44 - Forty • Four

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"Aren't you... Going to go home?"

Adrien turned to Marinette. "Do you want me to go home, Marinette? Do you want me to be trapped in that... In that place?!"

"No, no, of course not!" Marinette laughed nervously. "But I'm going to my bakery. Don't you think your father will be worried about you?"

"I honestly don't even know what I'm doing anymore," Adrien admitted. "I know my father is going to be mad, but I also want to spend time with you. I mean, we are dating, are we not? He should accept it instead of showing disapproval to our relationship!"

Marinette stared at him with admiration. "That's... I agree with you. But maybe I can try to convince him, Adrien. You never know he might have a change of heart and approve of us."

"You can try," Adrien shrugged. "I'm not going to stop you."

Marinette blushed as she looked away, joy filling her heart at how Adrien was trying so hard just to be with her. It tempted her, to break the rules and go hang out with him; it tempted her to get him to try new foods, even the ones he wasn't supposed to eat, but she knew she couldn't. She didn't want to get Adrien into more trouble. Adrien might have said it wasn't her fault, but she felt that it was.

"Adrien, there you are!" Nathalie was walking towards the both of them. She didn't look too happy, but not too mad either. Marinette gulped as she refused to make eye contact with Nathalie.

"You found me!" Adrien exclaimed, walking over to her, but Marinette could sense a little bit of sadness in his voice.

"Wait, Nathalie!" Marinette grabbed the woman's arm, not meaning to. "Adrien and I really want to go out today. Don't you think-"

"Not a chance!" Nathalie growled. "Marinette, I really thought you were going to be different, I thought you were going to respect the rules of the Agreste! But no, instead you're just like every other girls who's trying to get to Adrien and make him break the rules. It's better if you stay away!"

Marinette froze at her words. It hurt a little, to hear her say that. Adrien muttered an apology and was quickly dragged away by Nathalie.

It doesn't look like I'm seeing Adrien any sooner!

Marinette was interrupted of her thoughts by Nathaniel, who was running over to her. Marinette didn't really expect to see him, but she quickly knew what the whole thing was going to be about.

"Alright, before you start speaking," Marinette stopped him, folding her arms, "yeah, the girls were totally cheating. Nathaniel, you're hanging out with the wrong friends. They're making you do bad things without you realizing it!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"Oh please," Marinette scoffed. "I know you've been their spy, always spying on me." Nathaniel looked surprised that she knew that. "Nathaniel, I could have gotten you into trouble as well, but I decided that maybe I should give you a chance to change."

"So it really was you that set the girls up," Nathaniel seemed to be accusing her, which made Marinette frown.

"Hey! They were going to set me up!" She tried to defend herself. "I caught them; they took the answer sheet and taped it under my desk. I only did what was right and took the sheet off my desk."

"And then you put the answers on their desks?!" Nathaniel didn't seem to be getting her. "I know they started it, but all you could have done was remove the answer sheet from your desk. You didn't have to frame them! That kinda makes you the bad person!"

Marinette glared at him. "I really thought you were going to change after what happened, but I guess not. Nathaniel, I did what I did for good purpose. No, not just for good purpose, but I did it for revenge. Now, you might go and tell this to the girls, about everything I just said, but I don't care. Nathaniel, you're making a mistake. I'm going to give you one last chance to change!"

Nathaniel backed away. "Marinette, you're being ridiculous. I know what Chloe and Lila did were bad things, but you don't have to get revenge. Revenge isn't going to solve anything."

"Actually, it is," Marinette smirked. "If I get revenge on them, they're going to know that they chose the wrong girl to mess with. So, I take it that you're not going to change."

Nathaniel didn't say anything.

"Alright then!" Marinette looked at him with disgust in her eyes. "You've decided. From now on Nathaniel, you're my enemy!" And she walked off.


Marinette realized - she was wasting time. No, not wasting time, but she was giving her enemies more time to try their plans on her. Marinette shook her head, knowing that was a bad thing now. She had had fun playing with them, breaking them and making them fall under her feet, but now it was time to start the real revenge.

Marinette took out her phone and read Ivan's message again, the message mentioning the plan on how to make Chloe and Lila hate each other. She smirked. Tomorrow, the girls were so going to get it.

M - Rose, I need your help.

R - okay, what is it? I'm always happy to help!

M - I'm going to be trying a new plan. I need all the help I can get. Do you think you can gather a few people from school trustworthy enough to help me?

R - gotcha. I'll get started right away!

M - thank you.

R - no problem!


Word Count: 949 (including this)

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