55 - Fifty • Five

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"Alright everyone, please take your seat," Miss Bustier said to the class as she walked up to the front.

Marinette took a seat right next to Adrien. Since Lila wasn't in their class anymore, it meant they were safe to stop hating on each other.

Or were they?

Suddenly the door opened, and Lila walked in. Some people rolled their eyes, others wondered why she was even here. Even Miss Bustier was surprised to see her here, in her class.

Lila walked up to the front. "Sorry to be disrupting your class, Miss Bustier, but I've spoken with Mr. D, and he agreed to let me return to my old class," She smiled at everyone as some people groaned.

"Why did you come back?!" Kim yelled out, asking the question that was on everyone's minds.

"I realized... I shouldn't just change class because of two girls," Lila sent a glare towards Marinette and Chloe, "... After all I have someone I want to be close to."

Marinette looked down. Her plan was working... Too damn well. Did Lila had something up her sleeve?

"Well, okay then," Miss Bustier spoke, surprised as everyone else. "Well, as you can see, we changed our seats, and the only spot available for you is the empty seat in the front.

Lila looked at the empty seat, realizing that she was going to be sitting alone. She then looked over at Marinette and Adrien, smirked and headed to her new seat.

She must think that because me and Adrien "broke up", she doesn't have to worry anymore. Boy, is she wrong!

"Well then," Miss Bustier cleared her throat. "Let's get started. Anyway, just to tell you all, the math test is tomorrow. I hope you students studied hard for it."

Marinette zoned out as Miss Bustier continued to talk. A lot were on her mind now, and no matter how hard she tried to clear her mind, she couldn't. A lot of questions were popping on her mind suddenly.

Maybe I should have just taken Alya's advice and took a day off from school.

Marinette blinked at the paper right in front of her. Omg my head hurts.

"Marinette, are you okay?" She heard someone ask. She didn't reply; instead she felt her eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

"Marinette, answer me if you're okay!"



Marinette groaned as she rolled to her side. Finally she opened her eyes as eight more eyes stared back at her.

"She's awake," She heard Alya say. Alya sighed in relief as she walked over to her best friend. "Marinette, how are you feeling now?"

"What happened?" Marinette groaned again, this time her eyesight getting more clear. She looked at the four people that were there; Alya, Nino, Adrien, and of course Lila.

"You suddenly passed out," Lila replied.

"And why are you here?!" Marinette blurted. "I thought we were enemies now. Enemies don't care for each other!"

"Marinette, I never said I was here because I cared," Lila glared at her. "Adrien is here, so why can't I be here?! After all Adrien is your ex now."

𝑅𝑒𝒷𝑜𝓇𝓃 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝑅𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝑔𝑒Where stories live. Discover now