21 - Twenty • One

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Marinette had to skip class to look around for Adrien. Finally she saw him sitting down in the locker room. Marinette felt guilty, even though she knew she wasn't lying. She walked inside the locker room, and sat next to Adrien.

"Lila was lying!" She exclaimed, before she looked down, and waited for Adrien to say something.

"I know."

Marinette widened her eyes and looked back up. "You knew?!"

Adrien looked up, and Marinette noticed that he actually had a wide smile on his face. "I overheard Lila talking with Nathaniel. They did make a deal, and Nathaniel agreed to it, because he... Well, he liked you..."

"Oh..." Marinette didn't know what to say. All these times Adrien knew. It actually made her laugh on the inside. Lila thought she won, she thought Adrien was mad at Marinette, she thought they were going to stop talking to each other, but boy, she thought wrong!

"I pretended to be surprised and upset," Adrien chuckled. "I wanted to make her believe that she won, when in reality, she didn't."

Marinette didn't know why his reason made her freeze. Maybe it was because all these times, she too had been pretending. All these times, she had only been trying to get on Lila and Chloe's good side, so she would make them think they were winning, when in reality, they weren't. "So... What do we do next?"

"Marinette, I just want to make sure of something first," Adrien turned serious all of a sudden, and it somehow made Marinette nervous. "There isn't a girls group, is there?"

"Uh... Well, why would you even ask that question?"

"Exactly what do you girls do in that group? Shouldn't you all be friendly?" Adrien asked. "I mean, if Lila was in the group, why would she want to go against you?"

"Because she likes you," Marinette blurted. She knew she couldn't keep lying to Adrien, so the best thing to do was change the subject whenever and however she could. "When Lila first came to this school, she was staring at you. Didn't you notice?" Adrien shook his head.

"Listen, at our date... Lila was only there to spy on us, because she wanted to make sure that we didn't end up together," Marinette was saying all these things without thinking. "I felt distracted, because I was always worrying that she was going to pull a trick on us. But then I soon found out that... Getting me distracted was the trick. She wanted to make you hate going out with me."

"That makes more sense. And in the girls group, she's nice to you or what?" Marinette still didn't know why Adrien was even talking about the girls group that was absolutely fake.

"Well... She is nice, sometimes," Marinette shrugged. "She's the leader of the group. Em, so yeah..."

"And you don't ever think about leaving the group?" Adrien was pushing it, and soon Marinette figured that he was asking all these questions just to get her to admit that there was no girls group.

"Well... In the group, there's a rule that we have to be nice to each other, so she is nice," Marinette spoke again. "It's just outside of the group that she pulls these tricks, but it's fine, I can handle them."

"Marinette... Just tell me the truth!" Adrien sent her a little glare. "If you keep lying to me, how do you expect me to trust you in anything?"

Marinette bit her lips at his words. "If... If I tell you, you might not even believe me!" Adrien shook his head, telling her that she was wrong. Marinette took a deep breath, and started explaining everything as best as she could. Adrien listened, not saying a word, and the more he kept quiet, the more Marinette started to worry.

"Is that all... Really true?" He then asked when she was done. Marinette nodded her head, and Adrien had a disgusted look on his face. "I can't believe Lila and Chloe would do that!" Marinette was surprised he believed her so easily, but then again, he had promised to. "Why would they do that?!"

Marinette had told him the story about what happened, but she never mentioned the reasons behind why Chloe and Lila did what they did. "I'll tell you everything else later," She promised. "But for now... Will you help me?"

"What can I do anyway?"

"Lila and Chloe trusts you so much; they like you," Marinette pointed out. "If you try and get closer to them, then ask them questions, they would answer. You also have to pretend that you're against me, so the girls could trust you more. And what you're trying to do is find out secrets about them, and future plans they plan to use..."

Adrien nodded. "Got it. Well... I guess we start pretending now?" He stood up and fake glared at Marinette. "I can't believe you would go and do that!" He yelled. "You told me you had fun, and then you go and tell everyone else the opposite! Just what are you playing at?!"

They could see that Chloe had walked inside, wanting to know what was happening. "Hey... Are you two having a fight, or something?!"

"Lila was lying! I didn't tell anyone anything!" Marinette stood up and yelled back at him. "How can you believe that girl over me! We're dating!"

"You know what?!" Adrien turned to leave. "Lila was right! I did make a mistake. I did pick the wrong girl to date! We're done!" And he scurried away!

Chloe gasped at what had just happened. She then put on her fake best friend smile and walked over to Marinette, pulling her into a hug. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry he did that to you. What's this about Lila though?"

"Lila told him a lie, and he believed it. I can't believe it. Maybe he really wasn't the right guy for me." In her mind Marinette was laughing so hard, that she just wanted to laugh on the outside as well. Chloe pulled her into another fake hug, telling her that she was sorry, and that she was going to talk to Lila about this and see why she did what she did.

Marinette nodded and sniffed, pretending that she was about to cry. Chloe started leaving to go and talk to Lila, and as soon as she left, Adrien walked back in. He had a huge smile on his face.

"That really worked," He grinned.

"Yes... Oh, and Chloe is going to talk to Lila to ask her why she did what she did," Marinette rolled her eyes. "It's obvious that she's going to tell Lila about what happened, and they're both going to celebrate about it. Maybe you should follow them and hear what they say."

"Aye-aye, Captain." Adrien reached over, pecking her lips, before he exited the locker room. Marinette melted on the inside.

Marinette, Adrien and Rose


Chloe, Lila and Sabrina


Word Count: 1170 (excluding this)


There... You got some Adrienette. You happy?

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