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What's up kids , so I messed up a little in the timeline , and just to clarify Jenny's at 5 months . just to give you an idea , look at the picture I put above .

Jenny's POV

"Hey , it doesn't look bad ," I smiled to myself , stepping back .

"No , it doesn't , looks amazing ," Joe grinned , stretching out his arms . We had been working on Peanut's nursery all day . Instead of fighting , we both silently agreed to work on this , and it turned out well .

The walls were painted white , with two frames of star constellations hanging above his cream crib , Regulus and Alpha Virginis . Joe was such a nerd , he insisted we should do that because Regulus was Leo's brightest star ( I'm a Leo ) , and Alphas Virginis was Virgo's brightest star ( Joe's a virgo ) . We had golden stars stuck to the wall above his crib , with gold and silver glitter dusted around them . There was a closet filled onesies , pajamas , and clothes . It was sectioned , so there were soft towels , lotion and powder , diapers , blankets ,everything imaginable for a newborn .

"The mobile is adorable , look how it's swinging ! It's entertaining !" Joe exclaimed , gently pushing it back and forth . I laughed , nodding my head . It was a cloud with stars dangling from it , spinning around clockwise as Joe touched it .

"You realize our baby's going to shit and we have to change diapers , right ?" I asked , raising an eyebrow at him . He doesn't like getting his hands dirty , though I'm sure he's done worse , to be honest .

"Yes , yes , I swear I will help with that ," He said with a nod . "By the way , I was going through the bags , and did you secretly get that like , white fluffy onesie that you begged me for , but it cost 65 dollars so I said no ?" He asked with a smirk , opening the closet and taking out the onesie , which I had hidden behind a couple blankets .

I felt a blush creep up my neck as I let out a small giggle . "Maybe ."

"God , this baby's going to be spoiled ." Joe laughed , hanging it back up . I sat down on the cushioned rocking chair , putting my hands on my bump out of habit . It had gotten bigger since I was at 5 months , the cats liked to lay on it .

That's when I felt it .

It felt like butterflies in my stomach first , then it felt more firm . It kept happening wherever my hand moved , like a game or something .

"Joe , put your hand on my stomach , come here ," I said quickly , grabbing his wrist and putting it on my stomach. I felt it again , and Joe's face lit up , his smile one of the biggest I've seen in awhile .

"Oh my God , he's having like a whole soccer game in there ," Joe laughed , hugging around my bump . "I think game's over . Wonder who won ." He grinned , sitting on the floor as stared up at me .

"Who the hell was he against ?"

"Exhaustion and Motor skills . Tough team , can't expect the kid to win first time ," He giggled like a little kid , winking at me .

"Joe , can we please talk about-

"I know you have , I've been wanting to put it off . Yes , we can . I want the first question though : Why did you make out with George ?" He asked , tilting his head . I could see him trying to cover up the hurt in his eyes , it wasn't visible in his voice , but in his eyes he was hurt like hell .

"Joe , because I was...tired . Tired of feeling like shit . You would smoke , yell , get angry , it was too much . I loved you , but loving someone hurts when you have to question if they love you back . You would say sorry , and promise me stuff that would never happen . But when I was talking to "Paul" , I felt wanted , I guess how you would put it . It made me feel excited ! Like , this man was actually wanting to talk to me ! I never wanted to hurt you , I didn't know what was going on , I was only doing and not thinking ." I ended off with a shaky tone , tears filling my eyes as I nervously fidgeted with with my fingers .

"I know I've been an asshole . I am-was smoking caused the stress of George to go away . As soon as George invaded our lives , my anger kept getting worse , and smoking and drinking seemed liked the key way to solve this , which it wasn't . Baby I promise you though , I swear I'll stop . I'll stop arguing with you , I'll stop lying , I'll stop keeping secrets from you ." He said seriously , crawling up to me on his knees as he rested his chin on my bump . I didn't realize I was crying , I quickly wiped the tears off of my face , not wanting to look at him . I would cry even harder .

"We can start over ! Well , not entirely , didn't exactly meet you while you were pregnant ," He laughed awkwardly , a blush creeping up his neck . I let out a breathy giggle , running a finger down his nose . "C'mon , before all this I would take you out on dates , we would smile and laugh . I need you , Jennifer . We need each other ." He said quietly , kissing my knuckles .

"I just...I don't want empty promises ," I said shakily , scratching my hand to give me something to do . "I love you , Joe , you'll never fully understand how much I love you , you're the best person I've ever met , you make me feel like I'm on cloud nine . Do you realize when I met you how smitten I was ? I thought you were the cutest boy I've ever seen ! You were so sweet to me , and I feel like ever since you cheated on me , stuff has fallen apart , you-you know ?" I sniffed , tears refusing to hold back .

"Shit , don't make me cry !" He exclaimed , his voice cracking when he forced a laugh . We stared at each other in silence , tears rolling down our faces . Without hesitation , Joe wrapped me into a hug , pulling me into his lap .

"I'm sorry , I'm sorry ," We both said , interrupting each other when we tried to make a sentence .

"I love you ,promise you won't leave ?" He whispered , trying not to make his voice whiny .

"I couldn't , it's too hard ," I smiled , kissing him , running my hands through his hair . He kissed me back hard , wiping both of our eyes with his slightly rough hands . He ended up on top of me , his shirt off and mine half off . He broke apart from me , his cheeks pink and lips swollen from kissing .

"You want to go out to dinner ? I'll pay ," He said with a pleading smile , intertwining his fingers with mine .

hey kids

decided to try something

So I'm sure y'all are wondering about the baby's name ( watch nobody be hAHA )

so I have decided to let you guys decided his name . Send me a message of what you think should be the name or comment it ! If no one does this I'll be shooketh but I'll figure out a name .

have fun !

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