47 - Forty • Seven

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< Mylene >

It was fully morning now, about 7:30am. Chloe Bourgeois would have went home after hearing Sabrina out, but somehow she was stuck trying to look for her bag that oh, suddenly disappeared.

She was looking in the locker room for the fifth time. It was really tiring, having to look alone, and she would have asked Sabrina to help her, but Sabrina already left, and she couldn't find her.

Finally she looked up, seeing that students were now coming in the school. She started walking over to her class with determination to find her bag. I mean, she hadn't looked inside her bag for days, and her bag wasn't really all that important, but she had a secret book in there and whoever took her bag was going to pay!

She stepped inside the class, about 10 of the students already in class. "Alright!" She stood up in front, all eyes on her. "Who was it?! Who did it?!"

"Did what?" Kim frowned, pretending not to know. In his head, he was laughing at how epic this prank was going to turn out - Epic!

"Don't even pretend that you don't know!" Chloe accused. "My bag is missing. I have really important stuff in it, more important and expensive than anything you've ever bought. So if one of you jealous losers took my bag just to anger me, then you better give it back to me, before I call my Daddy!"

Half of the class groaned. Some people pretended they didn't hear Chloe as they went back to their conversations. Chloe clenched her fists. They had the nerves to ignore her.

"Eh, just saying Chloe," Mylene spoke. "I was passing by this room, and I saw a bag in there. Not sure if it was yours or not, but yeah."

"What room?!" Chloe asked.

"Room #206, I'm pretty sure," Mylene answered. She turned to Kim, giving him a warning that next was his turn. Kim nodded back at her.

"Ugh! Room #206, I'm coming for you, and for whoever dared to put my bag in there!" Chloe yelled as she exited the class. As soon as she did, Kim got out of his seat. He gave Mylene a thumbs up as he too left the class.

< Kim >

Kim was secretly following Chloe to the room. He had to be extra careful, because Chloe had looked back more than once, thinking that someone was following her.

The black key was clutched in Kim's hand. He had a smirk as he followed Chloe. He was actually taking this seriously. He wanted to see Chloe's face once she finds out that Lila had locked her in (not really, but that's what they were going to make her believe.)

Chloe then reached the room. She looked up at the room number, seeing that it was the exact number Mylene had given her. She pouted and walked inside, thinking about who could have put her bag in here.

She saw her bag at the other end of the room, by the corner. She sighed and started walking towards it. "Oh, who dared to take you and put you here?!" She cried out. She then unzipped her bag, and searched around in it.

She gasped. Her mouth felt dry as she felt around the bag once more. The book! The Book of Revenge was gone!

She was about to run out of the room, when suddenly the door banged shut. Chloe screamed and ran towards the door. She tried opening it, but to her luck, it was locked. She banged on the door, hoping that someone could hear her.

Whoever did this to her was going to pay!

< Ivan, Max >

Kim laughed at the good work he did. He was pretty sure Chloe didn't see him lock the door. Once he returned back to class, he walked over to Max and Ivan, and secretly handed them the black key without anyone watching.

Ivan and Max smirked once they heard that Lila was here. Sabrina, yet again, stood up and got ready to do her work again. At least, this wasn't part of the plan but she felt that if she didn't do this, then it was going to be hard for the boys to get the key in Lila's bag.

"Hey Lila," Sabrina walked up to her. Lila just waved and proceeded to walk to her seat, but Sabrina stopped her. She looked over at Ivan and Max, giving them a thumbs up, before she turned her attention back to Lila.

Lila didn't seem to notice the thumbs up Sabrina had given the boys. She looked tired, actually. "What's up, Sabrina? Got anything important to tell me?" If Mr. Bourgeois hadn't come to her rescue, she wouldn't be here back in school. Chloe had insisted that she come to school, so they could work more on their plan. Honestly she wanted to say no, but then her mind was brought to Adrien and she had instantly said yes.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I actually do have something important to tell you," Sabrina nodded, "but I can't tell you here. Too many ears in this room that can easily hear our conversation. Let's go to the locker room. Oh, leave your bag here, you wouldn't need it."

Lila nodded as she placed her bag on her desk, before she followed Sabrina out the door.

Ivan and Max frowned. "Well... That was fairly easy," Ivan cracked up as he stood up and started walking up to Lila's bag.

"What can I say?" Max shrugged. "She's stupid, after all."

"Damn right, she is," Ivan laughed. When no one was watching, he placed the key in Lila's bag, before he walked back to his seat.

< Rose >

"Hey Rose," Max stood up and walked over to her. "So how's the letter going?"

Rose sighed. "Why don't you ask the five pieces of papers I've thrown away so far."

Max took a seat right next to her. "But you're wasting paper. Here, I'll help you. What are you stuck on?"

"I mean, I know what to write... I just don't know how to," Rose muttered, staring down at the paper she had in front of her. "What do I start with?! How do I end it?! What if I forget to sign Lila's name?!"

"It's okay," Max patted her back with a smile. "Start off by writing down how much Lila hates how Chloe bosses her around. I mean, Chloe does boss Lila around pretty often, that's sure one thing I've noticed about their friendship."

"Hmm," Rose thought about it, before she nodded. Soon she was scribbling down on the paper, making sure to write just as neatly.

"Alright now," Max began talking again once Rose was done with one paragraph. "Write about how much Lila wants to have her own freedom, become the boss of the group. Write down how she feels angry towards Chloe because Chloe doesn't care about her thoughts. About how Lila wished she had everything Chloe had, about how she wished she was the boss, and to become the boss, you have to defeat the boss."

"Max, you're really good at this," Rose exclaimed in admiration. "The whole thing, it would make sense and go well with everything that's happening."

"They don't call me a genius for nothing," Max laughed. "By the way you should hurry; I feel like Lila and Sabrina are going to come back soon."

So Rose hurried up, writing down on the paper.


Word Count: 1253 (excluding this)

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