26 - Twenty • Six

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Marinette looked around at the huge park filled with different rides and activities, trying to find her parents, but to her luck, she couldn't. She groaned silently to herself once she noticed Chloe and Lila coming her way.

Lila had a confused look on her face. "Marinette, I thought you said you and Adrien were done? How come I saw you two together. You two looked like you were enjoying yourselves."

"Check again, Lila," Marinette rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I finally figured what you have to do to make me have my trust on you again."

"Marinette, don't try to avoid my question. How are you and Adrien doing?!" Lila didn't look too happy, but Marinette could care less about how Lila was feeling.

"No, we're not okay," She sighed. "He just came here, pretending to be nice. What are you trying to do, make me feel bad and even more angry at you?!"

"What, no!" Lila quickly exclaimed, waving her arms in front of her. "I'm not trying to make you feel more angry and hate me more. Anyway, you said you knew what you wanted me to do. What is it? I'll do it!"

Marinette smirked. "I want you to walk up to Adrien and tell him the truth! I want you to stop going for him!"

"What, no way! Anything but that!"

Marinette sighed. "So then you do admit that you were lying. Lila, you said you would do anything for me, and I really believed you, but now you don't want to do what I ask you?" She tried to look pitiful, making Chloe and Lila look at each other, before they turned to her. "Hey, if you don't want to tell Adrien what you did, then at least admit it to me!"

Lila groaned. "Alright, if I admit it to you, then we're fine, right?" Marinette nodded with a smirk. "Marinette, I did lie to you and Adrien. You never told Nathaniel anything about him making you feel so uncomfortable. I only made that up to separate you two just so I could get a go at him. I just kinda thought it was unfair at how he only paid attention to you. If he knew the kind of girl I was, I'm sure he would like me!"

"Oh Lila, don't worry," Marinette smirked as she pulled out her phone. "Once I send Adrien this recording, he will for sure know the kind of girl you are."

"What?!" Lila tried to grab her phone and Marinette instantly pulled it out of her reach. "You recorded me?!"

"Every single word you said. I was prepared for this," Marinette chuckled. "Now, it's either you go and tell Adrien yourself about what you did, or I'll just send it to him!"

Marinette knew it wasn't really going to do anything if Lila told Adrien, because Adrien already knew. But she just wanted to make Lila feel horrible, she wanted to make Lila wish she had never done what she did. Also, if Lila admitted to what she did to Adrien, Adrien would then have the reason to hate her and avoid her.

"Marinette, sometimes I wonder if you're even our friend," Chloe folded her arms, annoyance showing on her face. "You make us do things that we don't want to do; that's not how a best friend should be like! Best friends should be comfortable with each other, they should always be having fun, but you... You're not a true friend at all. It's like you're just using us."

"Chloe, don't say that!" Marinette fake gasped. Hypocrite! "I am your friend. And you should also be telling those words to Lila, because if she was really my friend, then she would have just been happy for me that I got my crush to ask me out. Instead she tries to find ways to separate us. Don't you think it's unfair? And besides, I am your friend, but I can't be your friend anymore if you keep trying to take the ones I love away from me!"

Chloe and Lila turned to each other again, not knowing what to say. They hadn't really expected Marinette to be this smart, which meant now they had to work harder and start their plans. Lila turned to Marinette.

"You're right, I wasn't being a very good friend. I mean, I was hoping you understood why, but now that you said this, I understand that I've been wrong. I shouldn't have done what I did," Lila looked down. "I'm really sorry, Marinette. Please don't send the recording to Adrien. I know I have no chance with him, but I don't want him to hate me either!"

When Marinette looked behind the girls, she could see Rose and Mylene, catching the girls on video, just like they were supposed to. She smiled at them before turning back to Lila.

"Fine, I won't do anything." It would be pointless anyway because Adrien already knows. "But Lila, if you try anything else that triggers me, I will do something that will ruin you, so you better watch out!" Lila quickly nodded.

"Um," Chloe grabbed Lila's arm. "Lila, I want to talk to you in private. I hope you don't mind, Marinette."

"Of course I don't. Go and talk privately," Marinette nodded. Chloe and Lila started walking away, and Marinette could see Rose and Mylene following them secretly to catch their conversation on video.

"She's too damn smart!" Chloe was complaining. "Whatever plan we get, she always finds a way around them! I swear she's got tricks up her sleeves. Lila, we have to try to think of something else big!"

"Don't worry Chloe, I know we can do this," Lila patted Chloe's shoulder with a calm smile. "Marinette may be smart, but we're smarter. We'll find a way around her tricks, and finally get revenge on her for everything she did to us! The more she does all these tricks, the more we hate her, and the more we want to get rid of her, so I know we can be able to do it!"

Chloe nodded. "I hope you're right. But we really have to think of a huge plan that will wreck her, or else she's going to wreck us first!"

"I agree." Lila looked at the ground trying to think of an idea. "Well, we did decide that we were going to get Alya against her, and we were going to frame her for something..."

"But we don't know how to do those things," Chloe interrupted. "The only reason we're her friends is to get closer to her, and find secrets about her, then spread the secrets around to everyone. And after that, we're going to pretend that it was someone else that released the secrets and not us, that way she and that someone will stop being friends."

"Alya!" Lila exclaimed. "Marinette and Alya are incredibly close, so there's so doubt that Alya knows Marinette's secret. If we find out the secrets of Marinette, we'll spread them, and then pretend that it was actually Alya who spread them. How about that? It'll ruin their friendship."

"I like that," Chloe smirked. "Also, Alya has got friends who stick by her side, so if Marinette accuses her of releasing the secret, some of her friends are going to be against Marinette, and it'll just make Marinette lose more friends. Lila, you're a genius."

"But we still have to find out her secrets, which may seem impossible, but I've got a plan," Lila smirked. "Obviously, Marinette is not going to be telling us her secret any time soon, so it's better if we do it ourselves and find her secret."

"What do you have in mind?"

"We find a way to get in her room without her there," Lila said. "Her parents already take us as her friends, so it won't be that hard to get them to allow is in. We'll look for the secrets Marinette has been hiding, get out of there quickly and spread them. Maybe even threaten to release her secret so she can do something for us."

"I like where you're going with that," Chloe chuckled. "I say we do this as soon as possible. The earlier we release her secrets, the possible more friends she might lose." Lila nodded in agreement.

Rose and Mylene looked at each other, before they started leaving and walked up to Marinette.

Marinette smiled when she saw her friends coming back, walking up to her, and she knew they had got something interesting.


Word Count: 1429 (excluding this)
- Edited -

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