14 - Fourteen

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As Marinette was walking to class, she bumped into Rose. "Ah, Rose, just exactly the girl I wanted to talk to!" She smiled as she pulled Rose aside. "So... Have you thought about it?"

Rose sighed. "I have, but... See, there's a part or me that believes you, and then there's a part of me that don't."

"Hey, that's okay, I just need help, that's all," Marinette shrugged. After her sleep over with Chloe and Lila, she had made a plan never to sleep there with them anymore. It was weird to sleep in the same room as your enemies, but at least she got some juicy thing out it.

"Alright, what do you need help with?" Rose looked up at her. Marinette smiled.

"I'll tell you when I need you, alright?" Rose nodded, so Marinette started heading back to class while Rose went to the bathroom.

When she walked inside, Three days until the Fun Fair was written on the board. Marinette looked over at Chloe and Lila, who smiled at her, and she simply gave them one of her fake smiles too, before going to sit with Alya.

Adrien walked in, and immediately Lila stood up from her seat and walked up to him. "Hey Adrien. See, my desk mate has been sick for a while, and who knows how long he would be sick for," She said, referring to Nathaniel, who sat next to her. "I feel so lonely, so I asked the teacher and she said I could ask anyone to sit next to me as long as they agree. So... What do you say?"

"Adrien should keep his spot!" Marinette yelled out. Because she hadn't been close to Adrien in her last life, she hadn't said anything and Adrien had agreed to sit with Lila. She realized... In her last life, she had been basically giving Lila the chance to get closer to Adrien.

"What was that, Marinette?" Lila turned to her with a smile, which Marinette very well knew it was fake. "I just feel lonely. Nathaniel hasn't been here for like, two days."

"I'm just looking out for Adrien," Marinette explained. "He needs to focus, and if he sits down next to you, he would be very much distracted by you. You would probably be talking to him a lot when he wants peace and quiet."

"Actually Marinette is right." Nah, Marinette made no sense, but Adrien just didn't want to sit next to Lila. "Nino is fine with me. He knows when to quiet down whenever I don't even say it to him."

"I can be like that too!" Lila gritted her teeth. She looked back at Marinette, who had a smile on her face. "Fine, sit there!" Lila rolled her eyes and headed back to her seat.

"Besides," Marinette spoke aloud. "Here comes Nathaniel." As soon as she said it, Nathaniel walked inside the classroom, holding his sketchbook under on arm and a pencil on his ear. He walked and sat down next to Lila, who was trying to stay calm but just couldn't.

After class, Marinette walked up to Lila. "Omg Lila, hear me out. I don't know what I did back there, but I am so sorry. I just didn't want Adrien to be distracted...by your beauty." 

Lila looked surprised that Marinette said that, but she smirked. "It's okay, Marinette. I understand how sorry you are." She swung her hair the other way. "So, you really think Adrien would have gotten distracted by my beauty?" Marinette quickly nodded. "Marinette, why are you saying that?" Lila laughed. "I mean, don't you also like him?"

"Listen Lila, you misunderstood," Marinette sighed. "I was just messing with you to scare you. I don't actually like Adrien. He's just a friend."

"Oh," Lila did feel a little glad hearing that come out of Marinette's own mouth, but she also didn't know if she believed those words. She then raised her phone up in the air. "I recorded what you just said. So, if I send the recording to Adrien, you wouldn't mind, right?"

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind, but why would you send it to him?" Marinette frowned. To be honest, she never expected Lila to be recording her words, but she was already prepared with a solution. "Why? Do you think Adrien likes me?"

"What, no. I.. I mean, I think he likes you, but as a friend," Lila quickly added. "But when it comes to me, I bet he would be head over heels."

Marinette nodded. "I gotta go!" As she walked away from Lila she rolled her eyes and laughed to herself. Lila actually believed that Adrien would be distracted by her beauty? Wow, she needed a smarter brain.

Finally Marinette found who she was looking for. She walked up to Adrien as quick as she could and pulled him away from the people he was talking to, though she knew that was a bit rude.

"Marinette, I was actually meaning to talk to you," Adrien smiled at her. She nodded, allowing him to continue. "I wanted to ask if you-" Then his phone dinged.

Marinette quickly knew that Lila had really sent the recording to Adrien. She quickly took the phone out of Adrien's hand. "Why don't you ask me your question first?" She turned the phone on and looked to see that she was really right about Lila and the recording.

"Uh... Well," Adrien took his phone back. "Are you free tonight?"

Marinette froze. "Are you... Asking me out...?" Marinette you stupid, why would you ask him that?! It would be so embarrassing if he said no.

She then widened her eyes when she saw Lila walk inside the room.

"Yeah... I am asking you out," Adrien looked down with a blushing face and a smile. Lila froze in her spot when she heard what he just said.

"Well then..." Marinette smirked, seeing Lila's both confused, angry, upset and jealous face. She knew this time, she had totally broken Lila, but more were yet to come.

"I would love to go on a date with you."


Word Count: 1018 (excluding this)


I have this book up to Chapter 27, yet I'm doing slow update. Alright, from now on, I'll be doing two updates at a time. Yay!!!

Also, can someone make me a better cover for "The New Hawk Moth"? Thx. It will be very much appreciated!!

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