54 • Fifty Four

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"You want to... Help me?" Lila still couldn't believe her ears. "Well, how can I be sure that I trust you? I don't want to make any more mistakes."

"You still don't trust me? I told Nathalie off and got Gorilla to drive us here just for you," Adrien gave her an upset look, turning away. "Never mind then, I'll just get revenge on my own! Marinette deserves it anyway for the way she treated me."

"No, wait!" Lila grabbed his arm before he could walk away. "I... I trust you! Adrien, with you help, my plan will be killer!"

"Oh," Adrien turned back to her. "What do you have in mind then, Lila? I have a few ideas if you want."

"Adrien, first things first, we need to get your father to fire Marinette from her designing job," Lila grinned. "I want you to get your father to make me the new designer. Marinette and Chloe will be so triggered."

"But Lila, you didn't even participate in the competition. I'm sorry but getting you that spot is going to be impossible," Adrien shrugged. "Anyway, why don't you tell me the idea you got."

"The plans Chloe and I came up with weren't so bad, and I came up with some great ideas as well, so I decided to mix both plans up," Lila smirked. "Chloe and I planned on taking everyone and everything away from Marinette, starting with Alya. As you can see, we didn't start on the plan for some reason... But I decided to start now!"

"And who's helping you? Are you working alone?"

"What kind of a question is that, Adrien?!" Lila turned away. "After what happened with Chloe and Sabrina, I'm working along, well at least was planning to until you came along. See, if I worked with my friends, obviously Marinette is going to try to find a way to get my friends against me!"

"See, this is why I like you. You're so smart. Way smarter than Marinette could ever be," Adrien laughed.

Lila shrugged. "It's called learning from your mistakes! I'm definitely not letting Marinette win after what she did to me!"

"So, what other plans do you have?"

"Simple! I'm going to make Marinette suffer!" Lila smirked. "I'm going to make her pay. I'm going to make her receive 100 times more of the pain she gave to me! You're going to join me, right Adrien?"

"Yeah... Of course," Adrien looked away. "Anyway, I'm going to call Nathalie to come with the limo. Need a ride?"

"Sure," Lila smirked. "I'm never going to miss the chance to ride in your limo, Adrien, so you can always count me in."

"Yeah, of course."


"Alright, we've reached the Rossi household," Nathalie muttered. "You can get off now."

"Then open the door for me! How do you expect me to leave the limo if the door is closed?!" Lila snapped.

"Maybe you could use those things called hands and open the door yourself!" Nathalie shot back. "I don't really like your attitude, Miss. Rossi. Next time, you can walk!"

"Excuse me, but the last time I remembered, you didn't own this limo!" Lila folded her arms. "I'm Adrien's girlfriend. I'm an Agreste, so whatever I say, you do! Now, get off your lazy butt and open the door for me!"

"Sorry, I don't follow the orders of a brat!" Nathalie rolled her eyes.

"Adrien, your maid is being a sick brat. I thought she was supposed to do whatever I want! Tell her!" Lila snapped her head towards Adrien.

"I am not a maid!" Nathalie turned her head back to Lila. "And I'm definitely not your maid!"

"Alright, alright, you two stop!" Adrien groaned. He reached for the handle of the door and pushed it opened, allowing Lila to get off the limo.

"Alright, I'll see you later, Adrien," Lila changed her angry look into a sweet smile. She leaned closer to Adrien, expecting a kiss, except instead Adrien pushed her away and closed the door.

"Gorilla, drive!" Adrien waved at Lila, muttering an apology to her before he looked down.

"Adrien I am really disappointed in you!" Nathalie gritted her teeth. "You went from a bad girlfriend to the worst girlfriend. What is even wrong with you?!"

"Nathalie... Why do you hate Marinette so much?" Adrien looked up, facing her.

"I never said I hated her... She's just... Not good enough for you," Nathalie sighed. "Listen, I'm only trying to do the best..."

"It's not working Nathalie. You're only ruining me," Adrien said, making Nathalie frowned. "Listen, it wasn't Marinette's fault that I ate those pastries. I decided to eat them. It was my fault!"

"Adrien, why are we talking about Marinette?! I mean, not that I'm complaining, but isn't Lila supposed to be your girlfriend?"

"No... She's not," Adrien muttered. He took a deep breath, letting it out.

"So... Why does she think she's your girlfriend?"

"I'm making her believe that she is," Adrien shrugged. "It's just a little something Marinette and I came up with. Marinette.. Is still my girlfriend in fact. Marinette decided that maybe the best way to take Lila down was break her completely. I'm what she wants, so if I pretend to be her boyfriend, I'll break it off with her later on and tell her that I was just faking it."

"I know it's Lila, but wow... That's a little too harsh," Nathalie mumbled.

"You don't even know half of the things she's done. I just want her to stop once and for all," Adrien shrugged. "I don't want my girlfriend to wake up every morning and start worrying about Lila going to pull a stunt on her."

Nathalie let out a small sigh. "You. . You really care that much for her... That you would pretend to be Lila's boyfriend and go through being so annoyed by her."

Adrien nodded with a small smile. "Yeah."

The limo ride ended, and when Adrien looked out the window, he realized that they were home.

"Adrien, I understand now. I'm sorry if I was being harsh on you both," Nathalie stepped out of the limo, opening the door for him. "If you want, I can even apologize to Marinette face to face."

Adrien chuckled as he stepped out. "That's okay. I'm just glad you get it."


Word Count: 1057 (excluding this)

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