16 - Sixteen

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Marinette was searching for the perfect dress that she wanted to wear for the date with Adrien. She didn't want it to be too fancy, but she didn't want it to be plain either.

She was looking through some when Alya called for her, telling her that she found a dress. Marinette wasted no time and ran to her best friend, looking at the dress Alya had found.

"Oh, it's absolutely amazing," Marinette nodded her head. "Its not too fancy and not too plain. Just my type. I want it, and I'll buy it." Marinette took the dress and eyed it.

"Is that what you're going to wear to your date?" A voice spoke behind her. Marinette twirled around to see Sabrina folding her arms. Sabrina, the least person she was expecting.

"First of all, how did you know about my date?" Marinette looked her up and down. "And second of all, what's wrong with this dress?"

Sabrina shook her head. "Nothing is wrong with the dress, and how I knew about your date? Lila told me. Told me that you stole her chances of being with Adrien."

Marinette was confused on why Sabrina was telling her all this. She was basically admitting that Lila and her were planning something big to take Marinette down. Sabrina rolled her eyes anyway, and started walking off, leaving Alya confused.

"What was her problem?" Alya asked.

Marinette shook her head as she returned back to her dress. "Don't even worry about it. Alright, have you picked your dress? It's time to go."

Alya nodded and followed Marinette to the back of the line to pay for their dresses. As they were waiting, Marinette noticed that Sabrina hadn't come alone. Chloe was also there, which wasn't surprising, because Chloe would be anywhere if it meant she could get new, nice clothes.

Marinette focused back on the line. Right now, or even during the date, she didn't want to think about Lila, Chloe or Sabrina. She just wanted to have a great time with Adrien, and this time, she would really make sure that nobody took her fun time away from her.


"Marinette, Adrien is here!" Sabine yelled from downstairs, making Marinette hurry up even faster.

She finally was able to zip up her dress and grab her pink purse, before she carefully headed downstairs. Just like Sabine had said, Adrien was already there, waiting for her.

"Wow... You look amazing." Marinette blushed at his words, wanting to look away so nobody could see her red face. In the background, Sabine and Tom were laughing to themselves, giving her a thumbs up and telling her to have a great time.

Adrien took her hand and they both headed out of the bakery, having Sabine and Tom wave at then like crazy

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Adrien took her hand and they both headed out of the bakery, having Sabine and Tom wave at then like crazy. Marinette and Adrien arrived at the limo that had been waiting for them, and they claimed inside.

"So, where are we going?" Marinette asked once again as she lifted her head up to face Adrien. She tried to ignore Nathalie, who gave her looks every now and then, as if she couldn't believe that they were both going on a date.

"I'm surprised you don't know about it," Adrien chuckled. "My man, Nino is also taking Alya there. I think you'll like it, don't worry."

Marinette smiled widely with no words. It was like nothing or no one could wipe the huge smile off her face. Adrien was being incredibly sweet, and she was glad she had taken the chance in this life. No regrets!

The limo then stopped and Marinette looked out the window. Nathalie came out and opened the door for them to climb out, and that's what they did. Marinette muttered a "thank you" to Nathalie, but the woman only hummed.

"So, you'll give us a call when you need a ride home, correct?" Nathalie turned to Adrien and asked, making sure she got it right. Adrien nodded, so she went inside the limo and Gorilla drove off.

Marinette looked around at where they were. It was some kind of party, but it was held outside. She could see people laughing, and dancing, people talking, chatting with each other without a care in the world. Marinette suddenly just wanted to go there and dance away with Adrien.

"Seems like Nino and Alya aren't here yet," Adrien said, checking his new watch. He then looked up at Marinette and took out his hand. "Shall we?"

Marinette smiled again and took his hand. "Yes, we shall." She felt all sort of feelings inside of her as they both walked towards the party; happy, excitement and thousands of other words that could describe how happy and excited she was.

"They're going to be holding all sort of activities here," Adrien explained as they both got some orange juice. "We can participate in them as partners." Marinette nodded, totally agreeing with what Adrien had just said.

"Alright! We will have different variety of activities. At the end, we'll give out the prizes for the teams that win each round." A man called out to everyone, getting their attention. "We're about to start our first activity. Get yourself and your partner ready if you want to participate."

Adrien turned to Marinette. "It's the wheelbarrow race. You wanna join?"

Marinette immediately nodded, as if she had been waiting for this moment her entire life. Well technically, she had been waiting her entire life to go on a date with Adrien, and finally here she was with him.

As people were getting ready, Alya and Nino showed up. They waved at Marinette and Adrien, before they went in ahead to find out what activity they were doing first.

"For the wheelbarrow race," The same man started explaining, "you'll have one person that will sit in the wheelbarrow, and another person that is going to be pushing it." The two already decided that Adrien was pushing. "Your goal is to push your wheelbarrow to the end. Whoever reaches to the end first, is the winner!"

Marinette was having so much fun right now as she got inside the wheelbarrow. She was a competitive person, of course. Well, actually in her last life, she was all nice, sweet and naive. But now... Now this was a new Marinette. This date was going to be epic.

The race was about to begin, and Marinette was all set for it, that is until she widened her eyes at the next three girls that entered the party.

What were they doing here?!


Word Count: 1089 (excluding this)

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