56 - Fifty • Six

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< Next Day, Last Period >

"So... When are you finally breaking up with Lila?" Nino whispered at Adrien. "It's today, right?"

Adrien nodded. "Right after school. I'm going to make sure there's a crowd, and tell her the whole truth."

"Well, I know exactly how you should do it," Nino chuckled. "Get Marinette there as well. Go up to her and kiss her, leaving Lila to wonder why you did that. Make her look like the other woman."

"I don't have time make her look like the other woman," Adrien took his pen out from his bag. "She already is!"

"True," Nino nodded. More students walked inside the class. Marinette finally walked inside, leaving Nino to go back to his spot, and Marinette to sit right next to Adrien. Lila then walked in 2 minutes after that. She gave Adrien a wink, Marinette a glare, before she finally took her seat on the other side.

Marinette took out a piece of paper with a pen, writing down on it. So, today is the day. How do you plan on doing it?Remember, whatever you do, it has to hurt her! She shifted the paper over to Adrien for him to read.

Adrien read what was said on the paper, before he replied back to her, writing on the paper as well, before he sent it to Marinette.

Nino suggested that I walk over to you and kiss you, then tell Lila the whole truth while making her look like a fool.

Marinette laughed at what he wrote. Miss Bustier then got her class's attention. "Alright, I'll take attendance and we'll start the math test."

The class quieted down. When Miss Bustier called their names, they yelled out "here," making the teacher move on. Finally Miss Bustier was done, and she took out the pile of test papers.

"Marinette, will you help me pass these papers out to everyone?"

"Sure." Marinette stood up and headed over to Miss Bustier, collecting the papers from her. She then went through the front row, giving the tests to Adrien, herself, Nathaniel, Marc and Lila. When she walked over to Lila, Lila sneakily passed her a paper with a smirk.

Marinette took the paper and moved on to the next row. When she was done, she took her seat and grabbed her pen. She then slowly unfolded the paper Lila had given her while Miss Bustier explained that they were starting in 5 seconds.

Good luck. You're going to need it. Adrien and I studied for the math test together. Who did you study with? No one? Just to tell you, Adrien and I are going out today. Feeling jealous. I bet you are.

Marinette rolled her eyes. Did Lila really waste her time writing this? She chuckled to herself as she started her test, so as everyone else.

The population of a country increased by an average of 2% per year from 2000 to 2003. If the population of this country was 2 000 000 on December 31, 2003, then the population of this country on January 1, 2000, to the nearest thousand would have been:
A. 1 846 000
B. 1 852 000
C. 1 000 000
D. 1 500 000

As Marinette answered the question, she could tell Lila had her eyes on her. She tried to focus, trying hard not to look back at Lila. At first it wasn't easy, because Marinette so bad wanted to give her a glare, but then she got the hang of it. Lila was just wasting her time, and in the end she wouldn't be able to answer all questions as intended.

If Log 4 (x) = 12, then log 2 (x / 4) is equal to? 
A. 11
B. 48
C. -12
D. 22

Marinette moved on to the next question, answering it quickly as it was easy. Most of the questions on here were pretty easy, but some were hard as well. Well, that's what tests do to you.


"Alright, I would love for everyone of you to place your pens down," Miss Bustier spoke. Marinette placed her pen down, so as everyone else. "Now, I'll come by and collect the papers."

Marinette took a deep breath as Miss Bustier came over and took her paper. She looked over at Lila, who was looking so unsure as she stared down at her paper. Once she caught Marinette looking over at her, Lila gave her a fake smirk and looked away quickly.

The bell rang and students started filing out of classrooms. Marinette stood up, walking out of class with Alya and Nino.

"Ugh, I'm so glad that's over," Nino had a look of relief on his face. "Actually, I think I did pretty good. Though, I wasn't so sure of the last one. I think that's the only question I got wrong."

"Well hey, at least now we get to go home," Marinette stretched her arms as they walked inside the locker room.

"Yes, we get to go home after we witness some drama," Alya smirked, and quickly both Nino and Marinette knew what she meant.

Nino grabbed his bag from his locker, before they headed out of the school. Marinette could already see Adrien and Lila outside, talking. When I say talking, I mean Lila trying to lean in for a kiss most of the time.

Adrien then noticed Marinette, looking at him. Lila noticed as well, and sent Marinette a smirk. Marinette only smirked back.

Lila, it's time we finally end you!


Word Count: 924 (including this)

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