46 - Forty • Six

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< Nino, Kim, Max >

Miss Morgan, the new librarian, placed her bag on her desk in the library. She looked around the place, before she finally walked over and unlocked the library.

Suddenly she heard a crash from outside. Without thinking and being the nice lady that she's always been, Miss Morgan rushed to see what had happened, totally forgetting that she had put her bag and keys out in the open on her desk.

Kim and Max watched as the librarian took off to the crash. The crash was of course caused and planned by them. Out there, Nino was helplessly laying in the floor, pretending he crashed into something and was hurt. His job was to make Miss Morgan stay away from the library for at least two minutes.

Once Miss Morgan was not close to the library anymore, Kim and Max entered. The first place they checked, of course, was the large desk.

"Gotcha!" Kim smirked as he grabbed the keys. There were eight keys, so he wasn't sure which one was going to be the one opening the door, but he was sure Nino could help.

"Alright Nino, you stay there. I'm going to get you a bandage from my bag," Miss Morgan spoke. Nino widened his eyes and quickly stopped her.

"No, no, don't go back there." He had seen Kim and Max go inside the library, but they hadn't walked out yet. "I think the best thing to do now is take me to the nurse's office. I'm sorry if I'm causing you trouble, Miss Morgan, but the nurse will have everything, including bandages."

"Yes, you're right. Alright, we better hurry." Miss Morgan helped him up, and started helping him walk towards the nurse's office. What could she say — students always came first before her job.

Kim and Max finally got out of the library, and Max pulled out his phone. When Marinette had told them the plan of what they were doing, she had a group chat called 'Unbeatable Friends', so whenever someone got something or finished her/his job, they would send a massage.

Ma - Kim and I have finished the job. We got the keys, but we just don't know which one is the one.

M - what about Nino? Doesn't he know which key is the the right one?

Ma - he does, but he's going to the nurse's office now with Miss Morgan. We're going to meet him later on. Just wanted to tell you that we've gotten the key.

M - nice going there, boys.

Nino reached the nurse's office with the help of Miss Morgan. "Thank you, but I can carry on from here. You should really get back to the library." He was sure that Max and Kim were done and out of the library. At least, he hoped so.

Miss Morgan nodded and started walking back from where they had come from. Nino sighed, bent down, and took off the fake injury on his leg. He felt bad for lying, but Marinette had warned them - this plan including lots of lying!

< Nino, Alya >

Nino met up with Kim and Max again, taking the keys from them. He went through every keys they had gotten, until his eyed landed on one specific key. "The key is the black one," He painted out, before handing the keys back to Kim. He nodded at the two boys before walking off to find Alya.

Alya was already waited for him. "We have to wait until Chloe gets here now. Hopefully we don't get caught," She breathed in and out.

"Don't worry guys, she's not going to take long," Sabrina smiled. "Chloe will be here shortly. I told her there was an emergency at school, and she agreed to come early."

After Lila and Chloe were caught cheating on the math test, they got 3 days of suspension, but with Mr. Bourgeois, coming in to help them, they got a 1 day detention instead, which the others thought was absolutely unfair. Gave them the more reasons to get back at Chloe and Lila though.

Nino and Alya nodded and waited for Chloe to show up to school. Soon enough, they heard her voice.

"Sabrina, where are you?! You asked me to come to this school so super early, like, what's your totes problem?!" Chloe complained as she headed to the locker room, where Sabrina was. Alya and Nino stood up, quietly following her.

"Hey Chloe," Sabrina waved as Chloe entered the locker room.

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Alright, you have exactly 2 minutes to tell me what's going on!"

Sabrina smirked. "Chloe, I just got a super idea on what to do to Marinette. It's obvious that your plans keep failing, no offense, and the other plans you haven't even tried out yet is because you haven't got the chance."

Chloe put her bag down beside her leg. "Alright Sabrina. Continue."

"Um, Nathaniel told me that Marinette was the one who set you two up." Sabrina continued as she slowly kicked Chloe's bag away from her leg, kicking it closer to Alya and Nino. "Um, I don't think you pretending to be her friend is working. You need to stop pretending and start in with your plans!"

Chloe thought about what she had just said, before she nodded. "And, what else?"

"Get back at her when she least expects it," Sabrina shrugged. "Lately, I think Marinette has been catching you trying to get to her, and that's why she's always been on guard. But if you tell her how sorry you are, tell her that you can't be her friend anymore, and tell her that you're so done with trying to get to her, I'm sure Marinette isn't going to expect you to come back at her."

Chloe was nodding. She was thinking about it so much, that Sabrina had another chance to kick Chloe's bag away. Nino and Alya were sliding on the floor, as if they were worms. Nino grabbed unto the bag and pulled it away as he and Alya rushed out of the locker room.

"I have to say Sabrina, that's pretty smart," Chloe smiled. "Good job. So far you're doing way better than Lila. All Lila even thinks about is Adrien, and getting Adrien and Marinette to break up. I mean, I know we're also getting revenge on Marinette for that, but she focuses too much on Adrien, doesn't give us any ideas on how to get back at Marinette. It's like she's working alone, not needing our help. This girl is seriously pissing me off!"

Sabrina smirked. If Chloe was already pissed off at Lila, then getting her to believe that Lila locked her in was going to be no problem.

Meanwhile, Alya and Nino were secretly celebrating at their job well done, but they had to admit, Sabrina did help them out there.

Soon they got to the room that they were using, and put the bag in a corner. Then they walked out of the room, fist bumping on the way out.


Word Count: 1173 (excluding this)

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