Death From Above/Boss Battle: Scores

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The Awards:

First Entry: Fabron Eloi (Mr_Simple09)

Best Entry: Alea Welsh (SwimmingInChocolate)

Best Characterization: Enver Code (MusicIsMySoul)

Best Quote: "I am not toast! I am Orchard Bloom Woods, thank you very much!" - Orchard Woods (ScrapbookLove)

Last Entry: Parabella Bluestone (RappyTheDinosaur)



Phalene Papillon: 7

Parabella Bluestone: 9 (-2)

Fabron Eloi: 6 (+1)

Enver Code: 8 (+3)

Alea Welsh: 10 (+3)

Chernobyl Fermi: 6

Tobias Kraynor: 10

Cargo Saven: 6

Josie Valetti: 0

Leaf Wintergreen: 7

Stu Misterpot: 6

Ripley Stark: 13*

Clara-bell Iris Daisy Bluefarmly: 8

Orchard Woods: 9 (+3)

Rye Quince: 7

Fiera Cole: 8

Unicorn Kenneth Charbon Asche Cinere Infernus: 7

Izellah Eridandra Fodere: 8

Atomique Chesley: 7

Jasper-Ivory Tuscan: 3

*Ripley used her sponsor benefit and got an instant score of 13.


Death Toll:

Phalene Papillon: 2

Parabella Bluestone: 0

Fabron Eloi: 1

Enver Code: 4

Alea Welsh: 3

Chernobyl Fermi: 0

Tobias Kraynor: 1

Cargo Saven: 2

Josie Valetti: 6

Leaf Wintergreen: 0

Stu Misterpot: 5

Ripley Stark: 0

Clara-bell Iris Daisy Bluefarmly: 0

Orchard Woods: 1

Rye Quince: 2

Fiera Cole: 2

Unicorn Kenneth Charbon Asche Cinere Infernus: 3

Izellah Eridandra Fodere: 2

Atomique Chesley: 0

Jasper-Ivory Tuscan: 0



1. Orchard Woods: 30

2. Ripley Stark: 29

3. Alea Welsh: 27

3. Enver Code: 27

5. Tobias Kraynor: 26

6. Clara-bell Iris Daisy Bluefarmly: 22

7. Rye Quince: 21

7. Parabella Bluestone: 21

9. Leaf Wintergreeen: 20

10. Izellah Eridendra Fodere: 19

11. Atomique Chesley: 17

11. Fiera Cole: 17

13. Fabron Eloi: 16

13. Stu Misterpot: 16

13. Chernobyl Fermi: 16

16. Phalene Papillon: 15

17. Cargo Saven: 12

18. Unicorn Kenneth Charbon Asche Cinere Infernus: 10

19. Jasper Ivory Tuscan: 7

20. Josie Valetti: 5

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