Chapter 1

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Do you believe in fate?

Like when you won a lottery ticket you got off garbage? Or when you helped a person and only to realized he was the debt collector from ten years ago. Little thing called fate, have a way to make a person's life stirred, whether in good way or not, no one can tell but it surely did make one's life interesting.

Take Mo Guan Shan for example, 24 years old, dropped out of college, working here and there and finally settled down as a bartender at a Gay bar called, "Rose" even though he himself was not gay. Should he be happy he got a job or depressed the only place available to him was this gay place?

Mo grimaced at his train of thoughts and sucked hard on cigarette, letting out a puff that immediately dispersed in the air. He leaned against the back door of the bar, facing a dark alley, the sound of music and chatter floated out from the tiny kitchen window. On his left he could see the bright neon lights and rowdy sounds of people cruising and cars. Everywhere there was nothing but noise, but this place was at least quieter.

For him, who had no inspiration or dream for life, this life was perfect for him. At least he could make the rent, stay afloat with this income and a few other part time jobs. He should be pleased. Pleased. Looking down at the nearly burn out cigarette in his hand, he tried to wrap his mind around that word but the more he tried, the emptier he felt inside. Just what was it that making him not satisfied with himself?

He really had no answer.

Suddenly, the door was forced open, pushing him off it roughly. He stumbled forward, the cigarette fell down dangerously close to his feet. "What the fuck..." he glared at the door and the person appeared out of it. "Oh you are here. Come help if you finished with break. We got customers." The other bartender who was in tight leather vest with no shirt under came out, his face glistening with sweat. Mo made a face and stomped on the cigarette to kill the fire. "I got it. You, don't come out like that."

The other person laughed out loud, wiping the sweat off his neck. "Oh my god, you still not over it?" He came out, his boots clicked and clacked on the asphalt road. Under dim street light, his leather vest and pants stood out like sore thumb but he was carefree, put a hand on his tiny hip and pushed it out, striking a pose.

"Sure leather is damn hot but it makes you sexy." He winked at Mo, who stood hugging himself rigid, shivered despite the hot weather. "I'm not like you." He said checking if there were by passers taking notice of their weird costumes. The other one laughed, "Of course, you are not pretty like me but your butt and those big pecs look not too shabby, you know." He waved his fingers provocatively, purposedly making Mo more self conscious and uncomfortable.

"...MO GUAN SHAN! LEE! WHAT ARE YOU TWO SHIT DOING?" a loud roar came out of the kitchen and the two jumped in surprised. "Oops, old man is pissed. Let's hurry. We really are packed today." Lee picked at his ear and hurried inside, gesturing Mo to follow him. Mo sighed, here we go again. He thought to himself and followed lee, pulling down his vest every step. The door swung close behind him, a few alley cats meowed and run away in fright, after that the alley was silent again.

Downtown was busy, huge skyscrapers, fly over bridges and messy yet systematic roads, not forgetting ever bright neon lights, yes, downtown was busy day and night. It was center for hotels, shopping malls, law firms, companies, literally a mass of business of all kinds, the place where elite marked their territory and lying in wait to devour the weak. This was no place for good or bad, this was the place for profit and power. Everyone knows everything but everyone act don't know anything. As the tighter lipped you are, the better chance to survive this horrid game of business.

A black sedan pulled into an entrance of twenty storied glass building, its windows tinted with black, exuding aura of approach with care. There was a crest of snake on its bonnet, tiny but still visible and intimating those who laid their eyes on it. The hotel staffs all run out and arranged into a neat line on either side while a grey haired man in expansive suit bowed deep and opened the car door.

It was like a scene from movie. The view widened from a pair of black polished leather shoes that swung off the car and stepped firmly on the carpet and slowly up the slender body donned in a suit so chic and smelt of money people gaped their mouth from staring at it then finally zoomed into the face of the owner of such marvelous body. Stone cold chiseled face with a pair of deep charcoal black eyes that revealed no emotions, just like a beautiful robot.

"Welcome Master He." The old man greeted him as he buttoned his suit and swept his eyes over the staff standing at the entrance. His lips curled into a smile which didn't touch the eyes, and said in similar cold voice, "Thank you Manager Li. You don't need to greet me like this, I am not even part of this company." He laughed dryly, the other people slightly trembled but no one made a peep.

The old man happened to look up at him and accidently caught the black tattoo peeking out of his collar. He Tian glanced at him and the two met their eyes. A shot of lightning run down his spine and the old man immediately lowered his head and said, "There is no way I could do that. Master He is master He even if aren't part of the company." His forehead glistened with beads of sweat but he kept his posture firm, a rare professional.

He Tian looked at the old man a few minutes and finally decided he shouldn't cause trouble this early. Chuckling dryly, he said, "You are too kind." The old man finally let out a sigh and quickly said, "Right this way, Master He. The board of directors is already waiting for you." He gestured toward the entrance and almost tripped when He Tian swiftly walked pass him, leaving him in the dust. The row of staffs bowed deep, no one dare looked up at the black clad Mafia boss who had aura of death surrounding him. The old man run after him, almost knocking into the two giant bodyguards following He Tian.

Seeing how frightened the man was, He Tian smiled, this meeting is going to go well. He thought to himself, totally at ease, he stood in front of the elevator with his hands in the pockets. Just then the elevator bell rung and the door opened. "Please get on, these two staffs will guide you to the meeting room." The old man said full of hope as he would soon be free from him. He Tian wanted to laugh but kept his face calm. The two staffs in the elevator bowed deep and welcomed him. Pleased with himself, he got on, followed by his massive bodyguards.

"Thank you, Manager Li." He said with a wave from the elevator. The old man bowed so deep his forehead almost touching the knees. He only stood up a few minutes after the door closed and the devil disappeared from sight. His fingers trembled a bit as he took out a handkerchief and wiped his face. "I'm too old for this."

The story of two people from different worlds...

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