28 - Twenty • Eight

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How did she know?

Marinette stood there, staring at Lila, who was still waiting for an answer. Marinette clenched her fists, wondering who had told her, or how she had found out. Her mind had quickly went to Mylene, because she was the first to know about her and Adrien, but why would Mylene want to tell Lila?!

"I'm taking it by your silence that it's true," Lila looked pissed off, and Marinette had to admit; she was enjoying the look on her face. "Marinette, you... How could you pretend?! You made me believe that you were hurt!"

"Hey, don't come here and blame me. I was just getting back at you for what you did," Marinette shrugged. Suddenly she wasn't so bothered by the fact of Lila knowing. "Listen, like I said before, just give up on him and move on. That's the best option for you right now, Lila."

"You said you wouldn't give up on the one you liked!" Lila glared at her. "What makes you think I will as well?!" Marinette didn't say anything as Lila walked off.

"What's going on?" Ivan, who had been standing there and listening to the whole thing, asked with a confused look on his face. "What's all this about Adrien?"

Marinette sighed, turning to Ivan. "Hey, you said you wanted to help me get back at Chloe, right?" Ivan quickly nodded. "Well then, now your chance."

"What do I have to do?" Ivan quickly asked, as if he had been waiting for this moment to happen.

"Chloe, Lila and Sabrina are so focused on getting revenge on me, and I'm also focused on getting revenge on them," Marinette looked down. "I need a break. I need them to stop thinking about revenge for a while, so I can get to do other things without worrying about them."

Ivan nodded, not really sure what she was on about. "I'll help you. What do I need to do?"

Marinette smirked and looked up to face him. "I need to make the girls go against each other; you know, have some kind of fight, so if they continue being mad at each other, they could forget about revenge for a while while I think of a new plan," She was rubbing her hands together without realizing it, and Ivan was doing the same thing, so she knew he was into it. "Ivan, I need you to help me get the girls to have a fight."

Ivan nodded again. "This will take a lot of planning. Once I get an idea, I'll come to you, okay?"

"Cool, can't wait."


"And that's the last one," Marinette grabbed her napkin and wiped the sweat from her face. Finally she was done selling all these pastries. Everyone really seemed to enjoy them.

As she was about to close her stand, Nathalie came, walking up to her. She gave Marinette her phone back. "I did what you asked me, so now I can go back to Adrien."

"Thank you," Marinette nodded. "Um, if you don't mind.. I actually want to hang out with Adrien right after I'm done watching the video. Do you think...?"

"Ask Adrien!" Nathalie interrupted. "I don't control his life, I just do what Gabriel tells me to do, and he never said Adrien couldn't hang out with his friends. So just ask him."

Marinette nodded. "Thank you. You know Nathalie, you really aren't such a bad person. You just look like it."

Nathalie didn't reply as she started walking away. Marinette turned her attention back to her phone, and clicked on the newest video that Nathalie had caught of the girls. There as usual, was Chloe and Lila having their talk. Marinette listened.

"She lied, Chloe! She lied!" Lila yelled. "You told me that Marinette was a naive, stupid girl, but instead she's the one getting at us. It's as if she knows what we're planning!"

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Please Lila, I'm trying to think. Alright, I know, I know, she's ruining our plan. But remember what we still have to do. We have a great plan up ahead and there's no way that she knows about it!"

"I'm just so pissed off about the Adrien situation," Lila gritted her teeth. "I actually believed that they were done, but turns out that they were pretending. It's a good thing we have our own spy, and he quickly told me about this."

"Yeah, a spy does really come in handy," Chloe giggled. "I can't believe Marinette asked Alya and Nino to make sure that you don't get close to Adrien. I bet she doesn't know that we're spying on her, and there's no way she can guess who our spy is!"

"The spy did say that Marinette was talking to Rose, Mylene and even Nathalie." Lila was frowning. "I think she's planning something. I don't exactly know what she told them, but she definitely has something big up her sleeve so we better be careful!"

"Yes, don't worry. We'll get her, you'll see," Chloe didn't look the slightest bit worried. "Marinette thinks she's smart. What she doesn't know is that we're smarter. I hate her so much! She's slowly taking everything away from us. I could have won that designing competition, but instead she wins. Like, how is she better than me?!"

"And Adrien could have fallen for me, he could have asked me out! But instead Marinette gets in the way and cheat her way to the top," Lila growled. "There's no way Adrien fell for that kind of girl. I bet she did something!"

Marinette paused the video, looking down, deep in thought. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. The girl had their own spy, just like her. They knew about what she told Alya and Nino; they were watching her, following her every move.

Not bad... I gotta say... They're not as stupid as I thought they were...

But... Exactly who is their spy?!


Word Count: 995 (excluding this)

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