24 - Twenty • Four

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Marinette was walking away from the class when Chloe called out for her. When Marinette turned back, she saw Chloe and Lila running towards her, and quickly she clenched her fists, trying to show them that she was still mad about the whole thing.

"Marinette, please don't be mad at me," Lila stopped in front of her, a fake guilty look on her face. "I'm sorry... But I just really like Adrien so much, and I didn't think that Adrien was really perfect for you. I think the perfect guy for you is Nathaniel. You and him both love art and-"

"Who are you to tell me who's perfect for me?!" Marinette exclaimed. "You thought it would be a great idea to walk up to me and tell me that you like Adrien. Listen, if Adrien liked you, he would have asked you out instead!"

"Marinette, you don't get me. Adrien didn't get to know much about me because you were always in the way of that," Lila yelled. "If you gave me the chance, I would have totally shown him the kind of girl I was, but you didn't. You were keeping him to yourself."

"Lila, you're being selfish!" Marinette shot back, knowing that she wasn't going to lose this argument. "You want Adrien all to yourself, but have you always thought about how I felt? Have you always thought about my feelings as well? You're acting as if you're the only one who likes Adrien, you're acting as if you're the perfect girl for him when in reality, you're not! You're acting as if you deserve him when in reality, you don't deserve anyone! Lila, stop being so selfish and mean! You said we were best friends, you said it yourself, but yet you can't help being so jealous over me. You can't help secretly hoping that I lose Adrien, and you can't help feeling jealous towards me instead of happiness like a best friend is supposed to...!"

Lila wasn't sure on what to say after that. She couldn't utter a word. Finally Chloe took a step and spoke for her. "Marinette, stop being so mean! Sure, Lila did something wrong and selfish, but think about it! If Adrien really liked you, he would have believed you over Lila!"

"Lila paid Nathaniel to make Adrien believe it," Marinette yelled back, trying to find every possible ways to proof to Chloe that she was wrong.

"Nathaniel was just one person," Chloe held up a finger as she spoke. "If Adrien liked you, why didn't he ask another person? If he really liked you, then why would he believe Lila and Nathaniel over you?"

Marinette blinked, not sure on what to say to that. If her and Adrien had really stopped hanging out, then she would have known and admitted that Chloe was right. But she and Adrien were just faking, therefore she didn't feel upset at Chloe's words. Maybe she and Adrien hadn't acted enough for these girls to believe.

"Marinette, it's okay if you don't forgive me," Lila spoke. Marinette could see the smirk hidden in her sad smile. "But I hope we can become friends. I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship."

Marinette wasn't sure on what was going on in Lila's head. If I don't forgive you, what makes you think that I would want to be your friend again? She would have easily forgave Lila, because she was pretending to be her friend so that she could fool the girls. But she decided; forgiving Lila so quickly would have set the girls to be so suspicious of her. After all, no one would forgive so easily without an explanation.

Marinette sighed, taking a deep breath and letting it out. "You have to proof to me that you're worthy of being my friend again!" Chloe and Lila gasped, looking at each other and then back at Marinette. "I'm not going to forgive you so easily, so you have to show me that you really mean your apology!"

"I..." Lila wasn't sure on what to say to that, but she nodded anyways, quickly agreeing. "Sure! What do you want me to do?"

"I'll think about it," Marinette smirked, knowing that she got Lila. "Later on, once I've figured it out, I'll tell you what you need to do!" She turned around and started leaving, walking to the gym to go buy her ticket for the Fun Fair.

She just couldn't wait for the fun to start!


"And here are your pastries." Sabine smiled and she pointed at the bunch of pastries she and Tom had spent time making. "Your father and I will help you take them to the fair."

Marinette quickly embraced her mother in a hug. "Oh, thank you so much!" She definitely knew she could trust her parents, which brought her to wonder why she hadn't told them the truth yet.

Tom walked inside the bakery. "Alright, the car is all ready. We can start piling all the pastries and getting ready to go the Fun Fair."

Marinette smiled as she walked inside the kitchen with her parents. She had been so worked up about revenge that she hadn't even had time to spend with her parents. She was hoping the Fun Fair would be a great opportunity to spend time with them and show them her gratitude for everything they had done for her.

Marinette suddenly felt her phone buzz, and she asked for a leave, promising to come back soon. Walking out of the kitchen and up to her room, she took her phone right out of her pocket and checked the screen.

*One new message from Rose*

Marinette smiled and tapped on the message, remembering that Rose had a huge important job to do during the Fun Fair.

R - so, Adrien told me to bring my phone to the Fun Fair because I'll be needing it for some important job. He said that you would explain to me about what to do.

M - right. You're to use your phone to catch Lila, Chloe and Sabrina on video. You're to catch their every movements. I hope this wouldn't be too much trouble.

R - sure, I'll do it. But why?

M - the girls are planning on framing me at the Fun Fair, so if you catch them on video, it will be proof just in case people won't believe me.

R - makes sense. Alright, I'm all packed. I'll see you at the Fun Fair. Bye.

M - see you there. Bye.

Marinette smiled and started walking back down stairs after putting her phone back inside her pocket.

At least she was glad that there were people in this world that she could trust.


Word Count: 1119 (excluding this)

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