22 - Twenty • Two

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Chloe happily walked over to Lila, not knowing that Adrien was secretly and quietly following. Chloe reached over to Lila, who was talking to Nathaniel about how well he has done to fool Adrien, and tapped on her shoulder.

"Yes?" Lila turned around. Seeing Chloe's happy face, she instantly knew it was a good thing.

"So I was just walking inside the locker room, and guess what I found out?" Lila shook her head, telling her that she didn't know. "Adrien and Marinette are done!"

"Done, as in... Done, done?" Lila couldn't believe this. Her plan had really worked. She had been worrying that Marinette might find a way to get Adrien, but hearing this made her feel way better.

"Done," Chloe chuckled. "Adrien was yelling at Marinette, and he told her that they were done. Marinette looked so upset. Although this is good for you, Lila, it might take a while to get Marinette as our friend again. After all we need to be her friends to ruin her."

Lila nodded. "Don't worry. I already know how to win her back. Getting Marinette as our friend again will be no problem."

"So, for the Fun Fair, what do you have in mind?" Chloe asked, the two girls forgetting that Nathaniel was still there. Nathaniel took the chance and left the girls, a huge smile on his face about what he had just heard, but feeling a little guilty on the inside.

"Oh yes, the Fun Fair is tomorrow," Lila nodded. "I was thinking... Maybe we can frame her for something. Lots of people are going to be there; there will be some people from our class that will be bringing something. If we frame Marinette for stealing something, or anything else like that, I think it will work."

Chloe nodded. "We have to first make her closest friends go against her. We've already gotten Adrien, so he will he no problem. I personally feel like we need to break Alya and Marinette's friendship. I've told that girl multiple of times to not hang around her, yet she doesn't listen."

"Alya! Got it!" Lila nodded.

Once he felt that he had heard enough, Adrien left the scene, wanting to go find Marinette to tell her what he had just heard.


Marinette shut her locker and turned around to walk out of the locker room, when someone stopped her. She expected Adrien, but instead it was someone she didn't want to see at all.

"What do you want?!" She looked the other way, avoiding eye contact.

"Look, I know you're mad at me, and I'm sorry for what I did," Nathaniel sighed. He wasn't surprised that Marinette didn't even want to look at him. "I guess I got Lila's words in my head, which was absolutely a mistake."

"I'm just still wondering why you even did it in the first place!" Marinette huffed, folding her arms and waiting for Nathaniel to reply.

He opened his mouth to answer the question, but only air came out. Marinette walked past him, rolling her eyes. "Don't waste my time! I could be doing better things right now. How can I even be sure that you're not working for Lila?!"

Nathaniel frowned. "I thought you two were friends! She approached me, telling me that Adrien wasn't treating you right, and you were uncomfortable around him. She told me that you were being forced in a relationship, so I had to help her. I'm sorry I believed her!"

Marinette turned back around, surprised. "She told you all that?"

Nathaniel nodded. "Plus she...also promised me some art materials. Back then, it sounded so right to do what I did. She said she was only looking out for you."

Marinette couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Hey, next time don't believe what she says!"

"I won't," Nathaniel shook his head. "So, how are you and Adrien doing?"

Marinette don't know why, but she couldn't trust Nathaniel yet. She just had to test him and see if he was trustworthy enough. "We're done!"

"Oh, I'm...sorry to hear that," Marinette could sense a slight bit of happiness from his voice. She shook her head and walked out of the locker room. As soon as she did, she met you with Adrien, who looked a lot like he had huge news for her.

"You'll never guess what!" Adrien chuckled as he grabbed Marinette's hand and pulled her into a much private area. "Chloe and Lila are planning on breaking you and Alya apart... Then they're going to try to frame you at the Fun Fair."

Marinette wasn't surprised. Alya had been on the first list in her last life anyway. She remembered exactly how they had gotten Alya against her. Once they succeeded and got Alya against her, Nino, being in Alya's side, had gone against her as well.

"Alright, I have an idea," Marinette smiled. "I need someone to be watching Lila, Chloe and Sabrina, making sure to catch them on video, but the girls can never know." Adrien nodded. "Catching them on video would be the proof that they're lying."

"I think I can handle it," Adrien smiled.

Marinette frowned. "Actually... I was hoping Rose would do that. I mean..."

"Oh, right, I get it," Adrien sighed. Doing all of this, he had forgotten that he was only staying at the Fun Fair for two hours. " We need someone that would be there all the time to catch the girls on video. Nice thinking."

Marinette felt bad, but she gave him a small smile anyway. "I don't want the girls to ruin my time, because... I want to take my time and have fun with you. I know you're only staying for two hours, but I'll make sure you have fun during those two hours."

Adrien smiled and pulled her into a tight hug. "Thank you." Marinette just nodded back. When he released her from the hug, he had leaned in had gave her a small kiss on her lips. She had missed that, though they had done it more than once. She missed being together with him, even though they hadn't been driven apart for that long.

"Hey guys."

Marinette and Adrien froze at the voice. As they turned around, they saw Mylene walking towards them. "Have you guys seen Ivan?" She asked, looking around.

Marinette turned to Adrien, then back at Mylene. "No, we haven't." She was shaking... No one, besides her and Adrien, were supposed to know that they were still together. Mylene obviously saw everything, and she could tell Chloe, and Lila about what she saw.

Mylene gave Marinette a thumbs up. "I see it really worked for you, huh?"

Marinette gulped. It felt amazing to know what happened next in her life, but if she continued to change some certain parts of her life that happened before, then she would have no idea what would happen next. She really felt worried about Mylene knowing, though she knew that Mylene was now her friend.

Marinette gave the girl a small, weak smile and nodded. "Yes, it did. But... You have to keep this a secret." Sure, Mylene was her friend, but Marinette didn't feel that they were close enough to trust each other that much. Mylene nodded anyways, and started to walk away. Marinette could tell that a confused look was plastered on her face.

"Don't worry," Adrien held her hand. "I trust that she can keep the secret. You two are friends, right?"

"We're not close enough," Marinette muttered. If Mylene really did tell, then she knew that she had to come up with another plan. And fast!


Word Count: 1276 (excluding this)

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