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*Joe's POV *

"And what are you going to do about it , Joey ?" He laughed bitterly , slowly putting her down but still grabbing onto her wrist . He hasn't changed , except maybe getting taller and more muscular. Damn, I looked like a shrimp to him. Jenny tried to pull away , but she wasn't strong enough to loosen his tight grip on her .

"I'm going to fucking punch you , that's what I'm going to do if you don't let go of her ," I snapped , clenching my fists . I hoped he believed my lie , because I sure fucking didn't.

"You , Joe Mazzello, will punch me ? You were afraid to use a gun , but damn could you persuade anyone faster than hell ," He smiled smugly , squinting his eyes at me .

"Okay , so you joined a gang , but you were to afraid to use a gun ?" Jenny huffed , standing up straight.

"Now is not the time , Jenny ?" I said defensively, rolling up my sleeves .

"Yeah. He couldn't. Like I said , great flirt though . I'm saying he slept with about maybe 15 girls , tops ?" George said , looking up at they sky.

"You slept around ? You never took me as the guy to do that ," She said shockingly , tilting her head to the side . I glared at George , then an idea popped into my head. I might get killed, but if I got him mad enough to make a wild punch at me , then he would let go of Jenny and she could escape and call the police.

"Yeah , one of those was your girlfriend. "

It sounded cheesy and childish, but I knew he cared alot about her. She's really nice , I loved hanging out with her. I think they're still together , come to think of it. His head snapped up and he grit his teeth .

"Did you say you slept with my girlfriend ?" He seethed , his face turning pink.

"Oh yeah , we'd do it for hour s . She'd be screaming my name all night long , and I'd be pounding into her almost every second of the day ." I smirked, emphasizing each word , getting close in his face .

"You're such a liar ! You're probably horrible in bed !" He shouted , his face an angry red now . It was working .

"Elizabeth and those 14 other girls sure didn't think so , now did they ?" I said , cocking my head to the side . Jenny looked at me , knowing what I was doing . I took a quick glance at her , but not enough to attract George's attention.

"Yeah , they were just constantly screaming my name , I think Elizabeth told me I was the best she'd ever had ," I said , biting my lip . George's chest was heaving up and down now , trying to keep himself calm . He still had his grip on Jenny , that's what I needed him not to have .

"Just shut the fuck up , Mazzello!" He yelled , narrowing his eyes.

"Yep , all day long, passionate kissing and long lasting sex . It's a shame she couldn't see me any more because she got too horny by just looking at me-

Whack .

I fell back against the brick wall , feeling the copper taste fill my mouth . I gingerly touched my lip ,looking at my fingers that were spotted in blood . I laughed , trying to cover up the pain . I ran at him and punched him right in the throat , watching him lose grip of Jenny . I tossed my head to the side , signaling for her to run while he recovered from the blow .

"Looks like you've gotten stronger , Joe . You used to be so weak it was hilarious." He smirked, looking at me . His throat was red and he had his knees bent , almost as if he was going to try and attack .

"Well , we've both grown , haven't we ?" I sighed, looking at him . He shrugged.

"You used to be so much tougher , Joe . So much more relaxed and easy . Don't you remember being able to show no mercy ?" He asked , almost as if he was dissatisfied with how I've become . I could show him no mercy if he wanted me too .

"You want no mercy , George ? I'll show you no damn mercy !" I exclaimed as I ran towards him . It must've caught him by surprise, because I'm punched him straight in the jaw , with a sickening crack . He stumbled back and slowly put his hand to jaw and removed it to see blood . He smiled and looked at me.

"See ? This is what we could've used you for . If you had stayed longer , you could've grown stronger, faster , smarter ." He said , walking towards me .

"Good God, don't you get it !? I'm not the type of cruel , attention seeking person I used to be . I've changed , but you haven't. You're still the same selfish asshole that I hung out with ," I spat , wiping my bottom lip of any blood . George went to give me a hard kick in the stomach, but he couldn't kick that far , a weakness of his . I spun around him and kneed him in the back . He let out a yelp and grabbed my wrist and twisted it . I hissed at the familiar pain and kicked him in the leg . He let go ,falling back on the wall behind us . Suddenly , red and blue sirens were seen coming down the road .

"It's all over from here , George . You're staying out of my life . " I said shakily , trying to keep my balance . He laughed bitterly at me .

"It's not over yet , Joey . You've just picked a fight you'll never finish . You're life's going to be one hell of a ride , Mazzello ," He laughed sickeningly. A police officer came and put his hands behind is back and handcuffed him .

"Jenny's going to be dead by the time I get out of jail ! You're screwed , absolutely fucked ." He laughed loudly , throwing his head back . God , he's so twisted . I shook my head and jumped when Jenny ran over and hugged me.

"Oh God Joe , I'm so sorry . I shouldn't have ran out. Are you okay ?'' She asked frantically, holding my arms .

"No , no ! Don't be sorry . I should've told you earlier ," I said sheepishly, looking down .

"Joe , no ! Don't be sorry ! I should-

"Just shut up and kiss me already. "

She smiled and leaned in as she kissed me on the lips . I brought her close to me and hugged her tight . Things were going to be better now . Nothing's going to go wrong , we're all safe now .

But I was wrong .

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