5 - Five

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When Sabrina came back, of course Marinette and Chloe were laughing at probably some stupid joke. When Marinette looked over at Sabrina, seeing her face, as if she was jealous, she knew she was doing a great job at winning Chloe over. Too good, at least.

"Alright, now we have to go to my mansion," Chloe giggled. "Before when we went there, we didn't really stay for too long, so now let's go and have some girl time. It's huge, Marinette. I swear, you would love it!"

Marinette nodded. "Sabrina, wanna come along?" She thought it would make Sabrina feel less left out.

"What are you doing, Marinette?" Chloe rolled her eyes "I know we're friends now, but it's my mansion. I get to invite whoever I like, and I just want us two to go."

Marinette frowned. "How can you treat Sabrina like this?"

Chloe folded her arms. "Marinette, I'm not trying to be a bad person. Come on, if you were here earlier, you would have seen all of the things I even did to Sabrina. All good things. And she hasn't been able to repay me, not even once, for any of it." She talked as if Sabrina wasn't there. She was acting as if Sabrina was invincible. "So that's the thing. I invite her to my mansion whenever I want."

Marinette turned back to Sabrina, who looked down and was slowly backing away. She gave her a apologetic smile, but once Sabrina looked up, she gave Marinette a hard glare. Marinette frowned, but started walking away with Chloe.

As Marinette and Chloe started walking back to the limo with Jean, Marinette suddenly shuddered.

Why did she have a feeling that Chloe and Lila weren't the only ones trying to get revenge on her?!


They arrived back at the mansion. Chloe's dad was still there, and he was surprised when he saw them. He quickly stood up. "You girls back from your shopping?"

"Yup," Chloe nodded.

"Marinette..." Mr. Bourgeois started slowly walking up to her. "I heard from your father that you really loved designing. Is that correct?"

Marinette nodded so he continued. "Well... Gabriel Agreste is holding a designing contest, and I thought you might just be the perfect person to enter. You could win, and you could get famous."

Chloe gasped at the words. "But Dad... I'm entering. How can you encourage another girl that's not your daughter?"

"Oh sorry, Chloe. I'm just trying to make her feel more welcome," Mr. Bourgeois shrugged and smiled. "Please understand that. Besides, you're still my favourite girl."

Even though she wasn't, Marinette knew Chloe wanted to glare at her, but instead Chloe just smiled and started heading upstairs.

"Alright, I'll join," Marinette smirked and folded her arms. In her last life, she had won, and became Gabriel's favourite designer... But after the tragedy, after having Chloe and Lila make everyone go against her, Gabriel had told her not to come back and chose Chloe over her. Now she wasn't going to ruin this opportunity given to her again.

Chloe came back downstairs, and Marinette walked over to her. "Chloe, I really hope you don't mind. I love designing, and I'm glad your father informed me about the designing competition. See, he was just telling me, it's not like he really wants me to win. He wants you to win, so don't be mad."

Chloe laughed. "How could I possibly be mad at you? We're best friends now after all. Best friends have to have each other's back, right?" Marinette nodded, agreeing on the outside. "Now." Chloe grabbed her arm and started pulling her upstairs. "I'll show you to my room."


When Marinette walked inside class the next day, she could overhear Chloe talking to Sabrina about their girl time they had. She was blabbering all about what happened, and maybe even a little too loud. Marinette rolled her eyes as she started heading for her seat. Then Chloe stopped her and pulled her into a hug.

For most people in that class, they were very shocked to see Chloe giving her a hug, and Marinette would have been surprised too, if she didn't know this was going to happen.

Chloe was giving her a huge smile and all she could do now was smile back. At the corner of her eyes, she noticed Sabrina glaring at her, and it made her feel uncomfortable. Everything made her feel uncomfortable, so she slowly just headed to her seat.

"Seems like you really had fun with Chloe. Chloe is even giving you hugs now?" Alya turned to her with a frown. "I don't know, but I have a feeling that you're going to be the one to finally change her. Or are you slowly... Turning into one of her?"

Marinette shook her head. "How long has Chloe been talking about what we did in her mansion?"

"10 minutes before you walked in," Alya nodded. "Yup, some of us had to cover our ears because she was talking too loud. Anyway... Did you have fun?"

Marinette saw Chloe look back at them twice. "Honestly," Marinette whispered. "It was the worst time of my life."

"Really?" Alya tried to contain her laughter. "Usually when people go to her mansion, they always have fun. Not everyone is allowed to go, but it's not like all of us wants to go."

"Yeah," Marinette giggled. "She was a real brat, especially to Sabrina." She wanted to tell Alya about the whole thing that had happened to her; going back in time, trying to use Chloe's and Lila's plans against them, but she decided this was not the best time yet. Besides, what if Alya didn't even believe her.

Marinette pulled out her phone as the teacher walked in, and she checked the date. When she did, she smirked. Two days from now was when Lila would be coming to their school. Two days from now was when Marinette was going to start the real revenge.

Her eyes then turned to a certain boy. If Lila was going to come to this school and kill her for crushing on a boy, then she better make sure that Adrien fell in love with her first before Lila showed up. She had no plans on how to make Adrien fall in love with her anyway.

"Hey," As the teacher spoke, beginning class, Marinette turned her gaze to Alya. "Are you dating... Anyone?"

Alya quickly blushed and looked away for some reason. "N-no."

Marinette rolled her eyes. Oh yeah, Alya isn't dating anyone but she's got a crush on a boy. That means now Alya can't really help me. I need someone that has a good relationship with someone else.

Marinette started looking around the class, before her eyes landed on the perfect couple.

Of course! Ivan and Mylene.


Word Count: (1140) excluding this.

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