .

"Do I look pregnant ? Do I really look pregnant to you ? " I asked , turning around to face the photographers .

"Look , my stomach looks like an average stomach . I think you can tell for yourself ," I said smartly , cocking my head .

I didn't give them a chance to answer .I wrapped my arm around Joe's to keep up with his pace ; he was going awfully fast . We finally made it into the waiting room , quickly going up to the front desk .

"Hi , I'm Jennifer Ford ? I have an appointment with Dr. Lechar ?" I said , looking at the rather bored lady sitting there . She quickly flashed a smile and scrolled a finger down the list , making a little "Ah" sound with her mouth .

"Okay , yeah , yeah . Unfortunately you'll have to wait about 10 minutes because a patient is currently in with Dr. Lechar . Will that be alright hon ?" She asked , looking at me sympathetically . She seemed genuinely concerned if I was fine with that . Of course I was , but that was just really nice of her .I felt like crying because of it . Are these pregnancy hormones ? Are they ? I have no clue . I just thought it was nice that she asked that , it's just me saying that she was nice . Why am I overthinking this ? Oh shit , I should probably answer her .

"Oh yes , that will fine . Thank you ," I smiled , nodding my head . Joe and I walked over to the chairs and sat down .

"You nervous ?" He asked , looking over at me while tapping his fingers on the arm of chair .

"Not really , I don't think anything could go wrong . What time do you have to be in San Diego ?" I asked , playing with his fingers .

"Oh , like , probably around 10 : 00 . It only takes an hour and 47 minutes to get to San Diego ," He smiled , bouncing his leg up and down .

"Why do you always bounce your leg up and down ?" I laughed , gesturing to his leg bopping up and down .

"I-I don't know ! Why do you always cross your legs ?" He asked in defense .

"Sometimes I wear skirts and I don't want to flash people , Joe ." I giggled , resting my head on his shoulder .

"I'm tired ," He yawned , stretching his arms out .

"You look tired , how late did you go to bed last night ?" I asked , glancing up at him . He shook his head , shrugging .

"Not that late . I just woke up...alot ." He smiled sheepishly .

"Are you having nightmares again ? You seriously need to get help with that Jo-

"Yeah , but I don't like the doctor !" He said stubbornly , crossing his arms .

"You're such a little kid !" I huffed , rolling my eyes . "Why don't you like that doctor ?" I asked him , looking into his eyes . They were so pretty . Underneath the light , the hazel would almost melt into a bright bronze color . He shrugged and stuck his tongue out at me , crossing his eyes . I slapped him on the chest , causing him to quickly grab my arm and kiss it . I giggled and pulled it away .

"Hey , you sure you'll be fine by yourself ?" He asked , his facial expression fading into a more serious one .

"Joe , honey , I'll be fine . Why are you so worried about me ?" I asked softly , tilting my head .

"Because....I just get nervous that you'll get hurt . I love you , I just want to protect you , that's all . I have to be in San Diego for a night , and I know I've been gone for longer , but you're pregnant , and that weird phone call , and the cats , George ." He said sheepishly , placing his hand on top of mine .

"Joe , that's sweet of you , really . But you don't have to worry . We have friends close by , I'm not totally defenseless . I'm glad you care about me ," I smiled , holding a hand up to his soft, warm cheek . " I love you ." I smiled , kissing him on the lips . I could feel him smile into the kiss as we broke apart .

"I also don't want to leave you because I like to love on you ," He smiled playfully , giving me a sloppy kiss on the neck .

"Joe , stop it !" I squealed quietly , leaning up against him . He laughed , kissing me on the head .

"Jennifer Ford ?" I heard from the back . I turned to see a doctor standing with a clipboard , smiling . I got up , Joe quickly following me .

"Okay , so , I'm assuming this is your first pregnancy ?" She asked , looking back at me .

"Yes , yes it is ," I smiled , nodding my head as she led us into a room .

"Okay , Ms.Ford, you can go ahead and have a seat. I'll just ask you a few questions , and we'll be able to do an ultrasound , if you'd like ," She smiled ,setting down her clipboard . To see our kid in my stomach ? Of course !

"So , are there any miscarriages on either sides of your family ?"

"My sister has had a miscarriage before , I don't know if Joe has had any in his family...?" I said , looking over at Joe .

"No , none ." He smiled , resting his head on his hand .

"Good , good . Where there any family members that had cancer or diabetes , or any chronic illness ?"

"My aunt had brain cancer , that's all I know of ."

"My Dad had passed away from cancer ." Joe said quietly , fumbling with his jacket . I felt bad for him . It was really hard for him . I remember attending the funeral , Joe had to exit the room because he couldn't handle it . The doctor nodded , scribbling down on the clipboard .

"Do either of you smoke ?"

"Oh , no ," I said , shaking my head . I glanced over at Joe , who seemed to be hesitant on what to say . He doesn't smoke anymore , he used too . I'm so glad he quit . It's so much better not kissing him and tasting cigarettes on his mouth .

"I used to in college , but I don't anymore ," He said quickly , shifting seating positions .

"Good , good . Okay , we'll do the bloodwork , of if you're not comfortable with that we can get a urine sample , to see if there is any unexpected infections in your system , okay ?" She smiled , setting down her clipboard . I nodded , smiling back .


"Well , hey , that worked out great , didn't it ? No problems , we're pretty good at this !" Joe laughed , carrying a suitcase as we walked to his car . I laughed , nodding .

"Well , I gotta go now . I'll be back soon , okay ? I love you ," He smiled , giving me a nice , long kiss .

"I love you too . Try not to worry about me , okay ?" I giggled , wrapping him in a hug . He laughed , rubbing my back . After another "I love you" , a hug , and a final , "you sure you'll be fine ?" He left .

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