36 - Thirty • Six

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Even thought this was a new world for her; even though she started new, Marinette was still glad that Adrien had broken it off with Lila in her last life. Maybe Adrien, or Alya, or Nino, had told the police about what had happened, and then maybe Chloe and Lila got arrested in the end. Marinette wasn't sure, but after hearing Sabrina's story, she had a feeling that things didn't go so good for Chloe and Lila.

Sabrina looked down at the hand Marinette had left out. She then nodded, and took her hand. "Yes, I want to work with you, Marinette. I bet it would be easier, and we can be able to stop Chloe and Lila!"

"Actually," Marinette smiled. "We two aren't the only ones going to be taking those two girls down. Rose, Mylene, Ivan and Adrien are in on it as well. Soon I'm going to tell Alya and Nino."

"Wow, that's amazing!" Sabrina giggled, then suddenly she turned serious. "You know about the girls having a spy. I know who it is!"

Marinette widened her eyes. "I... That's great. Sabrina, who is it?!?!"

"It's Nathaniel!" Sabrina spoke, and Marinette frowned.

"Nathaniel?" She sure was surprised by this news. "He apologized to me. Pfft... I actually wanted to start believing that he meant it... I wanted to believe that he was on my side, yet he's going against me. I've never felt so betrayed in my new life!"

Sabrina nodded. "Listen, you might already know about Chloe and Lila's plan, but they're forming new plans that you wouldn't even know about. Since I'm on their side, at least as they think, I'm going to keep pretending that I'm on their sides so that I can find out more about their plans."

"That's an amazing plan, Sabrina," Marinette let out one last real smile as she stood up from the bench. "Honestly thank you so much for helping me." Sabrina nodded again, saying how she felt so glad to blurt everything out and not have to keep it a secret anymore.

Marinette took out her phone. She had realized how long they had been sitting here, but it had been about 30 minutes. Marinette scrolled through her messages, seeing a bunch of messages from Alya, Nino, Mylene and Rose, asking her if she was okay. But Adrien had sent her a bunch of messages, and reading them, Marinette could tell that he was really worried.

A - Marinette, are you still there?

A - I asked if you wanted me to call Sabrina. Do you want me to?

A - Marinette, you're not answering your phone. I'm really getting worried!

A - do you need help or something? Soon Nathalie is going to come to take my phone away, and I can't leave the mansion. Do you need me to make a call for someone to come get you?

A - Marinette?

Marinette felt really bad at how she hadn't answered her phone at all. She hoped Adrien hadn't been too worried, and she hoped he didn't think anything bad happened to her.

M - I'm sorry I didn't answer, Adrien. I was in the middle of doing something important. Hope you're doing great. Love ya. Bye!

Marinette blushed as she clicked send, and then she waved at Sabrina, before walking back to the bakery. She felt way better now after talking to Sabrina about everything.



"Marinette, where are you going?" Sabine looked up from her baking, turning to Marinette, who was rushing to get ready and leave the bakery.

"I have to go visit Adrien," Marinette exclaimed, grabbing her toothbrush and toothpaste. She ran to the bathroom and had it shut, before she put the paste on her toothbrush.

"Marinette," Sabine spoke outside the bathroom. "Our new helper for the bakery is going to be coming today so we can introduce him around. He's going to start his first day of work next week. I want you to meet him."

"Mfmffmfm..." Marinette spat in the sink. "Alright, I got it. After I visit Adrien, I'll come to meet him."

Marinette soon came out of the bathroom and grabbed a few pastries, stuffing them inside her mouth, before she rushed out of the bakery.

Adrien has to be okay! He has to be! It wasn't his fault, so he's got to be free to at least hang out today!

Marinette soon reached the Agreste household. She rang the bell of the gate, and waited for someone to pick up. But no one picked up. Instead Nathalie, Adrien and Gorilla were coming out of the mansion. Nathalie saw her first, and glared.

"Miss. Cheng, what do you think you're doing here?!" Nathalie growled. "I thought we made it clear that you weren't allowed to see Adrien any longer?!"

Marinette widened her eyes. "No way!" She yelled. "It wasn't Adrien's fault, okay? He can't be punished for something he didn't do!"

"Miss. Cheng..."

"Pease, just call me Marinette," Marinette interrupted. "I don't like being called by my last name!"

Nathalie glared at her. "Marinette... You're right when you say it isn't Adrien at fault, but he still ate those pastries, so he's got to be punished for it. But your punishment, for pushing him to eat those pastries and for allowing him to do so, is that you aren't allowed to see him anymore. So please, I would like it if you could leave!"

Marinette looked from Nathalie to Adrien. Adrien didn't say anything, and Marinette was starting to wonder if he even cared. Did he even want to see her anymore?!

"I.. Fine, I'll leave," She turned around to go, hoping that someone would call her back, but no one did. She sighed and continued walking as Adrien got into his limo with Nathalie and Gorilla.

Marinette returned back to the bakery and entered, feeling down. She didn't think going to visit Adrien was going to turn out like that. Why didn't Adrien even say anything?!

When she got inside, she heard another voice. Sabine walked up to her daughter. "Oh, you're back. Marinette, come, come. Come meet Charles!"


Word Count: 1022 (including this)


A/N: I've written all the chapters and finished this book, but the rest are in drafts for now. There are a total of 58 chapters, so we're getting there.

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