3 - Three

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Marinette could always feel Chloe staring at her. It was weird at first, but she finally got used to it. In her old life, this was exactly how Chloe reacted when she came to this school. And Marinette knew exactly what was going to happen next.

As Marinette was heading past the bathroom, someone pulled her inside, and she knew exactly who it was. She looked up, pretending not to know.

"Ow, watch it!"

"I'm so sorry, Marinette," Chloe's fake voice came up. "I didn't mean to push you too hard. I just wanted to talk to you."

"It's fine," Marinette smirked. She was glad Chloe had no idea that she had gone back in time. Now she was going to see the kind of person Marinette really was. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Well... Sabrina and I are going shopping after school, and I wanted to know if you wanted to come along," Chloe gave her a wide smile. Marinette knew where this was going. When she joined Chloe to go shopping, they had first went to Chloe's mansion, where Marinette was able to meet Mr. Bourgeois.

Mr. Bourgeois had really seemed to like Marinette, and gave her a lot of attention. Maybe Chloe felt jealous and suddenly wanted to get rid of her. Marinette put her hands in her pocket as she thought about what to do. Maybe if she didn't go shopping, she wouldn't have to deal with Chloe's jealousy.

"Marinette, you can't say no to me," Chloe said as she played with her hair,  twisting and untwisting it. "I really want to go with you. You seem like such a nice girl, and I want us to become friends."

Marinette gave her a fake smile. "Sure, I'll come. I hope we'll have great fun as well. It's nice to make new friends."

"Yeah," Chloe nodded. "I totally agree. You know, Marinette. I have a really good feeling that we're going to turn out to be best friends. Anyway, after school, me, you, and Sabrina can take my limo."

Marinette pretended to be surprised. "You have a limo?!" She gasped, knowing that she was doing a great job fooling Chloe into believing that they could actually become friends.

"Oh, haven't you heard?" Chloe rolled her eyes. "I am the daughter of the Mayor anyways. Don't worry Marinette. Stick by my side, and I promise every single great things would come to you."

Yeah... Including murdering me after making me look like a fool? Marinette nodded. "Yes, I'll definitely stick by your side. Anyway, we better get to class or else we're going to be late."

"Oh, you're right." Chloe took Marinette's arm and the both of them started walking to class. "I can't wait till school is over. We're going to have so much fun. And I'll introduce you to Sabrina."

In her last life, Sabrina didn't really seem to be around all the time. She always stuck by Chloe's side, that was for sure, but Marinette wasn't sure if Sabrina was part of the whole plan. Marinette wasn't even sure if Sabrina knew about the plan.

They got to class, and of course they were late. Alya looked up, seeing how Marinette and Chloe were suddenly unbelievably close to each other now. It wasn't already too late to warn Marinette, was it?

Marinette walked and took her seat next to Alya, who gave her a smile and she returned back. Finally Alya asked the question that had been in her mind.

"What's up with you and Chloe?"

"Oh, me and Chloe?" Marinette smirked. "We're friends now. We're going shopping after school, in fact. Why?"

"Oh... I just thought it was a bit weird at how you two suddenly became friends so quickly," Alya shrugged. "You guys looked like you've been friends for ages when you walked inside class just now."

Marinette silently laughed. "Well, Chloe definitely looks like a nice person. Is she not?"

"I don't really think Chloe would make a great friend for you, Marinette," Alya replied, taking her pen to start work. "I mean... I understand if you think she's all nice, but you haven't seen her real side yet. She can be really mean. I think it's better if you stay away from her."

Marinette smiled at her. "Thanks for that, but trust me Alya. I know what I'm doing!"

Alya didn't look so sure, but she shrugged and started writing down in her notebook, copying down what the teacher was writing on the board. She slowly turned to Marinette, who had just waved at Chloe because Chloe had waved at her.

"Well..." She whispered. "Don't let Chloe distract you in class. Listen... You should have heard what Chloe did to this new student."

Marinette turned to Alya, paying attention to the story she was telling as they quietly spoke so the teacher wouldn't turn, hear them, and call them out.

"So there was this new student. He was really smart, and for some reason, Chloe felt threatened by him," Alya began. "There was this test that was going on. Maybe Chloe felt that her grades would go down with this new student around. No one is really sure, and Chloe refuses to speak of it.

"So when this test came, and we were about to do it, Chloe suddenly called her dad, and got the kid kicked out of the school."

Marinette widened her eyes, pretending to be surprised. In her old life, Alya had told her the same story, and she had felt really shocked the first time. In her old life, she had tried to back Chloe up, telling Alya that maybe Chloe had another real reason to do that. But now was different.

"Oh my goodness, I can't believe Chloe would do something like that," She covered her mouth, widening her eyes even wider. Finally she turned to Chloe, and realized the blonde was looking at the both of them. Marinette quickly turned her head back to Alya. "Chloe seemed like a totally good person just now."

"She uses that to trick people and make them fall into her trap," Alya nodded. "That's why I'm telling you to stay away from her. That new kid wasn't the only one that left this school because of Chloe. I'm tired of kids leaving this school because of that brat, so that's why I decided to warn you early, because you know what. I don't want you to be one of those kids that leave."

Marinette smiled, this time a real smile. "Thanks Alya. I'll definitely keep what you told me in mind. But don't worry... I really do know what I'm doing. I'm not going to fall into this girl's trap. I'm not going to make the same mistake again!"


Word Count: 1135

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