23 - Twenty • Three

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It was the day of the Fun Fair, but not time yet. There were still classes today, and the Fun Fair began at 4:15pm up to 8:45pm. This was the last class of the day. As she wrote in her notebook, Marinette couldn't help being nervous and excited at once. She could feel her hands shaking every now and then.

In the morning, at the beginning of class, Adrien had glared at Marinette while she walked inside class. Marinette could see Chloe and Lila smirk at that, and she couldn't help being proud that Adrien was such a great actor. But as she walked to her seat, she turned to Mylene, who had frowned at what Adrien had just done.

Mylene had wrote something on a piece of paper, folded it and threw it towards Marinette when the teacher wasn't looking. Marinette had nervously picked and folded the paper, then read.

"Is there anything going on between you and Adrien? You two seemed so fine yesterday, why is he giving you such a mean look now?"

Marinette shuddered as she thought about the note some more. This had happened in the morning, and now it was the afternoon. Marinette still hadn't replied to Mylene, and she could feel Mylene looking at her every now and then.

"Alright class," The teacher shut her book closed and looked up at the class. "Times up. Please close your test papers and drop your pencils. I'll be coming to pick the papers up."

Marinette closed the paper and dropped her pencil. While the teacher collected the papers from the front row, Mylene took the chance and threw Marinette another paper. What frightened Marinette was that Chloe had turned and saw.

Chloe sent her a confused look, but Marinette just smiled at her before she picked up the note. She crumbled it as the teacher walked up to her desk and took her test paper. Once she felt that she was absolutely okay to, she looked at the paper after unfolding it, and read again.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me. But I just wanted to say that whatever is hard for you to say to me, you can trust me with it."

Marinette sighed. She had actually thought about this... She had thought about telling Mylene the truth, but she knew she couldn't just yet. After all, she hadn't even told Alya, and Alya was her best friend.

"I just want to say that you all did well during the test," The teacher smiled as she headed back to her desk. "Also, another announcement... If you want a ticket, you can head to the gym right after class. It's better to get your tickets now than later."

Marinette had almost forgotten. She had been so worried and caught up with her own little plan that she forgot she needed a ticket for the fair.

The bell rang and quickly the students stood up, packing their bags and preparing to leave and get ready for the Fun Fair. Marinette stuffed her notebook and pen inside her bag, before turning to Alya.

"So, what are you going to do now? It was 3:30pm now. They had about 30 more minutes before heading to the Fun Fair.

"Nino and I are going together," Alya gave her a small smile. "Hey, you can go with Adrien if you want. We'll meet you two up at the Fun Fair. Nino and I are heading there early."

Marinette nodded in understanding. The Fun Fair was exactly the time Nino maned up and asked Alya to be his girlfriend. She totally understood that the two couple needed a time of their own.

"It's a good thing you're not going with Marinette then!" Chloe walked up to the both of them. "Marinette is going to go with me and Lila. Right, Marinette?"

Marinette frowned. She wanted to act pitiful now. "I don't know if I can go with you guys. Don't forget that it was Lila who ruined my relationship with Adrien!"

"What?!" Alya gave her a shocked look. "You and Adrien are done?!" She made sure to not say it out loud, in case anyone was listening to them.

"Oh come on," Chloe rolled her eyes as if it wasn't a big deal. "Lila did that, so what?! I don't think you should let that come in between our friendship. Besides, Lila must have done that to protect you. Maybe she felt that Adrien wasn't the best guy for you."

Marinette glared at her. "No, you know perfectly well that Lila did that to get Adrien to herself." She promised herself not to get mad, that Adrien and her were still together and was just acting. She promised herself that she would get though these girls, but she suddenly felt anger boil inside of her. Chloe had no right to say what she just said. She had no right to be on Lila's side and act as if Lila did something amazing.

"Marinette, you should let it go," Chloe sighed. "I know Lila, and she would never hurt you."

"Chloe, I also know Lila!" Marinette exclaimed. "And she's an awful girl! Period!" She grabbed her bags and walked past Chloe, making sure to give Lila a glare on the way out.

She messed up, she knew that. She was supposed to be great friends with the girls, to get to know them better, to be close to them, just so she could ruin them. She knew all their plans, but she wanted to make them believe that she was stupid and naive. She wanted to pretend to be such a great friend, and what she did back there was not part of the plan.

Mylene then came out of the class and walked up to her. Marinette sighed and looked away, avoiding eye contact with her.

"Marinette, listen," Mylene spoke. "Whatever Lila did, I'm sure it was awful, but I don't believe that it was big enough to make Adrien hate you."

"What are you trying to say?" Marinette asked without facing her.

"You and Adrien are hiding something," Mylene said again, making Marinette turn around to face her this time. "I know you two are. If Lila did something, Adrien would have talked to you about it, and hear your side of story. I'm sorry but Adrien isn't the kind of guy who would believe another girl over his own girlfriend."

Marinette blushed. "I'm not his girlfriend... And we are really done, Mylene. Don't think about it."

"No, you're lying to me!" Mylene exclaimed. "I know you are. I said that you didn't have to tell me what was going on, but I don't like the fact that you're lying to me. Besides, if what you're saying is really true, then... Why did you ask me to keep the secret earlier?"

Marinette turned around again. She remembered having Mylene catch her and Adrien kissing, she remembered telling her to keep it a secret. Now she knew that Mylene had really got her.

"Fine! Adrien and I are still together!" Right now she didn't know what to do but tell Mylene the truth. She would tell Mylene the truth, but not the whole truth. "We're just trying to fool Chloe and Lila for revenge."

Mylene didn't need to hear a reason. Her eyes sparkled and she held her hands together. "Can I help? I've always wanted to get revenge on Chloe, and I feel that now is the perfect opportunity."

Marinette wasn't sure, but she knew Mylene would come in handy, after all she was very good friends with Rose. Marinette nodded her head. "Sure, you can help." Maybe if she felt comfortable enough, she would tell Mylene about the whole truth.


Word Count: 1297 (excluding this)

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