Name: Blitzen De Forte
Gender: Male
District: 10 (I think that's the one you gave me....)
Age: 15
Appearance: Blitzen doesn't particularly look young, but certainly appears it in many ways. For one, he is a little below average height and tends to scamper rather than run. His vivid green eyes have a innocent gleam, and his smile is full of childish mischief. He always refuses to brush his hair, so his black hair is just a web of tangles. Still, it looks quite neat, which is a miracle with the weather in District 10.
Personality: Blitzen has an air of innocence, but that is only how he appears. Deep down, he's grown to be quite ruthless and doesn't like to show mercy. These negative traits are not his own fault - he's extremely impressionable, and certain people within the District decided his talents and size could be useful if they trained him early enough to make him the perfect criminal. Blitzen is still quite impressionable, but has toughened up a lot in the past few years. However, he is extremely (and I repeat, extremely) gullible. This doesn't mean he is stupid, but he is very easily lead into believing and doing almost anything.
Background: Blitzen has no tragic backstory, but he has a backstory nonetheless. At an early age, Blitzen was talent spotted. You may think that was a lucky break for a small boy in a lower District, but it wasn't. For one, it was the local gang of criminals that decided to use him for their gain. Secondly, it's lead him into a life of crime. Successful crime, but a crime is still a crime. His upbringing in the gang lead him to develop no sense of guilt, and any innocence he had was wiped away when he committed his first murder at the age of ten. Whilst he is good at what he does, he didn't seem to be improving, so the gang decided the safest thing to do would be to get rid of him. After spending barely seconds convincing him that volunteering would be a good thing, the gang watched and smiled as Blitzen mounted the stage to what they hoped would be his doom.
Token: The knife he used to make his first kill. However, as you are not allowed weapons, he chose a knife that has a detachable blade so he could remove the dangerous part and just keep the handle as a token.
Writer Games: The Final Twist & A Night in Wattpad Manor & Faction Wattpad
AdventureWriter Games: The Final Twist: last updated September 9 2013 A Night in Wattpad Manor: last updated October 19 2013 Faction Wattpad: last updated December 18 2013 Reuploaded with permission by AEKersey 2019