Semi-Finals: The Face of Fear

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Even in this much  destruction, the forest is beautiful at night. Maybe it's because you  can't see all the broken trees, and the stars are the main focus to your  eyes. Until the face of the dead appear, that is.

Fabron Eloi, Ripley Stark, Clara-Bell Iris Daisy Bluefarmly, Izellah Eridandra Fodere


The heap of crimson hair  is lying unconscious on the counter. Audax tentatively prods at his  shoulder. The lump simply shrugs it off with a groan and slids over a  case of buttons.

The few tributes that are still away see Audax slap his co-gamemaker. Filius finally wakes up, massaging his bruised shoulder.

"You hit the self destruct button and if the tributes aren't in the cornucopia in a minute they will all die!"

Audax chortles as he watches someone kick his sleeping allies awake and bolt toward the center of the arena.

"Ha! He fell for it!"

Filius glares  unapprovingly at his partner. How did he get the most unproffesional kid  out there? The gullible tribute looks even less impressed.

"But you did switch it  back to my arena, and released a plethora of my mutts!" Audax squints at  the buttons, "Clown Golems, Vampire donkeys, and the giant talking  mango! All at once?"

"Sorry kids uncle Filly wants to kill you all."

"Don't call me Filly."

"Alright FillDawg."  Audax smirks back to his test rats. "Anyway you all have a little  present for you to help you come out the victor in these final days, and  you all do need something. And that will start after this message", he  adds as an afterthought.

"The mutts will just add some excitement."

The light flickers off, and everybody runs.



Congratulations to our six semi-finalists!

District One, Phalene Papillion (TheDarkHorse)

District Two, Parabella Bluestone (RappyTheDinosaur)

District Three, Enver Code (MusicIsMySoul)

District Four, Alea Welsh (SwimmingInChocolate)

District Eleven, Orchard Woods (ScrapbookLove)

District Eleven, Rye Quince (QueenOfTheBarricade)

You must get your gift  at the ferris wheel, it can be a weapon, armour, food, medicine or  anything else. With the gift. Is a letter you wrote after your reaping  about what would happen to you in the games. You must also reflect on  that.

The mutts are as they  sound, Clowns made of mud, slow but strong, super fast bloodthirst  donkeys, and a giant mango with a face that likes to roll around and  make small talk. Before he crushes you.

No tributes must die in  your entry, but they can if you will. There will be no scores or death  toll, because they are now unimportant. We will both choose one tribute  each to send forwards to finals based off the semi-final entry, and the  rest of you will have to face voting. Four tributes will be put up for  votes, two will die.

Entries are due Saturday, August 31st, 2013 at 8 PM EST.

Word Limit: 1200 words.

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