37 - Thirty - Seven

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Ugh! Why did it have to be another blonde?!

Marinette sighed as she shook hands with Charles. Charles was a bit younger than she had expected. She had expected Charles to be as old as her parents, but no, he was actually 20 years old, 3 years older than Marinette.

Marinette didn't have any dirt on Charles, but the way he looked sort of reminded Marinette about Adrien, and usually she would like that, but now she didn't. Maybe she just didn't want to think about him.

"Its nice to finally meet you, Marinette," Charles shook hands with her and Marinette nodded back. She wanted to look happy, but her feelings obviously weren't like that. Her smile couldn't appear on her face anymore.

"You look kind of upset. Anything wrong?" Charles seemed to notice, which wasn't what Marinette had wanted at all. "Does it have anything to do with me?"

"What?! No, no, no," Marinette sighed and took a seat. "It's great to have you here, Charles. It's just about my... Friend. Yeah, my friend. He's been ignoring me and I'm getting worried."

"Your friend? Hmm, was he the one you went to visit?" Charles took a seat next to her. "What happened between you two?"

"Uh, I... I don't feel comfortable talking about it," Marinette lied. She just didn't want to talk about it. "Anyway, I'll be in my room. Call me if you need anything." Marinette stood up and started walking to her room.

She took out her phone again. Nope! No new messages from Adrien, but there was one from Chloe. Marinette sighed and clicked on it.

C - hey, me, Sabrina and Lila are going to the mall. I wanted to invite you. Wanna come along?

M - yeah, sure I'll come. Can you come pick me up?

C - no probs. Will be there in a short while with my limo.

Marinette chuckled at her reply. To be honest, she didn't want to deal with Chloe and her minion, Lila, right now, but hey; why not have some fun while at it?


"And this one! Get me this on!" Chloe picked up a short blue 1- shoulder dress and drew it towards Jean. "Ooh, and I love these ones!" Next she had picked up a ball gown and Qui Pao dresses.

"I never knew you were interested in Qui Pao dresses," Marinette frowned. "They're my mom's favourite as well." She remembered her mother telling her about how she had met her dad while wearing a Qui Pao.

"Are you kidding?!" Chloe rolled her eyes as she grabbed another dress. "Every type of dress are my favourite, as long as they look totally awesome and new!"

"Yes, of course," Marinette didn't say anything else. She looked over towards Lila and Sabrina, who were busy looking at some female shoes. Wait, why was she here again?

"Oh yeah, I wanted to ask," Chloe turned her attention from the dresses to Marinette. "Who really locked you in that room yesterday? I know it couldn't have been an accident, so tell me!"

Marinette frowned. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm just worried about you, Marinette," Chloe sighed. "What if that person that locked you in does something more dangerous the next time? You could really get hurt!"

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